Parents push for art teacher's firing, because of her curvy body, Thoughts?


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Michelle Vincente
People really need to stop confusing the reasoning behind things I don't think the issue is her body we all have the bodies that we have we can't change that but what we can change is the way that we present ourselves and if you know that you have a specific job you should know how to appropriately dress so that you are not causing unnecessary attention and a distracting way especially to young children who may or may not have the home training or self-control to be dignified in that way. You are a role model you are setting the tone you were setting the example so set a better one. It's really that simple. When it's time to get off of work and do you go live your best life wear whatever the heck do you want to wear that is your body it is your life do you but also remember that you still represent that job you hold a position and don't do anything shady that calls into question your character but represent yourself as you wish outside of school but when you were in school and these children are watching you please set a better example the way you want them to dress as the way you need to present yourself and dress. You don't want them going to job interviews like that so why are you? You want to know what's going on with these kids the problem is you have a whole bunch of adults that are setting the wrong examples and the kids are following it and that's why this is a problem


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Wade Cory Golden
Michelle Vincente thank you for being an adult cuz the moment anyone is against teachers dressing like this all reason and moral goes out the window smh

Jasmine Mullamphy
Michelle Vincente how would you suppose she cover all that up? She looks covered to me but sheesh her body is unrealistically curved even sweats and a hoody will not cover that up

Michelle Vincente
Jasmine Mullamphy the same way I cover up all of that in the same way as my mother covered up all of that if you think and she thinks she's the only woman that has been built with a luxurious curvy body you're delusional but never once that my mother find herself out there looking like this doing the most when it was time to go to work and never once have I done that but when we come home and it's our free time we are free to do whatever we want to do and we don't have to worry about what's appropriate for small minds and impressionable Minds or the workplace. There's a time and a place for everything and some of y'all really need to learn that everything ain't meant for everybody everything it meant for every occasion. This is the problem at some point in time people forgot that you didn't have to do all of that all the time there's something called modesty and you don't always have to have it but there's a time and a place I mean literally come on use your head


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Gina Chaluisan Gonzalez
That's ridiculous and I'm assuming the school has a dress code, I bet it's the mother who are pushing this insecure and wrong. I hope she has a good lawyer
Blu Bryan
I don’t think anybody should be fired for the way that they look however, children should be able to go to school without the distraction of sexuality. If she’s following the dress code, there’s really nothing they can do about it. She seems very talented and if she’s a good teacher, leave her alone. About all they can do is ask her to not dress super provocatively 

Susan Wortley
She's around kids there's no reason for clothes like this. I had to deal with a principal who looked like she was going to the club rather than be an administrator to a school and I couldn't take her seriously. It's one thing to be comfortable as she is in a school setting but it's another thing to look like you're trying to impress men rather than teach. In fact in the news recently there was a female teacher who was having sex with her student 8th grade if I'm not mistaken. Furthermore men shouldn't dress provocatively either. We've all seen that male teacher with the muscles bulging out from everywhere with the tight shirts and pants he can barely walk in. What happened to times when teachers dressed professionally?