Oh shit Granny for the streets for real


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I knew an older woman like that back in the mid 1990s. She was in her mid-50s, single, no children and had never been married and moved to New Orleans from some small railroad town in Mississippi.

It was a similar situation as the one in the tiktok video, boys would be cutting grass or cleaning the house in exchange for a few dollars, snacks and sometimes those hugs would linger too long, she'd kiss you on the lips or her hands would go too low. She got found when the police arrested a man for paying a girl for head, the police didn't arrest her but the women in the neighborhood wanted to cut her ass up. Within weeks, her landlord evicted her.

Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
As soon as I saw the title, I knew blowjob was going to be associated with the story. Didn't think it would elementary school penises would be her entree.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
WTF how tha fuck does this happen???.... #1 rule for my children and all of your children NEVER EVER GO INTO A STRANGERS HOUSE.....NEVER, #2 rule NEVER EAT FOOD FROM A STRANGER.... #3 rule NEVER LET A STRANGER TOUCH YOU NO Hi 5's, NO Handshakes UNLESS SAVING YOUR LIFE hands off! (leave immediately if this happens and tell your parent guardian or an adult you know and knows your parents.)

This is some random crazed bitch who would have never been known about except for these Scooby doo ass kids shoveling snow with no home training :smh:
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