Wear my dharma like its armor 'cause I don't wanna return
To the wheel of the quivering meat conception
Sometimes I hide inside Kerouac for protection
From the Thanksgiving where bears attacking the dressing
Like Tekken, just lean back and tear into that refreshment
Sometimes real life parallaxes in depression
On Faux em lupe
This is an example of why Lupe is phenomenal but unrelatable for many.
Mentions the buddist theory of Dharma to describe protecting himself with his ways and actions
Next line quotes Jack Keruoac
Then steps out the quote to site the quote - but also give reverance to his stream of consciouness style rap.
Then steps back in to relate thanksgiving to tekken and end off using the concept of parallax effect.
So if you don't know budhism read the 211th chorus by Jack Kerouac or have an understanding of the parralax effect your lost in just six lines of a 3 verse song.
It's sometimes breathtaking the amount of thought he puts into his writing.