Movie Biz: Doug Liman Is in Final Talks to Direct Channing Tatum in Gambit


Rising Star
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Doug Liman Is in Final Talks to Direct Channing Tatum in Gambit

The production of Gambit has had a rocky gestation, struggling to find a director before landing on Planet of the Apes' Rupert Wyatt, who would go on to drop out. Then, it looked as though their star Channing Tatum might drop out, too (but don't worry! He's still in!).

Now THR reports that Doug Liman is in final talks to take the reins. He knows his way around an action film (also, troubled productions) having made The Bourne Identity, The Edge of Tomorrow, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. So, let's woo Rogue and get this show on the road, eh, mon ami?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt="triple facepalm" /></a><br /><a target='_blank' href=''></a><br /><br />


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You know i'm not even the type to shit on a casting or a movie before its even made.....but eveyrone know sdamn well this will not only flop but it will be terrible. Channing Tatum and his people should be smarter then this. They know this will be bad for his career. No one wants to see a Gambit movie headlined by Channing Tatum.

Best movie/role I ever seen Tatum in was Public Enemies when he was in there for 4 seconds and didn't say a word and was killed off screen. His best role to date.


Rising Star
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<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt="triple facepalm" /></a><br /><a target='_blank' href=''></a><br /><br />



Rising Star
OG Investor
Gambit is a supporting character, not a lead. He shouldn't have a standalone movie, he should be firing off one liners at Rogue in an X-Men movie.

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
I keep hoping that this gets cancelled.
It's not that I don't like Gambit, because I do.
I'm just afraid Fox is going to rush thru the backstory and make a piece of shit that nobody wants to see.
Directors keep dropping off the project before anything even gets going. That is not a good sign.
That means either there's a script already and it sucks, OR the studio is micromanaging directors again due to the Fantastic Four fiasco and directors don't want to deal with that shit.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Another starring role cast in “Gambit”! -Big Eyes
Published at: Nov. 21, 2017, 3:12 p.m. CST by Big Eyes


Big Eyes here, on a gambit!

What’s shaking, geeks? We got some more tasty info on the upcoming “Gambit” flick, a female lead has been cast! Emmy award winner Lizzy Caplan will be taking on the role of… who knows, they’re barely giving us anything else beyond that. Not even a hint at the plot (Boo!). Caplan is known for her work in “The Interview”, “Mean Girls” and a handful of other cool flicks. Seems like she hangs with James Franco a lot in the movies.


What we did already know about “Gambit” was that Channing Tatum has been cast in the lead male role as Gambit himself. Gore Verbinski is directing, and Reid Carolin is penning the script.

If you guys recall my previous “Gambit” announcement (It’s okay if you don’t!), I was kinda fangirling it up hoping that Rogue was going to be in this movie. Caplan is, in my opinion, “too small” to be Rogue. In the same way, I find Channing Tatum “too big” for the role of Gambit. These are my views, but I’m always open to seeing just how that has been set to play out. Either way, at the very least I expect that they give us a decent Gambit origin story!

“Gambit” is currently set to release in 2019.