What is the most affordable borough in NY?

  • Brooklyn

  • Bronx

  • Manhattan

  • Queens

  • Staten Island

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BANNED "denatured male feminist"

Like do y’all all have like 7 roommates? Gen Z aged are they staying at home like forever? Who can afford that.

Then they want you to gross 3x’s the rent. You dam near have to make $200,000 a year to afford that by yourself. Like on top of living in such a filthy rat infested city. Y’all are some soldiers.

These New York Pikachu tats are evolving into Raichu rats.​

When, you flood the market with more and more people, and you create more competition for entry level jobs, and you outsource manufacturing jobs, and you provide aid to non citizens, and you pay the pension of non citizens, what do you think will happen?

This sounds more like Manhattan but Harlem is in Manhattan so what’s going on? Is all of Harlem gentrified?


Rising Star
Adults are living at home more and more. The average person in New York is not affording that rent by himself, there is no way.


Rising Star
Dudes will have beavers, chipmunks, groundhogs, all kinds of wild assorted cartoon character animals living in their backyard and raiding their garbage talking shit about NYC rats...


Rising Star
I don't think raccoons in your garbage at the end of the driveway or squirrels in your yard is the same as rats in and around your multifamily building.

Rats inside buildings is not common if you don't live in the slums. And seeing a big ass raccoon in your garbage is way more jarring than seeing a rat.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Those cheering for the dollar to crash thinking the economy slipping is going to be some big reset where the poor will suddenly be on par with the rich, well this is how it works. Just wait till things start getting more and more expensive, folks start having less and less, and crime starts to escalate causing the governments to become harsher and harsher, leading to more and more civil unrest, causing an endless cycle of death, famine, disease, and poverty.
Our generation has been so spoiled by prosperity, that we actually think that the world is worse than it ever has been, Those who think this way have no clue how bad things can get, and if things really fall apart, they can last for decades even centuries.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
damn this thread had so much potential. NY kats could have fell through and drop some knowledge but instead, the thread was hijacked about some fucking rats. Yeah we know them rats can be hard in ny but what about the rent though?
Dumbshit transplants and cacs fall for. Those the dumbasses that’s paying that much. If those idiots stopped paying that high those “ alleged averages” would drop. Real New Yorkers know better and not paying that dumbshit.. reminds me of the goofballs that are paying $300+ dollars on the first date meanwhile some nig smashing some bitch after ordering 2 slice of pizzas for her


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
Dumbshit transplants and cacs fall for. Those the dumbasses that’s paying that much. If those idiots stopped paying that high those “ alleged averages” would drop. Real New Yorkers know better and not paying that dumbshit.. reminds me of the goofballs that are paying $300+ dollars on the first date meanwhile some nig smashing some bitch after ordering 2 slice of pizzas for her
tru dat but at some point, it will be a problem for the real New Yorkers. What you are describing is a byproduct of gentrification... it starts off one and two..pretty soon, the whole neighborhood is being outpriced because mofos with money are making it rain. what landlord gonna turn down 2-3 times the rent on some shit he owns?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
tru dat but at some point, it will be a problem for the real New Yorkers. What you are describing is a byproduct of gentrification... it starts off one and two..pretty soon, the whole neighborhood is being outpriced because mofos with money are making it rain. what landlord gonna turn down 2-3 times the rent on some shit he owns?
Not enough transplants for that. This is why this will eventually blow up in their face. They keep building new properties hoping they will get more suckers and eventually there will be a breaking point that won’t have enough customers or they will say enough is enough. Greed and ego is usually the downfall of a lot of biz


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
Not enough transplants for that. This is why this will eventually blow up in their face. They keep building new properties hoping they will get more suckers and eventually there will be a breaking point that won’t have enough customers or they will say enough is enough. Greed and ego is usually the downfall of a lot of biz
i don't know about that playboi.. i mean NY never lacks for a # of people to go live there... everybody trying to get paid and when you add foreign money into the mix it forces the cost upwards...take D.C. its literally a city dvided between local $$ and foreign money that why their prices are out of whack. Some countries kick the dolla in the ass, which mean they can afford NY and D.C, where the average working american is barely making any money.


The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
Not enough transplants for that. This is why this will eventually blow up in their face. They keep building new properties hoping they will get more suckers and eventually there will be a breaking point that won’t have enough customers or they will say enough is enough. Greed and ego is usually the downfall of a lot of biz
As these new housing areas are built. They force locals out of the existing ones and then they got you. Happening slowly and will continue. The long game is happening in NYC and you all about to be shut out.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Not enough transplants for that. This is why this will eventually blow up in their face. They keep building new properties hoping they will get more suckers and eventually there will be a breaking point that won’t have enough customers or they will say enough is enough. Greed and ego is usually the downfall of a lot of biz

That's exactly what happened in San Francisco.

Treasure Island is a former naval base. Once decommissioned the Navy rented out the base housing to civilians. Now the city is taken over and they're building new units.

Look up Treasure Island on Wikipedia and you will see that the Navy did a lot of work with nuclear waste there. Some for testing some for disposal. That shit pops up practically every time a dog digs a little too deep in someone's garden.

However, since it's less than 10 minutes from downtown, those new units cost upwards of 1 million for a studio apartment.

Since covid everybody is working from home, city has people leaving in droves and now, surprise surprise, nobody wants to pay a million dollars for a cracker box in the middle of a toxic waste dump. Without new renters the project is falling way over budget. Most of the units have gone to people who were already on the island living off a government or charity check.

In other words, these luxury apartments they promised have been scaled back dramatically and turned into the projects.

If it wasn't so tragic I'd be laughing my ass off. But those bastards got greedy and found out exactly what that gets them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not enough transplants for that. This is why this will eventually blow up in their face. They keep building new properties hoping they will get more suckers and eventually there will be a breaking point that won’t have enough customers or they will say enough is enough. Greed and ego is usually the downfall of a lot of biz
Truth. Folks kill me getting mad about something they can simply ignore. Let those units sit empty. Not your problem. And if some gentrifiers pay it; let em. When I see stories of people homeless with jobs living in San Francisco, my first and only thought is YOU’RE CHOOSING TO BE.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
That's exactly what happened in San Francisco.

Treasure Island is a former naval base. Once decommissioned the Navy rented out the base housing to civilians. Now the city is taken over and they're building new units.

Look up Treasure Island on Wikipedia and you will see that the Navy did a lot of work with nuclear waste there. Some for testing some for disposal. That shit pops up practically every time a dog digs a little too deep in someone's garden.

However, since it's less than 10 minutes from downtown, those new units cost upwards of 1 million for a studio apartment.

Since covid everybody is working from home, city has people leaving in droves and now, surprise surprise, nobody wants to pay a million dollars for a cracker box in the middle of a toxic waste dump. Without new renters the project is falling way over budget. Most of the units have gone to people who were already on the island living off a government or charity check.

In other words, these luxury apartments they promised have been scaled back dramatically and turned into the projects.

If it wasn't so tragic I'd be laughing my ass off. But those bastards got greedy and found out exactly what that gets them.
People been living on treasure island long before you left Canada .


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Dumbshit transplants and cacs fall for. Those the dumbasses that’s paying that much. If those idiots stopped paying that high those “ alleged averages” would drop. Real New Yorkers know better and not paying that dumbshit.. reminds me of the goofballs that are paying $300+ dollars on the first date meanwhile some nig smashing some bitch after ordering 2 slice of pizzas for her

Even for them this might not be all that bad.

You talking about an average rent for over 8 million people. Some of them make over eight figures a year and pay accordingly. Their existence and $10,000 a month rent doesn't mean that you can't still find a cheap studio.

On top of that, New York is one of the few places in America where you don't need to own a car unless you work very specific jobs or have mobility issues. If you still need a vehicle from time to time you can rent one by the hour and have someone drive it for you. That alone can save you up to $12,000 a year.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
damn this thread had so much potential. NY kats could have fell through and drop some knowledge but instead, the thread was hijacked about some fucking rats. Yeah we know them rats can be hard in ny but what about the rent though?
What kind of knowledge you think could be given?


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
How to afford living in NYC?
a. Housing lottery, if you qualify. Get put up in a newly gentrified spot, studio (no bedrooms) for $1800+.
b. Rent controlled apartment passed down through generations. I know someone paying $300/month downtown.
c. 15 roommates, disgusting.
d. Move to outerboros, further out the cheaper it gets. Bronx has nice neighborhoods, car recommended but car may will get broken into.
e. Jersey, still expensive but more bang for your buck and closer to midtown than most boros.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
How to afford living in NYC?
a. Housing lottery, if you qualify. Get put up in a newly gentrified spot, studio (no bedrooms) for $1800+.
b. Rent controlled apartment passed down through generations. I know someone paying $300/month downtown.
c. 15 roommates, disgusting.
d. Move to outerboros, further out the cheaper it gets. Bronx has nice neighborhoods, car recommended but car may will get broken into.
e. Jersey, still expensive but more bang for your buck and closer to midtown than most boros.

F. Take advantage of the city's amazing opportunities for jobs and hustles. Then you can live pretty much wherever you want