}~~~> Official 2024/2025 NBA Thread<~~~{ these front offices be doing the most


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro it's INSANE

I've talked to orthopedic physical therapist etc

The person who finally figures out why players like Zion Embid Davis are constantly hurt

But JOKER LeBron Karl Malone etc don't

Will be a billionaire

Load management isn't the ultimate solution
Them niggaz out of shape. No need to pay anyone to figure it out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The difference is he led us to a win
Just imagine when there's two whites on the court



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I understand that so they gotta either shorten the season or continue load management


How do feel about the minimum games played restrictions on awards which then directly effects salary bonuses and extensions?
I think the minimum game restriction are ok to a degree, can't have a muthafucka have a great 40 games gets injured and they get the award.

Now when it comes to money, players can't control injuries so I'm not a fan of that.

I would need to look deeper to see the rules and stipulations though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey @praetor

I know that you're a fan of Paolo and the Magic, but Paolo might be out for a while. A long while.

Because myself and many others might have to stop by and pay him a visit.
