My solution to the Biden is old problem


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have been thinking about this and this is the way to guarantee victory in November. Biden stays as the lead on the ticket at the convention he will announce a change on the ticket and will announce Barrack Obama as his running mate for VP. This will solve all the issues. As a side they can announce that Kamala Harris will be next in line for the Supreme Court. Obama can run as VP and not violate the contitution cause if Biden died or resigned due to health resaons Obama could serve the max of 2 years then he would resign and his VP would then be President. IF this is as dire as they say than this is THE move to win in November.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have been thinking about this and this is the way to guarantee victory in November. Biden stays as the lead on the ticket at the convention he will announce a change on the ticket and will announce Barrack Obama as his running mate for VP. This will solve all the issues. As a side they can announce that Kamala Harris will be next in line for the Supreme Court. Obama can run as VP and not violate the contitution cause if Biden died or resigned due to health resaons Obama could serve the max of 2 years then he would resign and his VP would then be President. IF this is as dire as they say than this is THE move to win in November.
An ex president can't be another president's vp.
Read the 12th amendment


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The mention of Obama name will push Trump in faster.

Do Biden like Uncle Bernie... keep him away from people certain places and microphones til they announce he's won.


Platinum Member
I have been thinking about this and this is the way to guarantee victory in November. Biden stays as the lead on the ticket at the convention he will announce a change on the ticket and will announce Barrack Obama as his running mate for VP. This will solve all the issues. As a side they can announce that Kamala Harris will be next in line for the Supreme Court. Obama can run as VP and not violate the contitution cause if Biden died or resigned due to health resaons Obama could serve the max of 2 years then he would resign and his VP would then be President. IF this is as dire as they say than this is THE move to win in November.

I like the thought you displayed here…

Even tho it’s likely not possible but it’s fucking sad the many people have looked to Obama

How crazy would a Obama ticket with Kennedy as VP

Hell I feel a Biden/Kennedy would blow Trump out the door…

The Democrats seem to feel their voter pool is slightly weaker due to independents

Well bring them on board vs trying to silence them….

Maybe I’m bat ass crazy for thinking this…but looking at the state of our choices

I’m definitely not the only one


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
An ex president can't be another president's vp.
Read the 12th amendment

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
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Platinum Member
No not this time Trump lost his second time but this time it's going to be hard.

Trump has a lot of secret supporters in Washington,more than some of us think.
I respect that idea

I think it would be a no contest but that’s me

Hell I think Joey B got this over trump, even tho polls numbers be up and down

Fuck them Polls, I bet no more than 10 people on here voted in them polls


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
An ex president can't be another president's vp.
Read the 12th amendment
I did read it which is why this works,a 2 term President can be appointed to VP and succeed the President during said term. Constutional scholars are divided on if said President can serve 2 years or 3/4 years before resigning and his VP then becomes President but either way Obama could be appointed VP as could Clinton or Bush.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, stop reading the Donald.

It's been a conspiracy of theirs for years. If not Obama, then Michelle, and if not her, then Gavin.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
An ex president can't be another president's vp.
Read the 12th amendment

Interaction with the Twenty-second Amendment[edit]

See also: Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution § Interaction with the Twelfth Amendment
The Twelfth Amendment explicitly states the constitutional requirements as provided for the president also apply to being vice president and the Twenty-second Amendment bars a two-term president from being elected to a third term, but it is unexplicit whether these amendments together bar any two-term president from later serving as vice president as well as from succeeding to the presidency from any point in the United States presidential line of succession.[22] Some contend that the Twelfth Amendment concerns qualification for service, while the Twenty-second Amendment concerns qualifications for election, and thus a former two-term president is still eligible to serve as vice president.[23] Some legal scholars propose the contention above would inadequately consider the opportunity it affords for one to serve as president more than two terms plus "[acting] as President, for more than two years," resulting in a violation of the Twenty-second Amendment.[24][25] The interaction between the two amendments has not been tested, as no twice-elected president has ever been nominated for the vice presidency.

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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I did read it which is why this works,a 2 term President can be appointed to VP and succeed the President during said term. Constutional scholars are divided on if said President can serve 2 years or 3/4 years before resigning and his VP then becomes President but either way Obama could be appointed VP as could Clinton or Bush.
this is undefined in the constitution
gop would sue / challenge and take it to scotus



Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor

Interaction with the Twenty-second Amendment[edit]

See also: Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution § Interaction with the Twelfth Amendment
The Twelfth Amendment explicitly states the constitutional requirements as provided for the president also apply to being vice president and the Twenty-second Amendment bars a two-term president from being elected to a third term, but it is unexplicit whether these amendments together bar any two-term president from later serving as vice president as well as from succeeding to the presidency from any point in the United States presidential line of succession.[22] Some contend that the Twelfth Amendment concerns qualification for service, while the Twenty-second Amendment concerns qualifications for election, and thus a former two-term president is still eligible to serve as vice president.[23] Some legal scholars propose the contention above would inadequately consider the opportunity it affords for one to serve as president more than two terms plus "[acting] as President, for more than two years," resulting in a violation of the Twenty-second Amendment.[24][25] The interaction between the two amendments has not been tested, as no twice-elected president has ever been nominated for the vice presidency.
So what does it mean in the 12th amendment to be constitutionally in eligible?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
So what does it mean in the 12th amendment to be constitutionally in eligible?
when 12 was written there were no term limits on pres & vp
hence how we got 4 terms for FDR

the 22nd only established no more than 2 consecutive terms but says nothing about multiple non-consecutive terms
nor anything abour former potus being elected or appointed as vp


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
It doesn't matter what anyone says to the Dems. It doesn't matter how much good sense anyone provides to them. If Biden isn't on the ticket, there's no solution they are willing to accept. There's no solution that they are willing to entertain.

If Trump is so bad (I believe he's much worse), why not put your best foot forward and pull out all of the stops when it comes to beating him?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
the only answer...

Fuck that. As angry as CacMerica is right now I do NOT want to put her at risk. Fuck this country. Not her. This is all you lame, delusional, lazy niggroz faults who didn’t take the Primaries seriously. Who sat out elections or don’t plan to vote in this one. We are were we are because dumbass cacs made sure Trump won. They came out in droves. I’m hearing and know many black folk who aren’t voting this year. Dumb motherfuckers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know some of you don't read BLACK MEDIA

OP-ED – Reimagining America: Biden is Not the Only Way Democrats Can Win​

NNPA NEWSWIRE: We need a leader who understands the struggles of everyday Americans and has the vision and stamina to lead for the next eight years. Vice President Kamala Harris embodies these qualities.


3 days ago
July 2, 2024
State Representative Ron Reynolds
Rep. Reynolds, Ron District 27

By Rep. Ron Reynolds​

After last week’s highly anticipated debate, I couldn’t shake a deep sense of unease. I watched the debate in its entirety, and I was deeply disturbed. I didn’t want to react out of frustration or emotion, so I took a night to reflect. The next day, my disappointment had not subsided. As a Biden DNC National Delegate, I firmly believe we need to make significant changes.
It’s time to replace President Biden at the convention and nominate Vice President Kamala Harris. This isn’t a cavalier statement; it’s one I stand by. I welcome debate and criticism, but my primary goal is clear: we must defeat Trump and the MAGA movement for the future of all Americans.
Recently, I have been criticized and even threatened with censure for expressing my belief that the Democratic Party might fare better against Trump with a new nominee. This perspective was formed long before recent public opinion polls supported my concerns. To be clear, I will continue to support President Biden if he remains our nominee. Nonetheless, I will persist in making good trouble, fighting, and speaking truth to power.
Democrats claim to support free speech but then criticize each other for speaking their minds. This kind of internal conflict plays right into the hands of Republicans, who benefit from our division. To truly stand united, Democrats must encourage open dialogue and respect differing opinions within our party.
Our nation faces unprecedented challenges that require fresh, dynamic leadership. To meet these challenges head-on, the Democratic Party must embrace innovation and diversity. We need a leader who understands the struggles of everyday Americans and has the vision and stamina to lead for the next eight years. Vice President Kamala Harris embodies these qualities.
The Democratic Party prides itself on being a party of inclusion, representing a broad coalition of people from all walks of life. Yet, our leadership doesn’t always reflect this diversity. It’s time for a change!
We need leaders who reflect the realities of America today and understand our unique challenges—those who can garner a wide base of supporters. Kamala Harris has a proven track record of fighting for justice and equality. She knows how to build coalitions that include people of all races, genders, and backgrounds. She can energize young voters, women, and people of color—voters crucial to our success.
Innovation is not only about who leads but also how we lead. The Democratic Party must adopt new strategies and technologies to effectively engage voters. We need to leverage social media, data analytics, and grassroots organizing to build a movement capable of countering the well-funded forces of the right. We must engage voters on the issues that matter most to them, from healthcare and education to climate change and economic inequality.
Moreover, we need leaders willing to take bold stands on critical issues. We need leaders who will fight for a living wage, affordable healthcare, and comprehensive immigration reform. Leaders who will stand up to special interests and prioritize the common good. We need leaders who will advocate for peace and stability globally, calling for ceasefires in conflict zones and working towards lasting solutions.
The Democratic Party has a proud history of innovation and progress, from FDR’s New Deal to Obama’s Affordable Care Act. It’s time to renew that legacy. We need leaders who reflect our multicultural society, embrace innovation, and fight for a brighter future, not the status quo.

America deserves better than the status quo. We need leaders who can inspire and unite us. This is our moment to infuse new energy and vision into our party and country. Let’s nominate a leader who can lead us to victory with the passion and dedication that our great nation requires. It’s time for a change, and I firmly believe Vice President Kamala Harris is the leader we need.