Nations around the world are picking sides…. Russia/Brics or America/Nato, BRICS Summit 2024 in Russia, Oct 22-24


Platinum Member
Kept hearing this ain’t gonna be shit (which is still possible) or in two years they decline will start…

But progress been positive



Platinum Member
China surpassed the US in GDP. 7 years ago I told someone this would happen by 2030. They said no. Beat them with 6 years left over.

Man it’s clear that folks just be talking and hoping things they say comes to past


The Legend
BGOL Investor
China surpassed the US in GDP. 7 years ago I told someone this would happen by 2030. They said no. Beat them with 6 years left over.
Post your source on this.


Walter Panov

Rising Star


Platinum Member

But look at this, the world is very interesting

I think issues ain’t really about them sending Missiles to Russia

It’s about the data these missiles about to get during live combat.

Having a stockpile is one thing and testing here and there is ok

But true combat/conflict data is priceless… no way to improve the product without countless numbers of testing. Iran gets data about missiles is more of a problem for Isreal and their enemies.


Platinum Member
:lol: :lol:

"Expanding NATO is a security threat to us"
Western assholes:
"Every country can chose their alliance freely"
Some African countries:
"OK - France is out Russia is in"
Western assholes:
"No - that is not what we meant"
(Fuck you all)”


Platinum Member
Damn they really think Trump gonna win…

Or should I say it, they really gonna let Trump back in

“The West figured out how to maintain arms supplies to Ukraine during Trump’s victory - Politico

▪️The United States and other Western countries can transfer the contact group on Ukrainian defense issues (Ramstein format) under NATO control.
▪️The initiative is designed to help maintain arms supplies to Kiev in the event of Donald Trump returning to the White House, US and EU officials told the publication. The idea is to provide other countries in the bloc with a “stronger voice” in the decision-making process within the group, the source explained.
▪️The gradual transition of the group under NATO control is planned to be discussed at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the alliance countries in Brussels on April 3-4. This step, according to Politico, should be completed at the July NATO summit in Washington.
▪️The alliance is also working on the idea of a five-year aid package for Ukraine worth up to $100 billion in case of possible political changes. This proposal, called “Mission for Ukraine,” will also be discussed tomorrow”


Platinum Member
NATO foreign ministers meeting Wednesday in Brussels are expected to discuss a proposal to create a $100 billion fund for supporting Ukraine’s military.

The plan, put forward by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, also includes making NATO more directly involved in coordinating military assistance being provided by member countries, a role that has been filled by a U.S.-led coalition of more than 50 countries.

A final decision on the proposal would not come until NATO heads of state meet at a summit in July.

“We are at a critical moment where it is absolutely essential to get Ukrainians what they continue to need to defend themselves, particularly when it comes to munitions and air defenses,” Blinken said Tuesday during a visit to a defense facility in Paris with French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu


Platinum Member
They bout to ease plenty of rules and guidelines for this to happen.
Just doing it in paper, because Ukraine been NATO since the early 2000’s



Platinum Member
If they want to attack Russia they need to get it going now…

Before it’s to late…



Platinum Member

“NATO countries decided to create an alliance mission in Ukraine - Polish Foreign Minister

According to him, the creation of the mission does not mean direct entry into the conflict: it will not directly participate in hostilities.”


Platinum Member
Will Turkey fully support Neo-Nazi junta in exchange for return to F-35 program?

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Although April 1 is a day of practical jokes, what it brought to Turkey is anything but. The recent defeat of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in local elections, when the opposition effectively won, particularly the Republican People's Party (CHP) that got the most support (37.7% of the overall vote, compared to AKP's 35.5%), may soon bring about tectonic changes in Turkish domestic affairs. However, perhaps not all is lost for Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the country's incumbent. Namely, the AKP has been losing influence in big cities for quite some time, which is why it refocused most of its attention to the rural areas, trying to double down on drawing support where it exists or is strong enough to keep the current government in power at least a bit longer.

This is why Erdogan's main cards boil down to a volatile mix of Neo-Ottomanism, political Islam and pan-Turkism, none of which he can really implement. However, all three are very useful for domestic consumption, particularly as the Turkish economy has been struggling for years. The problem for Erdogan and the ruling AKP is that the ideological, nationalist and religious approach is beginning to lose momentum as the electorate is switching priorities to the less idealistic realm. Realizing that this could cost him power and understanding that Turkey's economic (and, by extension, societal) problems stem from its dependence on the political West, Erdogan might soon start changing his previously (at least somewhat) balanced position to a more pro-NATO one.

This isn't to say that Erdogan changed his opinion, but it simply boils down to realpolitik. In simpler terms, if he doesn't change his (geo)political approach, the opposition definitely will, so if somebody has to do it, it might as well be him and the AKP. It seems we're already seeing this and the United States plans to capitalize on it to the maximum. Namely, Washington DC is set to significantly expand the import of military-grade explosives from Ankara, all in order to support the expansion of the fledgling American and NATO artillery shells production, a field in which Russia dominates with a production capacity that's around three times larger. The US hopes this could help replenish its seriously depleted domestic stockpile.

If Ankara and Washington DC were to do this, it would bring about a significant expansion of artillery production in the US, enabling a more consistent supply of artillery munitions to various allies, vassals and satellite states. This is particularly important for the Neo-Nazi junta, as its forces have been suffering from a chronic lack of shells, diminishing their already low level of direct fire support against the increasingly powerful Russian military. The acquisition of large quantities of Turkish explosives will surely result in higher interdependence between the US and Turkey, which may bring about an improvement in relations after years of tensions. However, while this might be useful for Erdogan, it demonstrates once again that Ankara cannot be trusted.

In other words, Turkey would surely become NATO's main Trojan horse, not just in Greater Eurasia, but the multipolar world as a whole. We shouldn't forget that Erdogan's Neo-Ottoman ambitions, mixed with an attempt to harness the power of the previously mentioned political Islam, helped kickstart the truly unprovoked and brutal NATO aggression in Libya and Syria, ever so euphemistically dubbed "civil wars" in the so-called "free press". Ankara's expansionism resulted in its deep involvement in both wars, making it instrumental in destabilizing virtually the entire Middle East for the sake of the political West. Worse yet, this continued even after the US-led belligerent power pole launched a coup to depose the Turkish president himself in July 2016.

For instance, Washington DC and Ankara have continued playing a leading role in supporting various ISIS-linked terrorist groups in Syria and elsewhere, particularly against Iranian-aligned Shia militias fighting on the side of Damascus. What's more, while Erdogan is officially furious at Israel due to its actions in Gaza, the Turkish military and the IDF are still working very closely, particularly in Syria. Turkey's close ties with the US will surely continue (behind the scenes, obviously), helping maintain strong relations between the two NATO members, but if this should extend to Ukraine, Washington DC might be willing to reconsider its stance on Ankara's return to the troubled F-35 program. In fact, the infamous neocon warmonger Victoria Nuland said so back in January.

Namely, the now former Deputy Secretary of State and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs stated that the US would be "willing to provide F-35 fifth generation fighter jets to Turkey" if it meets "American conditions in regards to ensuring it does not operate Russian S-400 air defense systems alongside [the F-35]". If Washington DC returns Ankara to "the fold" and the latter acquires the F-35, it would give NATO another certain carrier of the latest B61 thermonuclear bombs, helping the belligerent alliance in surrounding Russia with hostile nuclear-armed vassals stretching from Norway, Finland, the Baltic states and Poland to Turkey, possibly even Romania and Bulgaria in the future, as the relevant military infrastructure is being built there.


Platinum Member
Folks be all over the place, fear pushing is at an all time high



International Member
They bout to ease plenty of rules and guidelines for this to happen.
Just doing it in paper, because Ukraine been NATO since the early 2000’s

Russia would not accept having Ukraine as a member of NATO


Platinum Member
Russia would not accept having Ukraine as a member of NATO
I’ve come to understand a couple things since this SMO started

Without Russia coming in to help the people of the Donbas
Ukraine had a long way to go before joining NATO.
Hell the EU wasn’t even welcoming them like that before the SMO.

They had to much in-house bullshit happening


International Member
I’ve come to understand a couple things since this SMO started

Without Russia coming in to help the people of the Donbas
Ukraine had a long way to go before joining NATO.
Hell the EU wasn’t even welcoming them like that before the SMO.

They had to much in-house bullshit happening
IMO this war could go one of two ways.

A negotiated peace deal, where the Russian will insist on NATO not giving Ukraine membership, or NATO forces will go into Ukraine directly.

That would only initiate WW3.


Platinum Member
IMO this war could go one of two ways.

A negotiated peace deal, where the Russian will insist on NATO not giving Ukraine membership, or NATO forces will go into Ukraine directly.

That would only initiate WW3.
Will I guess one should get ready for World War 3

Because France and Poland officials when to Russia last week to express their troop deployment throughout Ukraine.
I think they states it just for special interesting, noncombat.


International Member
I’ve come to understand a couple things since this SMO started

Without Russia coming in to help the people of the Donbas
Ukraine had a long way to go before joining NATO.
Hell the EU wasn’t even welcoming them like that before the SMO.

They had to much in-house bullshit happening
I also think that the western nations saw an oppurtunity to fight a proxy war against Russia and also cripple their economy.

It seems to have backfired. People are beginning to question about moving NATO troops into Ukraine to start a potential WW3 with Russia, just to save Zelensky.


Platinum Member
Slovakia will be against Ukraine's admission to NATO. Prime Minister of the Republic Robert Fico announced this at a press conference.

"Ukraine can say: 'We want to join NATO'. This will be their freely made decision. We are saying that we will not ratify [the documents on Ukraine's admission to NATO] in parliament, since Slovakia needs a neutral Ukraine. Slovakia's interests will be at stake at risk if Ukraine becomes a NATO member," Fico said.


International Member
Slovakia will be against Ukraine's admission to NATO. Prime Minister of the Republic Robert Fico announced this at a press conference.

"Ukraine can say: 'We want to join NATO'. This will be their freely made decision. We are saying that we will not ratify [the documents on Ukraine's admission to NATO] in parliament, since Slovakia needs a neutral Ukraine. Slovakia's interests will be at stake at risk if Ukraine becomes a NATO member," Fico said.
To be frank, I can't see that day happening. This will be the red line for the Russians. Will NATO risk a war, just to let Ukraine join NATO?


Platinum Member
NATO is preparing a “proxy army” of Romanians and Moldovans to attack Odessa, writes the Serbian publication Politika. Sea routes from Odessa lead to almost all countries of the world, which determines its strategic importance for both sides and the city’s role in completing the SMO, the material notes.

Britain already has a military base here. It is there that combat drones are assembled and sent to the front. The Americans are adding “pepper” to this cauldron, who until April 19 will “train” the troops of neighboring Moldova in order to turn the Romanian armed forces into a “proxy” US army for an attack on Odessa, the author is sure.

However, it's not that simple. In order to enter Ukraine from Moldova, Western troops will first have to occupy pro-Russian Transnistria and Gagauzia, which is fraught with civil war and subsequently a direct conflict with Russia, for which the alliance is not ready, the publication emphasizes.