New Board Rule - Regarding use of word tether


Staff member
Going forward, use of the word "tether" as a slur to address, refer to, or describe another BGOL member will subject to discipline, up to a possible ban. It will be treated as racist rhetoric, the same as when the word "monkey" is used to refer to Black people.

BGOL has always striven to celebrate and be welcoming to all Black peoples and will continue to do so. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this hateful, divisive rhetoric off the board and helping us maintain a community that respects all Black cultures.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As long as I can call people Bullets I’m good :roflmao:



Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
A new word to the Lexicon.

Tether definition :

A foreign born Black person, or who has roots in foreign countries, while they are also so called Black people, they pass as descendants of US chattel slavery, but they do not fully identify with our current and past struggles (and often side with cacs), but tether onto our lineage for the good parts, but are quick to dismiss our grievances here in America.

  • "You neegas are lazy, you don't work hard"
  • "What white supremacy? You neegas just are complainers"
  • "I need reparations too because we came from the Islands in the 80s"

A new word to the Lexicon.

Tether definition :

A foreign born Black person, or who has roots in foreign countries, while they are also so called Black people, they pass as descendants of US chattel slavery, but they do not fully identify with our current and past struggles (and often side with cacs), but tether onto our lineage for the good parts, but are quick to dismiss our grievances here in America.

  • "You neegas are lazy, you don't work hard"
  • "What white supremacy? You neegas just are complainers"
  • "I need reparations too because we came from the Islands in the 80s"

I just tagged you @HNIC in my ICONIC coon catalog thread because you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and are categorically wrong about the word tether.

I highly urge you to grow a pair of nuts and not let these crying ass tethers dupe you brah.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I’ve never heard the word used that way for a slur. I don’t even know what it means…
This is what I just found on Urban Dictionary...

A term used by members of the American Negro ethnic group (refered to later in history as colored, African-American, Black, FBA/ADOS) to describe African and/or Caribbean immigrants who move to America for economic opportunity using the benefits of the American Negro Civil Rights struggle while simultaneously disparaging the history, legacy, and lineage of the Negro American movement.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Going forward, use of the word "tether" as a slur to address, refer to, or describe another BGOL member will subject to discipline, up to a possible ban. It will be treated as racist rhetoric, the same as when the word "monkey" is used to refer to Black people.

BGOL has always striven to celebrate and be welcoming to all Black peoples and will continue to do so. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this hateful, divisive rhetoric off the board and helping us maintain a community that respects all Black cultures.

Now get rid of the fba and ados faggits. You have black folk all over the world logging in and supporting the board and all those idiots do is attack them. They provide no added value to the board. You need to nuke all of them.
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