So, she is dating a bum for 11 years whose license is revoke and wouldn’t let her drive. instead he wants to feel like a man and drive and when the cops try to pull them over his best option is to run.. in the car by driving crazy endangering the lives of the other people in the car, and then act like the only victim in the end.
Knowing your self worth is important. Her low standard tolerance cause her to let him drive her mother’s car and got it damaged. Don’t blame the cops or anyone else. 2d27 likesReply
Just from watching the video I feel like tell this chick SHUT THE F?! UP ALREADY!!!! This kid from Brooklyn yelling like he owns the block……..they all sound like white tourists in DR……she like Callate la boca!!! I almost pissed myself when she said that……..what’s wrong with these kids today♂️ 2d2 likesReply
Alot of y’all a retarted and cant read for shit holy crap . It says he fled from the bronx and got apprehended on 207 and broadway in Dykeman which is in manhattan. A bunch of kids that would have acted like those fools in the real life 2d6 likesReply
Some cops be over doing it that's all I have to say. They suppose to be protecting one another. But who know cause all cops cover up for each other 2d1 likeReply