New cases of dementia in the U.S. are projected to double in the next three decades, a new study suggests.

the artist

Same shit, different day
BGOL Investor
Such a nasty disease for those that suffer from it and those that have to care for those suffering from it. Had a close family member pass recently and while his passing hurts I’m glad he didn’t have to suffer because we saw early stage’s of it coming for him.
Dealing with this currently. It's tough! Witnessing mom's mental capacity decline rapidly like this is taxing on a brother. For real.

*with NO help from my sibling :angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shits weird! Never seen so many demented elders and autistic youngsters in my life! Something in the food/water???:confused::confused::confused:
Autism aside, we have a sizeable greying population. The last of the Baby Boomers turned 60 last year. As one of them, I'm trying to hedge my bets. I'm getting more exercise and eating better, meditation and proper rest, and learning new skills.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Food brah

Exactly! This fast food/processed crap is calorie dense and nutritionally vacant. Our brains don't get the nourishment they need. That's why we have all these strokes, Alzheimer's, ADHD, autism and the rest.

But rather than provide an encourage us to eat better food they tell us the solution is in their drugs. That's why America has the most expensive first world health care, yet we still consume 90% of the world's psychiatric drugs.

Even worse, the government collaborated with the food companies an actively make the problem worse. Look at what they serve in school cafeterias. Look at all the soda and snack machines in the hallway. That lying ass food pyramid. We're paying taxes to have them kill us.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Shits weird! Never seen so many demented elders and autistic youngsters in my life! Something in the food/water???:confused::confused::confused:

A lot of these ailments are from all the above/below ground Nukes that were detonated from 1945 until the 1990s.

The radiation from them detonations has Fucked up all biological life on this planet.

It will take hundreds of years for that shit to filter out of all biological life to what it was like prior to the Trinity Test in New Mexico in June 1945.

It’s the main reason they banned testing. They never informed the general public.