Politics: House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries Just Made History—and Gave a Helluva Speech - viewed over 2 million times!

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star

Black lawmakers should read the room and stop accepting money from American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobbying group that has supported 109 Jan. 6 insurrectionists for public office and has spent millions to defeat progressive Black Democratic candidates for Congress.

House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., is receiving blowback for allegedly caping for the ultranationalist and ultrareligious government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and attending an AIPAC-funded trip to Israel with a delegation of 24 Democratic lawmakers. Netanyahu is gutting his country’s Supreme Court, removing the court’s check on government power in making appointments and cabinet decisions and allowing far-right settlers to take control of the government.

Like his fellow would-be dictator friend Donald Trump, Netanyahu was indicted for corruption and is moving for a judicial overhaul that will neuter the power of the Israeli court, cement authoritarian control by the most extremist Israeli government ever and help him skirt justice.

The judicial overhaul plan — “largely an American production,” according to the New York Times, with support from right-wing Jewish American billionaires who underwrite Israeli right-wing extremism — has caused a governance crisis in Israel, with a threat to the rights of Israeli citizens, particularly women, minority groups and LGBTQ+ people. This, in a country where Palestinian citizens are second- or third-class citizens, and Palestinians living under military occupation have few rights, as the military killings, vigilante violence, legal violence and home demolitions against them have increased.

In recent months, thousands of Israelis have marched in the streets across the country in protest against the judicial overhaul. Over 1,600 academics and public figures from Israel, the U.S. and around the world have signed a letter titled “The Elephant in the Room.” (In the interest of full disclosure, I have signed that letter.) This letter makes the link between the attacks on the Israeli judiciary and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

“Without equal rights for all, whether in one state, two states, or in some other political framework, there is always a danger of dictatorship,” says the letter. “There cannot be democracy for Jews in Israel as long as Palestinians live under a regime of apartheid, as Israeli legal experts have described it.”

The letter calls for North American Jewish leaders to support the Israeli protest movement, support pro-Palestinian human rights groups, overhaul Jewish education to provide an honest assessment of Israel’s history and present, and demand that American politicians help end the occupation and restrict U.S. military aid from being used in the Palestinian territories.

Meanwhile, Black recipients of AIPAC support would tell you there is nothing to see here, as they fail to see any sense of urgency with the protests over recent events in Israel. Rather, they seem content to prop up the government of Netanyahu, who once called African migrants in his country “infiltrators” and a “flood” worse than “severe attacks by Sinai terrorists.”

Rep. Jeffries, who met with Netanyahu on the Democratic delegation trip, said the judicial overhaul would not impact military aid to Israel, even if the court system is weakened. “At the end of the day, the two things that bind our countries together relate both to our shared democratic values and our shared strategic interests,” Jeffries said.
“The Democratic Party in the House of Representatives will continue to stand with Israel and lift up the special relationship between our two countries and in support of Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people, and as a Jewish democratic state, period, full stop,” he added.

During 2021-2022, Jeffries received $439,790 from pro-Israel PACs such as AIPAC and the AIPAC affiliate Pro-Israel America — his second largest campaign funding source after securities and investment.

Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., another Black member of Congress, is a strong supporter of Israel who calls the nation a multiracial democracy with a story of “progress rather than perfection” and where everyone enjoys equal protection under the law. “I, for one, am skeptical that the hyperbolic and hysterical hatred for Israel, reinforced by decades of demonization, would magically disappear with the end of U.S. foreign aid,” Torres said. In the 2021-2022 period, AIPAC was Torres’ highest contributor at $141,008.

As some Congressional Black Caucus members accept AIPAC contributions, AIPAC spends millions to bring down Black candidates in primary and general elections, particularly progressive women of color who could align with “the Squad.” This is happening even in predominantly Black districts where Israel is not an issue. AIPAC’s Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI) has been weaponized by Democratic centrists to beat back progressives and prevent a progressive surge in the party, as The Intercept reported.

In the 2021 race for Ohio’s 11th Congressional District, AIPAC, Republican Party donors and cryptocurrency bros poured money into Shontel Brown’s campaign to beat Nina Turner. Most recently, AIPAC and its affiliates are funding challengers to unseat Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Somali-American Muslim woman who has been critical of Israeli human rights.

The pro-Israel group came for former Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland during her recent attempted comeback to reclaim her seat in Congress. AIPAC attacked Edwards in the primaries for not being pro-Israel enough, never mentioning Israel but criticizing her for poor constituent services. Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, an AIPAC beneficiary, came to her defense.

And AIPAC spent over $1 million in an attempt to stop Summer Lee, a Democratic Socialist and the first Black woman in Congress from Pennsylvania. AIPAC — which painted Lee as a bad and disloyal Democrat, even as it supported GOP politicians who refused to certify Joe Biden as president — continues to attack Lee for boycotting the speech by Israeli President Isaac Herzog before a joint session of Congress. AIPAC also attacked Lee for receiving support from the liberal pro-Israel group J Street.

If AIPAC does not support the Black community or Black interests, supports insurrectionists, arguably does not support democracy in America or in Israel and derails progressive Black candidates who fight for Black lives at home and human rights abroad, why are Black politicians still taking their money?

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

Now that was dope!!!!


The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
Flavor without substance.......naw , I'm not falling for the banana in the tailpipe trick

Too many people will!

"We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice." - Rep. Ayanna Pressley

A black voice means standing up for black people, not just sounding like a black person! Being a black voice has everything to do with substance and near nothing to do with style.

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The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
I think Vivek Ramaswamy is on BGOL.

Because out of nowhere, this obscure quote from over four years ago that I used on Tuesday is suddenly a big news item this weekend.

Too many people will!

"We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice." - Rep. Ayanna Pressley

A black voice means standing up for black people, not just sounding like a black person! Being a black voice has everything to do with substance and near nothing to do with style.

"But actually the funny part is the greatest racism I have experienced — I have experienced racism — comes from the modern left."​
Ramaswamy also talked about Pressley, a member of a group of progressive Democrats of color nicknamed "The Squad." He mentioned one of her speeches from 2019, where she said " we don't need any more Black faces that don’t want to be a Black voice."
"They say 'he's making that critical race theory stuff up.' No no no, these aren't my words. These are the words of the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK," Ramaswamy said.
When asked about it again, the candidate explained that by saying this, he was referring to "to a broader intellectual current in the modern left that reduces people to the color of their skin."​
"I think it's offensive. And I think the fact that we're taught to see one another on the basis of our genetic attributes is something that would make the old wizards of the grand KKK proud," Ramaswamy explained.​

Dana Bash invited Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday morning to discuss comments the lawyer and entrepreneur made about Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley. While speaking at a campaign event on Friday, he compared a 2019 statement from Pressley to something that would be said by “modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.”​
After Bash told Ramaswamy he “took it to another level” on Friday with his Ku Klux Klan comparison, she added, “You know, I’m sure, that the KKK was responsible for more than a century’s worth of horrific lynchings, rapes, murders, of Black people. How in any way are the views you’re talking about comparable to the views and atrocities committed by the KKK?”​
Ramaswamy was quick to insist, “What I said is the Grand Wizards of the KKK would be proud of what they would hear her say, because there’s nothing more racist than saying that your skin color predicts something about the content of your viewpoints or your ideas.”​
But Bash was unwilling to let the potential nominee edit his comments in real-time. She interjected, “You didn’t just say they would be proud. You said these are the words of the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.”​
Ramaswamy agreed. He replied, “You’re right about that, Dana. I think it is the same spirit to say that I can look at you and, based on just your skin color, that I know something about the content of your character, that I know something about the content of the viewpoints you’re allowed to express.”​
The entrepreneur concluded, “For Ayanna Pressley to tell me that because of my skin color, I can’t express my views — that is wrong. It is divisive. It is driving hate in this country.”​
The comments in question date back to July 2019. Pressley was speaking at the Netroots Nation conference about the importance of diversity in policy as well as physically in a room when she commented, “This is the time to shake that table. … We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need any more Black faces that don’t want to be a Black voice.”​
The context in which Pressley delivered her remarks is also important when it comes to understanding her intent. Her spokeswoman Lina Francis explained that Pressley was attempting to illustrate that “diversity at the table doesn’t matter if there’s not real diversity in policy.”​


Rising Star

Typical BS from the democrats, they scared to say our name

But when cacs kill they target usually darker skinned black folks in lower income communities and these faggots ain't trying to lose their jobs so the dancing around the issue.

Then they push individualistic cultures and mindset and dislike patriarchy and wonder why Trump go some much support from the brothers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...Trump go(t) some much support from the brothers.
Some exit polling suggest he didn't get that much support from black men. It was less than one in five, which was his second weakest demographic, behind black women. Oddly enough he over performed with millennial black men.


Rising Star

NY Times: Primary Battles Brew Over Progressive Democrats’ Stances on Israel​


“Israel is one issue; it’s an important issue to a subsection of our community,” she said. “But to pretend it’s the only issue is insulting and damaging.” ... Ms. Lee said Jews were “10 percent of our district, but we also have Muslim, Arab, Palestinian constituents who are afraid for their families and their lives.” ...

Such talk has already drawn Ms. Lee a challenger ahead of the April 23 primary: Bhavini Patel, a 29-year-old member of the borough council in suburban Edgewood, who suggested as the setting for an interview a cafe in Squirrel Hill, the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Pittsburgh where the Tree of Life shooting took place.

Ms. Patel’s biography could be her calling card: The daughter of Indian immigrants, she worked in her mother’s Gujarati food truck before becoming the first of her family to go to college. But since Hamas’s slaughter of 1,400 Israelis, Ms. Patel said she had been spending her time with the voters of Squirrel Hill, talking about a conflict half a world away.

“Something that keeps coming up in my conversations is that Congresswoman Lee continues to equivocate,” she said. “We’re responding to something that is evil — the murder, rape, kidnapping of children, men, women and grandparents. There shouldn’t be any equivocation on this.”

Ms. Patel’s could be one of many Democratic primary challenges buoyed by the confrontations between staunch defenders of Israel and lawmakers promoting Palestinian rights. In Minneapolis, Sarah Gad, a defense and civil rights lawyer, has challenged Representative Ilhan Omar, the former Somali refugee known for her clashes with Jewish colleagues.

In the northern suburbs of New York, George Latimer, the Westchester County executive, is contemplating a challenge to Representative Jamaal Bowman, who defeated the staunchly pro-Israel chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot Engel, in 2020.

And progressive organizations are girding for possible challenges to Representatives Cori Bush of Missouri, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and others, funded from the deep pockets of AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups.

“They spent a historic amount of money to intervene, and try and buy primaries in 2022,” said Usamah Andrabi, spokesman for Justice Democrats, the liberal insurgent group that helped elect many of the progressives now on the primary target list. “I think we will see a doubling and tripling down, because no one in the Democratic leadership is trying to stop them.”

Officially, AIPAC is neutral for now.

“There will be a time for political action, but right now our priority is building and sustaining congressional support for Israel’s fight to permanently dismantle Hamas,” said the group’s spokesman, Marshall Wittmann.

But AIPAC’s jabs have already begun. Responding to a post by Mr. Bowman extolling his “Ceasefire Now” resolution, the lobbying group called it “a transparent ploy to paint Israel as the aggressor and allow Hamas to control Gaza.” Hitting Ms. Lee, AIPAC wrote on X, “Emboldening a group that massacres Israelis and uses Palestinians as human shields will never achieve peace.”



Transnational Member
I think Vivek Ramaswamy is on BGOL.

Because out of nowhere, this obscure quote from over four years ago that I used on Tuesday is suddenly a big news item this weekend.

There are a bunch of national media on here stealing content; because their shit is horrible. I have encountered the same problem.

For some reason the fake pro blacks, athletes, politicians or entetainers do not post on any black social media even though they lurk heavy. I am not going on those platforms.
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Rising Star
While they are singling out these politicians, who are the politicians that want us to not fund Israel?

Well, there is going to be a vote on that very soon.

Rancorous Primary Fight Brews Over Democrat’s Stance on Israel​

Representative Jamaal Bowman’s calls for Israel to stand down on Gaza may fuel a perilous primary challenge for one of the left’s brightest stars.

By Nicholas Fandos
Oct. 31, 2023

Representative Jamaal Bowman was already facing blowback from Jewish leaders in his district and a growing primary threat for bucking his party’s stance on Israel.

But on Friday, he did not show any hesitation as he grabbed the megaphone at a cease-fire rally back home in the New York City suburbs to demand what only a dozen other members of Congress have: that both Israel and Hamas lay down their arms.

He condemned Hamas’s brutal murder of 1,400 Israelis. He condemned the governments of the United States and Israel for facilitating what he called the “erasure” of Palestinian lives. And with Palestinian flags waving, Mr. Bowman said, “I am ashamed, quite ashamed to be a member of Congress at times when Congress doesn’t value every single life.”

Forget about retreating to safer political ground. In the weeks since Hamas’s assault, Mr. Bowman, an iconoclastic former middle-school principal with scant foreign policy experience, has repeatedly inserted himself into the center of a major fight fracturing his party’s left between uncompromising pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian factions.

Mr. Bowman frames his actions as a moral imperative, but they are already courting political peril. Local Jewish leaders have denounced his approach as blaming both sides for the gravest attack against their people since the Holocaust. A potentially formidable primary challenger, George Latimer, the Westchester County executive, has begun taking steps toward entering the race.

Even some Jewish supporters publicly defending Mr. Bowman have grown wary. When a group of constituents who call themselves “Jews for Jamaal” held a private call with the congressman last week, they warned him he should be prepared to pay a political price if he does not support a multibillion-dollar military aid package for Israel now pending before Congress, according to three people on the call.

Similar coalitions are lining up primary fights across the country against other members of Democrats’ left-wing “Squad” over their views on Israel, including Representatives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Cori Bush of Missouri and Summer Lee of Pennsylvania.




Rising Star

Alsobrooks would be the third black woman ever to be a US senator.

If Hakeen Jeffries doesn't get his way...

“From the moment he arrived in the House of Representatives, David Trone has been a consistent and valued partner in the effort to fix our broken criminal justice system, eliminate reentry barriers for returning citizens and root out systemic racism,” Jeffries’ statement said. “Congressman Trone has also worked hard to create new manufacturing and tech jobs in the parts of Maryland all too often left behind.”
