Need Advice: Paying for Grad School, Law School & Med School, etc.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Need Advice: Paying for Grad School, Law School & Med School, etc.

Recently I posted asking for advice on relocation particularly to Seattle and received excellent advice, help and analysis including employment and housing info.

I decided to ask about the education thing because the age on this board varies greatly but education is important and expensive!

(just try to remember how much useful info you've ever gotten on this board for free)

I wanted to know about Financial Aid, grants, loans, certified online schools, getting certificates and associates.

Applications, recommendations, fees.

How difficult is it to work full time and go to Law school full time?

When are you to old to go back to school?

Also what about LSATs and MCATS, etc.

And Kaplan and other studying programs.

How many of ya’ll have BA, BS, Masters, PHD, MS Certified, etc.

Thanks in advance


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
WASHINGTON - The Senate passed a bill early Friday to increase aid to college students.

The bill would give more money to Pell grant recipients, who are among the poorest. They get a maximum award of $4,310 annually now, but that would be bumped up to $5,400 by 2011.

To pay for the proposal, lawmakers would cut roughly $18 billion in federal subsidies to banks that issue government-backed student loans.

Budget rules require that more than $700 million of that savings go toward reducing the federal deficit, but the rest would go to student benefits.

"This legislation does not cost the taxpayer. It saves the taxpayer because we are taking the money from the banks and providing it for the ... students themselves," said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., chair of the Senate education committee.

The bill passed 78-18.

It does not cut interest rates on federally backed student loans to poor and middle-class students, something that is in a House-passed version of the bill. A House-Senate committee will now have to forge compromise legislation.

"I don't think we're going to have much trouble in the conference working through the differences," Kennedy said.

The two bills differ in how much they would give to Pell grant recipients. Other legislation also moving through Congress, including a spending bill that passed the House Thursday, also seeks to increase aid for Pell grant recipients.

Both the House and Senate student loan bills cap annual payments for students at a percentage of their income, which is aimed at preventing people from having to pay back more than they can afford.

Both bills also provide loan forgiveness for those who go into public-service professions after 10 years of making payments.

The bill follows promises Democratic lawmakers made during the last election to help lower- and middle-class college students with tuition.

The legislation is part of a must-pass bill needed to meet spending targets in the federal budget. By linking the student assistance to the budget legislation, Democrats were assured the student loan legislation could not be held up by a minority of Republicans in the Senate.

Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., said doing that made a mockery of the budget process. "That process has been, for all-intensive purposes, run over," Gregg said.

A second Senate bill, expected to be considered next week, would simplify the federal financial aid application process and would address conflicts of interest in the student loan industry. It seeks to sever too-cozy relationships between banks and colleges that have been highlighted by recent federal and state investigations.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has led the investigation into conflicts of interest. He announced a settlement Friday with student lender College Loan Corp. over allegations that the San Diego company provided perks to schools that placed it on preferred lender lists.

The company agreed to pay $500,000 to a fund to educate students about financial aid and agreed to abide by an industry code of conduct developed by Cuomo. Ten other student loan companies have also reached agreements with Cuomo's office.


Colin Powell is going to hate this:


2) Student Inventors Scholarships
_ (

3) Student Video Scholarships _

4) Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships

5) Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships _

6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships _

7) Brand Essay Competition

8) Gates Millennlum Scholarships (major)

9) Xerox Scholarships for Students _

10) Sports Scholarships and Internships

11) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ)

12) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary)

13) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

14) FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid scholarships)
_ (

15) Presidential Freedom Scholarships

16) Microsoft Scholarship Program

17) WiredScholar Free Scholarship Search

18) Hope Scholarships &Lifetime Credits _

19) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students

20) Multiple List of Minority Scholarships

21) Guaranteed Scholarships _

22) BOEING scholarships (som e HBCU connects)

23) Easley National Scholarship Program _

24) Maryland Artists Scholarships _

26) Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for AA students
in South Florida) _http://www.jackituckfieldorg/_

27) Historically Black College & University Scholarships

28) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students

29) International Students Scholarships &Aid Help

30) College Board Scholarship Search

31) Burger King Scholarship Program _

32) Siemens Westinghouse Competition _http://www.siemens-foundationorg/_

33) GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds

34) CollegeNet ' s Scholarship Database

35) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid

36) Federal Scholarships &Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black
Excel _

37) Scholarship &Financial Aid Help _

38) Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group)

39) FAFSA On The Web (Your Key Aid Form &Info) _

40) Aid &Resources For Re-Entry Students _

41) Scholarships and Fellowships _
( s.html)

42) Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies

43) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world)

44) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
_ (

45) INROADS internships _ (

46) ACT-SO bEURoeOlympics of the Mind "A Scholarships

47) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships

48) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing

49) Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide


51) The Roothbert Scholarship Fund _


playahaitian said:
Need Advice: Paying for Grad School, Law School & Med School, etc.

Recently I posted asking for advice on relocation particularly to Seattle and received excellent advice, help and analysis including employment and housing info.

I decided to ask about the education thing because the age on this board varies greatly but education is important and expensive!

(just try to remember how much useful info you've ever gotten on this board for free)

I wanted to know about Financial Aid, grants, loans, certified online schools, getting certificates and associates.

Applications, recommendations, fees.

How difficult is it to work full time and go to Law school full time?

When are you to old to go back to school?

Also what about LSATs and MCATS, etc.

And Kaplan and other studying programs.

How many of ya’ll have BA, BS, Masters, PHD, MS Certified, etc.

Thanks in advance

To answer your questions, not necessarily in order:

I have a BA, I'm 29 weeks from finishing up my Masters in Information Systems. I've also got a couple of CompTIA and Microsoft MCP certs.

Never used Kaplan, know nothing about LSATs and MCATS. I graduated with a 3.96 when I got the BA so my school said I didn't need to do anything but bring my ass back. :dance:

As to the age thing, if you are laying in a coffin, you're too old. School is about your mind, your will, and your desire to advance, not how much Geritol you need.

Don't know about law school but as for all my other schooling I've always held down a job. There's advantages to being in both an academic and business environment at the same time.

Applications, fees and such are dependent on the school. Call them and ask.

Don't let the perception of difficulty stop you, higher education is worth the time and the money. Plus you meet a better class of women in grad school. :yes:


Potential Star
haha..INROADS..i was in that shit..just didn't think my company (like most) had good moral values so i quit that bitch...but if you don't care about morals then its a good program to be a apart of i guess...mostly for freshmen and sophs.

Dert Bagg

playahaitian said:
How difficult is it to work full time and go to Law school full time?

I'd say nearly impossible.
You can work full-time and do part-time law school (nights - in 4 years).
Or do school full-time and work part-time. But, even if you could pull of the minor miracle of scheduling a full-time job around full-time course obligations, I wouldn't recommend it at least for your first year because the work load will be tremendous (studying @ least 4 hours a day)

When are you to old to go back to school?

Never. I met a dude a month ago who is going to start law school next year @ 49. By 53 he'll have a new career. The only caveat for career changes that late is that you have to do it because you know (or strongly believe) that you'll enjoy the work. At that age law shouldn't be a "maybe" or stepping stone career.

Also what about LSATs and MCATS, etc.

And Kaplan and other studying programs.

You can buy old-tests online directly from the LSAT & MCAT boards.
Buy a pack of old ones and take them timed. By some study-aid books and see if you can understand why you are getting wrong what you are getting wrong. You will probably be able to tutor yourself better than a pay-course could. Go the Kaplan or Princeton-Review course route only if you are at your wits-end. Also: DO NOT buy the most recent tests until you are near the end of studying....take the last three or four tests administered in the previous year in the week(s) prior to exam day -- then the real deal should be relatively stress free -- just like another practice run.

How many of ya’ll have BA, BS, Masters, PHD, MS Certified, etc.

Thanks in advance

BA. Going after my JD now.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
GreedySmurf said:
Colin Powell is going to hate this:


2) Student Inventors Scholarships
_ (

3) Student Video Scholarships _

4) Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships

5) Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships _

6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships _

7) Brand Essay Competition

8) Gates Millennlum Scholarships (major)

9) Xerox Scholarships for Students _

10) Sports Scholarships and Internships

11) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ)

12) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary)

13) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

14) FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid scholarships)
_ (

15) Presidential Freedom Scholarships

16) Microsoft Scholarship Program

17) WiredScholar Free Scholarship Search

18) Hope Scholarships &Lifetime Credits _

19) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students

20) Multiple List of Minority Scholarships

21) Guaranteed Scholarships _

22) BOEING scholarships (som e HBCU connects)

23) Easley National Scholarship Program _

24) Maryland Artists Scholarships _

26) Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for AA students
in South Florida) _http://www.jackituckfieldorg/_

27) Historically Black College & University Scholarships

28) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students

29) International Students Scholarships &Aid Help

30) College Board Scholarship Search

31) Burger King Scholarship Program _

32) Siemens Westinghouse Competition _http://www.siemens-foundationorg/_

33) GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds

34) CollegeNet ' s Scholarship Database

35) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid

36) Federal Scholarships &Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black
Excel _

37) Scholarship &Financial Aid Help _

38) Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group)

39) FAFSA On The Web (Your Key Aid Form &Info) _

40) Aid &Resources For Re-Entry Students _

41) Scholarships and Fellowships _
( s.html)

42) Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies

43) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world)

44) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
_ (

45) INROADS internships _ (

46) ACT-SO bEURoeOlympics of the Mind "A Scholarships

47) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships

48) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing

49) Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide


51) The Roothbert Scholarship Fund _

BGOL to the rescue! AGAIN!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get a job with tuition reimbursement...

My job even pays tuition, books and fees UPFRONT, no out of pocket cost, for a 2 year degree and reimburses for a 4 year.