JD Walker said:Pass. She doesn't have a close relationship with soap and water.
Mask said:damn mann thats tough
AFKAQ said:Smash! She seems like she might be annoying,but I'd still hit it.
JD Walker said:Pass. She doesn't have a close relationship with soap and water.
BeatDownRecords said:Homeboy yous a grade A karate joe faggot ass muthafucka for real.
JD Walker said:Ain't you the nigga who was crying in that thread about your Pops molesting you?
JD Walker said:Pass. She doesn't have a close relationship with soap and water.
BeatDownRecords said:Yeah Aight homo, trust me you's a self proclaimed faggot hatin on chics. Its documented. Don't make me expose you homes, where's your faggot ass partner Infidel guy? fuck outta hea