Music: Keri Hilson is Back on IG says She’s Done With Rappers & Athletes; Wants a Godly loyal man


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have a family member that used to date Micheal Finley before she got with her current husband. She keeps it real. Just cause a cat has money and looks good doesn’t make him a good partner. No disrespect to Finley, but she admits that she was looking for the wrong shit.

I wonder what was she looking for?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Lol dafuq man
I'm just being honest...that bitch would get a second chance from much as I hate to admit. I would be salty as fuck, but she would get another shot...kinda like the chick on worldstar when the 2 NY cats put her on blast in front of her building. Nigga was hurt but still holding on...and the other dude slid right in the door behind her, after talking mad shit he still went in

And that bitch ain't even on Keri's level


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wonder what was she looking for?
A nigga who can:

1. Throw down on the grill.
2. Go to the store when mama run out of aluminum foil the day before Thanksgiving.
3. Come back with Aluminum foil and alcohol.
4. Know your mama got a drinking problem but buy her that Seagrams she like anyway.
5. Know your daddy got a drinking problem but come back with them Kool 100’s anyway.
6. Let your niece, who is a stripper, take his car to go buy some weed, but he don’t smoke.
7. ....I could go on, but my allergies are acting up...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm just being honest...that bitch would get a second chance from much as I hate to admit. I would be salty as fuck, but she would get another shot...kinda like the chick on worldstar when the 2 NY cats put her on blast in front of her building. Nigga was hurt but still holding on...and the other dude slid right in the door behind her, after talking mad shit he still went in

And that bitch ain't even on Keri's level

You should start washing your clothes with this.

Hopefully it rubs off on you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A nigga who can:

1. Throw down on the grill.
2. Go to the store when mama run out of aluminum foil the day before Thanksgiving.
3. Come back with Aluminum foil and alcohol.
4. Know your mama got a drinking problem but buy her that Seagrams she like anyway.
5. Know your daddy got a drinking problem but come back with them Kool 100’s anyway.
6. Let your niece, who is a stripper, take his car to go buy some weed, but he don’t smoke.
7. ....I could go on, but my allergies are acting up...

She thought about all of that when she saw his face huh? :roflmao2:


Rising Star
Oh dear no, not Keri. She's a good wholesome girl who just can't find Mr. Right even tho she's in her mid 30's. I don't believe for one minute a woman like her would mess with a hood dude :rolleyes:
bro she is pushing 40 soon i think she is past the hood dude phase lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Financial security for a black man in america is an oxymoron. Syntax error. No such thing. A black woman recognizes that, a girl, not so much. Not coming at you, but Hilson has come to the realization that a lot of hyper exposed black women have come to. You need a real one.

Unless a woman has money, a woman will always be instantly attracted to a man who has money. You can call them “Little Girls” or whatever you like.

Keri’s in a position where they have money and she has money. Once you’re both at that level, then you’re see if you’re truly compatible.

Maybe the men see that she’s nothing but looks, or maybe the relationships just don’t work out like many others.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Unless a woman has money, a woman will always be instantly attracted to a man who has money. You can call them “Little Girls” or whatever you like.

Keri’s in a position where they have money and she has money. Once you’re both at that level, then you’re see if you’re truly compatible.

Maybe the men see that she’s nothing but looks, or maybe the relationships just don’t work out like many others.
Money is a tool. A girl wants money so she can buy trinkets and hair weaves. A woman wants money to buy a steak to cook for her husband and pay for her children’s AAU/gymanastics/private school. Once you lock that down you good.

I still wanna give Keri the dick though!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Money is a tool. A girl wants money so she can buy trinkets and hair weaves. A woman wants money to buy a steak to cook for her husband and pay for her children’s AAU/gymanastics/private school. Once you lock that down you good.

I still wanna give Keri the dick though!

I hear ya

I thought she was with Serge Ibaka

She was...


International Member
They are out here. It’s not all Real Housewives of Whatever. Next time you see a regular nigga with a bad bitch remember this thread.
So you're superficial enough to want a so called bad bitch,based strictly on her looks,but dont think that most women pick men based on being able to offer them real tangible things in terms of are magical.

clearly you're not familiar with the word hypergamy.

stand next to almost any wealthy man,and see who most women will


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I have a family member that used to date Micheal Finley before she got with her current husband. She keeps it real. Just cause a cat has money and looks good doesn’t make him a good partner. No disrespect to Finley, but she admits that she was looking for the wrong shit.

I knew Micheal Finley since grade school. He's a Texas resident now but he from my hometown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm just being honest...that bitch would get a second chance from much as I hate to admit. I would be salty as fuck, but she would get another shot...kinda like the chick on worldstar when the 2 NY cats put her on blast in front of her building. Nigga was hurt but still holding on...and the other dude slid right in the door behind her, after talking mad shit he still went in

And that bitch ain't even on Keri's level
So you admit that you are 100% without any doubt involved a fucking simp? You sounding like the type that would raise another mans baby even if you knew it wasn't yours.
A man has to have control of himself. You my friend are coming off real disgraceful as a man. Women don't respect weakness.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you admit that you are 100% without any doubt involved a fucking simp? You sounding like the type that would raise another mans baby even if you knew it wasn't yours.
A man has to have control of himself. You my friend are coming off real disgraceful as a man. Women don't respect weakness.

Fuck :roflmao: