Sad man, he had a great and successful life. Gone too soon.
All these so called Black people running BGOL and posting on here that supposedly love 80's hoops and none knows anything or has a word to say about JB. Hard to imagine why so many Black people would be mum about a respected legend in our community.
I posted a thread fuck boy
this is why I don't respond to you weirdoAnd didn't say a word about him or a memory. Just posted a tweet.
Did you know Kobe fucked Katelyn in the ass so hard the police found blood, anal tissue, and her shit crumbs on his dick. He gave her the Black Mamba!!!!!
this is why I don't respond to you weirdo
Do you think the bullshit is so bad that the stats are unreliable?
Because IMO Jokic is the clear MVP based on numbers.