Black Mamba Kills Man's Wife, Daughter and Nephew in Single Attack (
Black Mamba Kills Man's Wife, Daughter and Nephew in Single Attack
A stock photo shows a black mamba snake—one of the most feared snakes in the world. A black mamba reportedly bit and killed three members of the same family in Zimbabwe in September, 2022.© reptiles4all/Getty
A black mamba snake has killed a
Zimbabwe man's wife, daughter, and nephew in a single attack.
The man, named as Tapiwa Musiiwa of the Hurungwe District according to a local report, says he and his family are still coming to terms with the tragedy.
The black mamba inhabits a wide range in sub-Saharan Africa and is found in several countries across the continent including Zimbabwe,
South Africa, Kenya, and many more.
The snake has a fearsome reputation and is referred to as "the deadliest and fastest snake in Africa" by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).
Black mambas are known for their extremely potent
neurotoxic venom. The African Snakebite Institute states the venom is capable of causing death within three to 16 hours if untreated.
Black mambas can grow up to 14 feet long, though the average size is about half that. The snakes reside in savannas, rocky hills and open woodlands and like sleeping in hollow trees, rock crevices, and burrows.