Dwight being able to be celebrated as a Magic is a good thing. It's the peak of his career. But no way it happens last decade. Ring culture was too toxic. Put this in the box with Chicago retiring Derrick Rose's jersey, Nets and Raptors retiring Vince Carter's, the Grizzlies retiring Tony Allen's AND making him a 2 hour documentary, and the Heat giving tributes to Jimmy Butler for his "great moments". This doesn't happen unless Bron becomes consensus GOAT in the early 2020's and kills off ring culture. It's OK to celebrate guys who were great but fell short of team accomplishments again. If Michael Jordan was still falsely being promoted as GOAT, none of this happens. Nobody that didn't win got their legacy celebrated last decade.
Also it's interesting to note how jealous Dwight is of Bron. He took a lil pot shot at him on last night's broadcast and has been sneak dissing for a few months now. This after he ass kissed him for jobs on the Lakers in 2020 and 2022. Dwight even said his championship with the Lakers isn't important to him as his individual legacy with the Magic. More proof Jordans rings are everything theory was a lie and Nike marketing strategy.