NYC MTA: Subway station agents will work outside token booths starting next year


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Subway station agents will work outside token booths starting next year
By Ben Brachfeld
Posted on December 8, 2022
MTA NYC Transit President Richard Davey chats with a subway station agent behind a booth at Fulton Street.
Marc A. Hermann / MTA
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Subway station agents will have a new role to play starting next year, leaving the confines of their glass-encased token booths to perform most of their customer service duties.
The MTA announced Thursday it had struck a deal with Transport Workers Union Local 100, which reps thousands of the authority’s rank-and-file employees, to transform the role of the station agent into a more mobile position, assisting riders all throughout stations instead of being stuck in one spot.
Authority and union honchos say the move is necessary as the MTA implements OMNY, which is set to fully replace the MetroCard by the end of next year.
MTA bigs say leaving the enclosed booth — where agents interact with riders through a glass window using a microphone — will enable the authority to more directly engage with and assist commuters, especially those new to the system or who are struggling to figure out the new contactless payment system.


“Making sure that we’re able to communicate with our customers effectively, to help them around our complex system, to help them with our coming OMNY system soon, to be able to provide directions, to be our eyes and ears in our station. That’s what today is about,” said MTA NYC Transit President Richard Davey at a Thursday press conference in Lower Manhattan. “It’s about the station agents of the future, a critically important part of who we want to be at New York City Transit, which is customer-facing first.”

The booths date back to the token era and have been underutilized in recent years.Marc A. Hermann / MTA
The new duties will have agents spending the majority of their shift on the platform and fare gates assisting customers, Davey explained, though the booth will still be available for storage and for communication purposes. Agents are currently being trained on their new duties, which are expected to be implemented early next year.

“Being able to move about, I think, is a far better approach than being stationary behind a booth, with very limited view,” Davey said.
For the union, meanwhile, the agreement represents a commitment to job security for its members as the internet renders many of the past duties of station agents obsolete.
“First and foremost this is about protecting the employment of our station agents so they can continue to provide for their families,” said Robert Kelley, vice president of the Stations Department at Local 100. “The OMNY posed a very serious threat. We refused to get left behind like the MetroCard and the tollbooth clerks at Bridge & Tunnel. So we’re going to move forward. We feel very confident that our agents are gonna provide the service that they need to provide. And as we move forward we know that they’re going to be a vital part of the new way of doing business.”

No booth agents will be laid off as a result of the new duties or implementation of OMNY, Davey said, even with the MTA facing a financial crunch. In fact, the MTA has hired 288 new station agents this year and intends to hire 235 more in 2023. Agents will also see their hourly wages rise by $1.
For years, the future of station agents and the token booth had been in doubt as fewer and fewer riders engaged with clerks for assistance, with many now soliciting answers to their questions from the infinite knowledge of Google.
Most riders were already filling their MetroCards on machines instead of at the booth, a phenomenon exacerbated by OMNY as fare payments are tied directly to pre-existing bank accounts. Booth agents have not processed cash transactions since the start of the pandemic, and those will not be coming back, said Davey, though riders will still be able to use cash in the OMNY vending machines the authority will soon install.
Despite his name, veteran station agent Dwane Boothman is excited for his new role beyond the booth.Marc A. Hermann / MTA
Dwane Boothman, a 19-year veteran station agent, said he’s glad he’ll still have a home at the MTA going forward and, despite his name, he’s excited to be leaving the booth and taking on a new role.
“New Yorkers get this bad rep of being mean and whatever,” Boothman told amNewYork Metro. “So you know, now we can come out here and show them, we got a customer service training, so we’re gonna come and show that.”
The Permanent Citizens Advisory Council to the MTA, the agency’s in-house rider advocacy group, sees the move as one that will both make better use of institutional knowledge and will improve the perception of safety in the system.
“Station agents are often the first face of the MTA that riders see when they enter the transit system. They know most about the stations and network they work in and around and are best equipped to help navigate the complex system,” said PCAC executive director Lisa Daglian, in a joint statement with MTA Board member Andrew Albert. “Having more people on platforms and walking around stations multiple times per shift also offers an extra sense of safety, which is particularly important as the MTA pushes to regain ridership.”



Torah All Day!
BGOL Investor
- For them being outside in all types of weather conditions in efforts of helping outside confused MTA customers? Crazy!
- I could see violence on them from ignorant and frustrated MTA customers trying to fight fares.
- I'm sure those who were comfortable in this position to having to be outside, will probably retire early (if eligible)
- Leave this position for the younger staffed generation


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
damn why you say that?
Setting them up to get got. Them token clerks stayed getting threatened behind that thick glass


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
jeezus christ on a skateboard. Why not just put targets on their backs?

They should be ADDING clerks instead of closing booths. Keeping them protected and better communication and token gates.

Financial crisis is total bullshit. Let's see, this is the 846th financial crisis I've heard about with those fucking crooks.

dik cashmere

Freaky Tah gettin high that's my brother
BGOL Investor
damn why you say that?
Bruh I KNOW them sisters that work up in the fucked up trainstations in Little domincan republic,

the 181st station.. that shit is fuckin disgusting at night...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He punched a elder woman in the face TWICE.. clear unprovked assault,

and of course he gets released without bail...

so that confirms it was a sister aka organic american

aka "black" woman he hit!

dik cashmere

Freaky Tah gettin high that's my brother
BGOL Investor
@playahaitian @Mrfreddygoodbud @tallblacknyc @crazyace718 @NYCVIDMASTER

CHELSEA, Manhattan (WABC) -- An MTA worker was struck in the head by a suspect, possibly wielding a hammer, who broke into a dispatch room at a subway station in Chelsea.
The suspect entered an MTA dispatch room at the 8th Ave. station at around 1:45 a.m. Tuesday and got into a dispute with employees.
He pulled out a hammer or some type of tool and struck a 51-year-old MTA worker in the head.
The suspect grabbed a backpack and ran away, eventually hiding under a stopped subway train.

Police tracked him down, pulled him out from under the car and took him into custody.
The arrest was caught on camera.
Both the victim and suspect were taken to Bellevue Hospital.
The victim is being treated for head injuries, the suspect is being evaluated


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The dumbest thing they did was trying to make the token booth obsolete.. instead of them outside helping bout you have people go directly go to the booth and pay money so that the token booth clerk can put money on the Omni card.. oh wait you mean utilize the token booth on why they originally made it..that makes more sense than to take them out to show people how to use the machine.. dumbasses were trying to get rid of that position only to realize that fucking position is needed.. dumbest shit trying to take money away from the token booth.. I remember back in the days you could run to the subway to re-up on singles ..those came in handy when throwing stripper parties or bachelor parties and singles were low..than they started adding all these rules that fucked up the quick re-up single fix


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@playahaitian @Mrfreddygoodbud @tallblacknyc @crazyace718 @NYCVIDMASTER

CHELSEA, Manhattan (WABC) -- An MTA worker was struck in the head by a suspect, possibly wielding a hammer, who broke into a dispatch room at a subway station in Chelsea.
The suspect entered an MTA dispatch room at the 8th Ave. station at around 1:45 a.m. Tuesday and got into a dispute with employees.
He pulled out a hammer or some type of tool and struck a 51-year-old MTA worker in the head.
The suspect grabbed a backpack and ran away, eventually hiding under a stopped subway train.

Police tracked him down, pulled him out from under the car and took him into custody.
The arrest was caught on camera.
Both the victim and suspect were taken to Bellevue Hospital.
The victim is being treated for head injuries, the suspect is being evaluated

Its crazy but its a known fact, in nyc, in the winter, a lot of folks commit crime

so they can be locked up for the winter..

but to do something THAT violent, mental illness has to be involved in this..!!

so silly to remove the workers from the station, as if hiring security guards

is going to protect them..

btw the END game will be to eventually replace them all with bots....

and they moving waaaay too fast for that to be successfully implemented..

they tried so hard to eliminate humans and replace them with bots,

from Truck Drivers to fast food workers only to find out,

society is fuckin decades away from wanting to deal with

a fuckin BOT..

Glad the Worker seemed to be ok..tho!!


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Subway station agents will work outside token booths starting next year
By Ben Brachfeld
Posted on December 8, 2022
MTA NYC Transit President Richard Davey chats with a subway station agent behind a booth at Fulton Street.
Marc A. Hermann / MTA
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Subway station agents will have a new role to play starting next year, leaving the confines of their glass-encased token booths to perform most of their customer service duties.
The MTA announced Thursday it had struck a deal with Transport Workers Union Local 100, which reps thousands of the authority’s rank-and-file employees, to transform the role of the station agent into a more mobile position, assisting riders all throughout stations instead of being stuck in one spot.
Authority and union honchos say the move is necessary as the MTA implements OMNY, which is set to fully replace the MetroCard by the end of next year.
MTA bigs say leaving the enclosed booth — where agents interact with riders through a glass window using a microphone — will enable the authority to more directly engage with and assist commuters, especially those new to the system or who are struggling to figure out the new contactless payment system.


“Making sure that we’re able to communicate with our customers effectively, to help them around our complex system, to help them with our coming OMNY system soon, to be able to provide directions, to be our eyes and ears in our station. That’s what today is about,” said MTA NYC Transit President Richard Davey at a Thursday press conference in Lower Manhattan. “It’s about the station agents of the future, a critically important part of who we want to be at New York City Transit, which is customer-facing first.”

The booths date back to the token era and have been underutilized in recent years.Marc A. Hermann / MTA
The new duties will have agents spending the majority of their shift on the platform and fare gates assisting customers, Davey explained, though the booth will still be available for storage and for communication purposes. Agents are currently being trained on their new duties, which are expected to be implemented early next year.

“Being able to move about, I think, is a far better approach than being stationary behind a booth, with very limited view,” Davey said.
For the union, meanwhile, the agreement represents a commitment to job security for its members as the internet renders many of the past duties of station agents obsolete.
“First and foremost this is about protecting the employment of our station agents so they can continue to provide for their families,” said Robert Kelley, vice president of the Stations Department at Local 100. “The OMNY posed a very serious threat. We refused to get left behind like the MetroCard and the tollbooth clerks at Bridge & Tunnel. So we’re going to move forward. We feel very confident that our agents are gonna provide the service that they need to provide. And as we move forward we know that they’re going to be a vital part of the new way of doing business.”

No booth agents will be laid off as a result of the new duties or implementation of OMNY, Davey said, even with the MTA facing a financial crunch. In fact, the MTA has hired 288 new station agents this year and intends to hire 235 more in 2023. Agents will also see their hourly wages rise by $1.
For years, the future of station agents and the token booth had been in doubt as fewer and fewer riders engaged with clerks for assistance, with many now soliciting answers to their questions from the infinite knowledge of Google.
Most riders were already filling their MetroCards on machines instead of at the booth, a phenomenon exacerbated by OMNY as fare payments are tied directly to pre-existing bank accounts. Booth agents have not processed cash transactions since the start of the pandemic, and those will not be coming back, said Davey, though riders will still be able to use cash in the OMNY vending machines the authority will soon install.
Despite his name, veteran station agent Dwane Boothman is excited for his new role beyond the booth.Marc A. Hermann / MTA
Dwane Boothman, a 19-year veteran station agent, said he’s glad he’ll still have a home at the MTA going forward and, despite his name, he’s excited to be leaving the booth and taking on a new role.
“New Yorkers get this bad rep of being mean and whatever,” Boothman told amNewYork Metro. “So you know, now we can come out here and show them, we got a customer service training, so we’re gonna come and show that.”
The Permanent Citizens Advisory Council to the MTA, the agency’s in-house rider advocacy group, sees the move as one that will both make better use of institutional knowledge and will improve the perception of safety in the system.
“Station agents are often the first face of the MTA that riders see when they enter the transit system. They know most about the stations and network they work in and around and are best equipped to help navigate the complex system,” said PCAC executive director Lisa Daglian, in a joint statement with MTA Board member Andrew Albert. “Having more people on platforms and walking around stations multiple times per shift also offers an extra sense of safety, which is particularly important as the MTA pushes to regain ridership.”

they NOT gonna like that....
they LITERALLY sit in the box & watch vids for 8 to 10 hrs per day. it used to be somewhat of a dangerous job due to the money / tokes they kept in the box with them. People used to set the booths on fire. shit was wild. They had a nice run with NOT having to do any work @ work. :lol: They cant be fired just reassigned. Most are close to retirement & dont want to do anything else. They gotta remove the booths for compliance.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
they NOT gonna like that....
they LITERALLY sit in the box & watch vids for 8 to 10 hrs per day. it used to be somewhat of a dangerous job due to the money / tokes they kept in the box with them. People used to set the booths on fire. shit was wild. They had a nice run with NOT having to do any work @ work. :lol: They cant be fired just reassigned. Most are close to retirement & dont want to do anything else. They gotta remove the booths for compliance.

Yo I remember the fires

There was a movie I THINK with Wesley Snipes and I think someone actually copied the technique to spray gasoline and light it in the booth.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The dumbest thing they did was trying to make the token booth obsolete.. instead of them outside helping bout you have people go directly go to the booth and pay money so that the token booth clerk can put money on the Omni card.. oh wait you mean utilize the token booth on why they originally made it..that makes more sense than to take them out to show people how to use the machine.. dumbasses were trying to get rid of that position only to realize that fucking position is needed.. dumbest shit trying to take money away from the token booth.. I remember back in the days you could run to the subway to re-up on singles ..those came in handy when throwing stripper parties or bachelor parties and singles were low..than they started adding all these rules that fucked up the quick re-up single fix

The token clerks gotta take some responsibility here too bro

There were way too many who were rude not helpful etc.

I have noticed that besides kids most people have been using debit cards etc to pay.

But can't you reload the omny card online and at cvs and other stores even? And link it to an account?

Can't you even use your phone?

Trust me I know a lot of working people ain't tech savvy still but I feel like that transition to omny has been better than most expected.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The token clerks gotta take some responsibility here too bro

There were way too many who were rude not helpful etc.

I have noticed that besides kids most people have been using debit cards etc to pay.

But can't you reload the omny card online and at cvs and other stores even? And link it to an account?

Can't you even use your phone?

Trust me I know a lot of working people ain't tech savvy still but I feel like that transition to omny has been better than most expected.
I’ve been fortunate that in my lifetime I usually got love from token booth clerks and in some cases nigs/females with buzz me through on some free shit.. news yr forget about it how many times I could flow through nyc for free on subway just saying happy new yr can I get some new yr love(buzz).. now as far as riding the train honestly I might have ridden the train maybe 5 times definitely less than 10 times since Covid so I couldn’t tell you much about the payment for Omni cards.. if using Mta I prefer bus and it’s metro card , maybe some coins, and mostly free 99.. as far as going to all them other spots fuck all that if I’m in the subway I should be able to utilize the subway to pay for my card and cause I’m a cash is king nig I would like my money put on my card by a token booth clerk( even though I started using the machine).. my older bro literally said he tried to get an Omni card and it took him 3 to 4 check cashing places to get it and most of the clerks didn’t even know how to operate the shit smh.. he like me we don’t like using our phones for everything like paying for shit nah you not gonna get access to my shit so easy.. that Omni card shit still got mad bugs to it anyway ( all that the card starts working every Monday for a weekly pass shit nah homie) if I got my card on Fri and started using it that shit needs to work until next fri.. not restarting on Monday..that’s double dipping into the funds


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
All you're doing is exposing these people to acts of violence and contagious diseases. They're getting more work and I guarantee that they aren't being paid more money to do it.

It's not like you typed one lie.

But I do kinda understand there reasoning behind it. I'd rather this than massive lay offs

They should really be some type of booth on the platform especially during school time and holiday time to help with directions, reporting suspicious activity, medical help and service issues.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
The job is slowly being phased out just like cashiers in retail stores being replaced with self-checkout.

Automation is replacing jobs. This job is not immune obviously.

MTA is clearly sending the message out to these employees to start looking for other work opportunities within the City Civil Service sector to continue getting their time needed put in for pensions….which as we know is coming to a end.

So in the end, there is no future in Civil Service Work as we know it today.

Or…start filing applications with Amazon.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The job is slowly being phased out just like cashiers in retail stores being replaced with self-checkout.

Automation is replacing jobs. This job is not immune obviously.

MTA is clearly sending the message out to these employees to start looking for other work opportunities within the City Civil Service sector to continue getting their time needed put in for pensions….which as we know is coming to a end.

So in the end, there is no future in Civil Service Work as we know it today.

Or…start filing applications with Amazon.
They tried to phase them out and it failed.. due to nyc crime in trains going up they seen they needed those workers.. if somebody gets hurt, attacked, or lost they actually saw that a human presence was needed in order to help or intervene.. take them away and not only do the risk of crime go up but lawsuits go up.. first thing that is said was nobody was there to help.. literally that happened and all of a sudden they started putting workers back on locations where there were no employees at


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
They tried to phase them out and it failed.. due to nyc crime in trains going up they seen they needed those workers.. if somebody gets hurt, attacked, or lost they actually saw that a human presence was needed in order to help or intervene.. take them away and not only do the risk of crime go up but lawsuits go up.. first thing that is said was nobody was there to help.. literally that happened and all of a sudden they started putting workers back on locations where there were no employees at

That all sounds good.

But automation is coming to that position.

Laws can be changed to protect the MTA from any lawsuit that the dumb and ignorant do in the subway.

Similar to how it’s impossible to sue a police officer or gun companies when a innocent loved one is killed.

As technology improves, they will fully automate it.

The less employees they have on the payroll, that means more profits.

Money is worth more than human life on this planet.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That all sounds good.

But automation is coming to that position.

Laws can be changed to protect the MTA from any lawsuit that the dumb and ignorant do in the subway.

Similar to how it’s impossible to sue a police officer or gun companies when a innocent loved one is killed.

As technology improves, they will fully automate it.

The less employees they have on the payroll, that means more profits.

Money is worth more than human life on this planet.
They were losing money due to lawsuits.. also when there is no human presence people have a higher chance of hopping /avoid paying their fare( financial crime).. like I said they literally saw how phasing them out cost them more money than actually paying them.. literally 1 of those humans 1 tech 0