Neighbor, 74, shoots seven people, including four children, before turning gun on himself after telling the family 'go back to where you came from'


Look into my eyes you are getting sleepy!!!
BGOL Investor

Neighbor, 74, shoots seven people, including four children, before turning gun on himself after telling the family 'go back to where you came from'​


doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
There will be a lot more of these white supremacist crashing out and killing folks.

Not sure how many here check out white boy content, but there is a massive surge in them having difficulty surviving in AmeriKKKa right now.

Many can't earn a livable wage, they see other races surpassing them in what is supposed to be THEIR country.

If you live around or frequent white spaces, this includes your place of employment, keep your head on a swivel.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There will be a lot more of these white supremacist crashing out and killing folks.

Not sure how many here check out white boy content, but there is a massive surge in them having difficulty surviving in AmeriKKKa right now.

Many can't earn a livable wage, they see other races surpassing them in what is supposed to be THEIR country.

If you live around or frequent white spaces, this includes your place of employment, keep your head on a swivel.
Yep, because they are such an inferior people that they would self destruct within a year without racism.

Unfortunately, too many of our people believe we need them for survival when the reality is the opposite.

90% of caucasians in the USA are white trash and a lot of that internal hate is going to manifest into hate for others because caucasians lack accountability.

The pro-whites on BGOL better be careful because there is no telling when a cracka will snap.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone that is starving , jealous , prejudice or just pissed off at the world is a threat ! Fuck what their rational /motivation or skin color is I DONT GIVE A FUCK , it only matters if they are a threat and how far out I can spot it .


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yep, because they are such an inferior people that they would self destruct within a year without racism.

Unfortunately, too many of our people believe we need them for survival when the reality is the opposite.

90% of caucasians in the USA are white trash and a lot of that internal hate is going to manifest into hate for others because caucasians lack accountability.

The pro-whites on BGOL better be careful because there is no telling when a cracka will snap.
This man gets it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Is there something wrong to have been raised with a natural fear of white people?

Fear as in not physically or mentally but just a distrust for them and their behavior in general?

I was raised in that manner where I see em but I never trust em no matter what they say or do....

Your black right? It's our culture if your from the States.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Aren't Hispanics fighting to be classified as white?

They're white on their birth certificate and mired with deep rooted cultural racism against indigenous Americans. They are being allowed to flood the USA to replace Black Americans. That's always been the reason WASP's let them come here illegally. Then they come here and get everything Black Americans fought for. To not see that shit is to be a coolie for life.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Is there something wrong to have been raised with a natural fear of white people?

Fear as in not physically or mentally but just a distrust for them and their behavior in general?

I was raised in that manner where I see em but I never trust em no matter what they say or do....
Wasn’t taught to fear them.. was taught to look down upon them, to never trust them.. taught about their savage ways, how they allergic to soap, their nasty habits, them being diseased, jealous, hateful.. the penis envy they have.. their drug addictions.. their whore ass women.. how weak and self destructive they are.. how money is their only survival tactic.. once gone they self deactivate.. fear was never a thought.. but the look of disgust at their existence was.. through knowledge , interactions , and observation seen many truths of the teachings

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
These coon Latinos need these wake up calls. Asians need to get this treatment more often too. These white worshiping sellout races need to face that maga hate and get slaughtered.. We warned them but they didn’t listen to us and said we just complaining and are being sensitive . Don’t come crawling back looking for an ally when them terrorist start mass killing you faggots.