In 2006, Steph was a senior in high school.
In 2006, KD was a senior in high school.
In 2006, Giannis was 12 years old in Jr. High school.
In 2006, Nikola Jokic was 11 years old in elementary.
In 2006, SGA was 8 years old in elementary.
Today, Kobe is a Nike fashion line, and has been retired for 9 years, dead for 5 years.
Today, Allen Iverson is retired, overweight and has been in the Hall of Fame the last 9 years.
Today, Gilbert Arenas is a retired podcaster who hasn't played in 13 seasons.
But Bron is still playing and headlining in 2025!!!!! Still the main attraction.
Some Johnny come lately superstar or small market team isn't replacing that right away family.