Is Eminem really killing off his alter ego with his new album?
Eminem has announced his first album in four years, ‘The Death of Slim Shady,’ which will reckon with his original alter ego.
Is Eminem really killing off his alter ego with his new album?
Eminem has announced his first album in four years, ‘The Death of Slim Shady,’ which will reckon with his original alter
Have his daughter be in the video..
Is that photoshop? Wait more than likely is so I shouldn’t be asking…
Well damActually I believe it's very real
Isn't there a pop song in current rotation called houdini?Eminem Announces New Single ‘Houdini’ Releasing This Friday
Eminem has announced his new single 'Houdini,' which will release on May
Isn't there a pop song in current rotation called houdini?
It's coming out this Friday
The video and song is great. It sounds like it's from the, The Eminem Show/MMLP Era. Which is a good thing. Hopefully the whole album is more of the same, quality wise.
I'm purchasing the album regardless. Hopefully I can play it more than a couple of times. Because that Music to be murdered by Side B. Was just a whole album of throw aways
Ok I'll probably never listen to that again
Slim shady never went past slim shady lpThat slim shady been gone since the Eminem show…..
Correct.This has been Em's formula for the last 20 plus years. He will drop the goofy single (they all have the same beat and sound the same) to grab goofy crackers who love him and then he would put the super dope shit on the album.
Looks like they had fun making it.
what exactly is the substance you are looking forThat wasn't worth waiting 4 days.
Em's word play is still on point. I just wish it had more substance.
Hopefully the album will be better.