Oh the Memories!!!!!!......I Still Ain't Shit!!!!!!....LMMFBAO!!!!!!!!!

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I lost it when he asked for a lighter. I had a coach in high school ask one of track teammates for a lighter. Dude was always high, so one day the coach asked him for a lighter.

Coach said damn near the same thing. "Boy don't fucking lie to me. We all know you got a lighter. You're high right now. Now stop bullshitting."

Tom Slick

The Black HHH
BGOL Investor
I have never seen anything really funny from this dude before, but this is absolutely excellent. Damn this is good.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

My JV coach was like almost like a drill sergeant, an old country redneck. He be like, ok we're going on first sound, and then he'd start having a conversation with one of the other coaches,,"I SAID FIRST SOUND, WHY ARE YOU STILL IN YOUR STANCE??!!"

We were good though...