Muslim fam who have made the Hajj


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
I'm genuinely curious, what is the attraction or importance to making the hajj if you are in danger of losing your life making it. sun stroke is real, Middle eastern heat is real, the summer in the middle east during June,july is real. Why would anyone risk their lives? I mean, don't they allow you to bring water and take with you? Every year it seems like brothers and sisters are dying due to heat stroke, heat exhausting, heat related injuries. Why risk your life for something that will take your life anywhere under the same conditions?


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
Black couple from the states died this weekend trying to make the journey.
i know, that's what made me curious. every year there are hundred or thousands of death and I want to know what is the attraction? I wonder way the saudio goverment don't get real and provide real services such as water, air conditions, medical personell and restrict when the pilgramage can be done. having anyone in the hot ass sun no matter the purposes seems helluva negligent.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Not sure why it’s being held during the hottest part of the year.

I understand they follow the Muslim calendar, but they need to just set a regular date for it too be held every year between October and March when it’s cooler.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm genuinely curious, what is the attraction or importance to making the hajj if you are in danger of losing your life making it. sun stroke is real, Middle eastern heat is real, the summer in the middle east during June,july is real. Why would anyone risk their lives? I mean, don't they allow you to bring water and take with you? Every year it seems like brothers and sisters are dying due to heat stroke, heat exhausting, heat related injuries. Why risk your life for something that will take your life anywhere under the same conditions?

The same can be said for those who travel to Brazil, Central America, and Mexico to trip balls on toad venom, plant poison, or snake venom. They go legally insane while puking and shitting on themselves and claim to have met God and to have been enlightened when actually they were at death’s door.

Human beings are interesting creatures

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
The same can be said for those who travel to Brazil, Central America, and Mexico to trip balls on toad venom, plant poison, or snake venom. They go legally insane while puking and shitting on themselves and claim to have met God and to have been enlightened when actually they were at death’s door.

Human beings are interesting creatures



A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
The same can be said for those who travel to Brazil, Central America, and Mexico to trip balls on toad venom, plant poison, or snake venom. They go legally insane while puking and shitting on themselves and claim to have met God and to have been enlightened when actually they were at death’s door.

Human beings are interesting creatures
actually not.. the same.. hijja is something that is required and the the saudi goverment(or whatever goverment) knows this and instead ofthem building out a massive ass infratructure to acccomodate the millions that will come, they still bullshit and act like they don't know what they need to do. The way they control the country, the infrastructure and every damn thing esle, they can put massive safe guards in place to prevent the thousands who die during thteir hajj. so no, its not the same.
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