Nancy Pelosi’s husband buys millions worth of Nvidia stock ahead of chip-manufacturing bill vote


Rising Star
Platinum Member
just a coincidence

The husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just bought as much $5 million worth of stock in software and computer-chip company Nvidia, publicly available financial disclosures show.

According to the disclosures, Paul Pelosi purchased between $1 million and $5 million worth of Nvidia stock NVDA, +5.53% on June 17.

The stock purchase comes as the Senate is expected to meet this week to discuss a bipartisan bill to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the country. The bill aims to provide grants, tax credits and other incentivesfor companies to manufacture semiconductors in the United States.
It’s worth noting that Nvidia designs their owns chips, but hires other companies to manufacture them and likely would not directly receive benefits from subsidies related to this congressional bill.
See also: Three possible outcomes for stalled tech-funding bill, according to its co-author

“The Speaker does not own any stocks,” Nancy Pelosi’s spokesman, Drew Hammill, said in a statement to Fox Business about the stock purchase on Monday. “As you can see from the required disclosures, with which the Speaker fully cooperates, these transactions are marked ‘SP’ for Spouse. The Speaker has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transactions.”

Federal law requires members of Congress to file reports within 45 days after they or their spouses buy or sell stocks with a value greater $1,000.

In 2021, Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, publicly opposed banning members of Congress and their families from trading individual securities. “We are a free-market economy,” Pelosi said. “They should be able to participate in that.”

See also: Trump lost, and the 2020 election wasn’t stolen, group of prominent conservatives concludes after exhaustive study
Semiconductors are used in automobiles, phones, computers and many other popular items, and the U.S. relies heavily on foreign countries for a large portion of its semiconductors — the U.S. global share of semiconductor production has dropped from 37% to 12% over the last three decades, according to the AP.

Paul Pelosi, 82, made headlines recently after being charged with driving under the influence in connection with a May 28 crash in Northern California’s Napa County.
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Transnational Member
The machine is manufactured in the Netherlands, I don't know about being a job creator. When they hype up spending $20 billion, the bulk of it will be these machines that are made in another country. This is their new scam where there is huge factory with machines made in another country with a few domestic jobs.

Nobody wants to make products in the U.S. due to its lawlessness and rampant IP theft, it is to compensate them for expected damages.

They need to pay me a couple of billion, let me design computer chips the right way.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Only because they (Congress) don't want it to be

Can a president be indicted? No, and that’s based on a memo. Can a president’s advisor be indicted? No, because that looks improper.

But you have black folks that don’t vote or serve on juries. However, are quick to call for more police and harsher punishments for their community.

But then they tell you Russia is lawless. Africa is lawless.


Transnational Member
After observing what you guys are doing in the U.S., I have a few comments. These chip companies own shares in ASML, and have created the illusion of competition on the retail side, but profit handsomely with their joint venture ownership of this company. Instead of giving huge tax subsidies, they need the DOJ to bust up this clever monopoly schemes.

It would be similar to Apple, Google, Motorola, Samsung owning some joint asset together pushing some inflated price equally down to consumer, than this joint privately held company raking in the profits. We will see competition on the retail side.


This is their new hustle scam, so be on the alert!

Building some huge factory with few jobs, all the robots, Gigapress, and lithographic machines that costs half a billion dollars will be made somewhere else. If it is a foreign brand, they will build their factory here and 'import' their machines from back home, creating a virtual shell factory. Meanwhile the U.S. citizen will be on the hook for huge tax breaks and subsidies.

"Did you really believe I did not see it, youngling"
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This bitch is probably the most corrupt speaker to ever serve.

You Sir have to one of the most uniformed members on this Board to make a statement like that. She is probably the least corrupted Speaker ever to serve. Many laws now on the books like the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) would never have passed were it not for Nancy Pelosi.
I defy you to back up you assertion with facts.
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Transnational Member
The real problem is nobody wants to live in the U.S. or manufacture because it sucks. Immigrants are flocking here to take advantage of the exchange rate and remittance; not because they believe America will be better for them.

Millions of Americans flee upon retirement using their Social Security to live comfortably/safely in other countries. There is no way I would engage in any type of business in the U.S. due to my experiences, I would need $50 billion to pay for the damages that you will suffer as a company, which is what Intel is doing. The vaccine companies wanted money upfront before they sank any money.

This might be another reason that China and other countries doesn't do any production in the U.S. The U.S. is such a toxic place to do business they just drop ship their finished product off.
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Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
So what??? He's not allowed to invest money in hopes of making more money just because his wife is in Congress?
Now if she bought stock in a company whose dealings might come under Congressional scrutiny on which she may have to vote, that's a different story. :hmm:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :lol: :lol:


Phantom of the Chakras
BGOL Investor
You Sir have to one of the most uniformed members on this Board to make
So what??? He's not allowed to invest money in hopes of making more money just because his wife is in Congress?
Now if she bought stock in a company whose dealings might come under Congressional scrutiny on which she may have to vote, that's a different story. :hmm:
Hmm Sarcasm or stupidity?
You Sir have to one of the most uniformed members on this Board to make a statement like that. She is probably the least uncorrupted Speaker ever to serve. Many laws now on the books like the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) would never have passed were it not for Nancy Pelosi.
I defy you to back up you assertion with facts.
Oh you stupid, stupid. Got it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The machine is manufactured in the Netherlands, I don't know about being a job creator. When they hype up spending $20 billion, the bulk of it will be these machines that are made in another country. This is their new scam where there is huge factory with machines made in another country with a few domestic jobs.

Nobody wants to make products in the U.S. due to its lawlessness and rampant IP theft, it is to compensate them for expected damages.

They need to pay me a couple of billion, let me design computer chips the right way.

Good luck on making a lithographer that can print at the subatomic level.

Lithography is similar to chip manufacturing in that it can take years to advance, and if you bet wrong on where things are going, it will bankrupt you. American companies largely dropped out of lithography by the 80s. Japan was out by the late 00s. It's not that they tried, it's that they made the wrong bet on where things were heading, and the stakes are getting higher and higher the smaller we go. And that's really is simplifying it, it's WAY more complicated than that.

This is largely on how Nikon and Canon, the two that dominated the 80s and 90s were bounced out and even then it's downplaying it a bit. ASML had it's own troubles as well and were on the brink before they got EUV perfected. Short of a government backing you, or in ASML's case Philips, Zeiss and Intel among others backing you it's a hard business to stay in, let along get started in.