Politics: Wtf?! Trump thinks Kamala Harris is a great pick for Biden VP Update: Whelp, he got his wish! UPDATE: PRESIDENT?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hate that Biden limited himself to just women but oh well Harris is the safe pick I hardly ever heard of some of these other people Name recognition matters


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Kamala would be a blunder. Trump knows that picking a non-white woman
would put the suburbs in play. Joe Biden will be a dummy if he does that,
that is why Trump is endorsing such a choice. Kamala does nothing for him. She
does not bring him a contested state, and even if she brings him more black
American female voters, they will not win him a state he is already sure of
winning. Who here believes white women want to see Kamala Harris as the
next president?

We discussed this before.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kamala would be a blunder. Trump knows that picking a non-white woman
would put the suburbs in play. Joe Biden will be a dummy if he does that,
that is why he is endorsing such a choice. Kamala does nothing for him. She
does not bring him a contested state, and even if she brings him more black
American female voters, they will not win him a state he is already sure of
winning. Who here believes white women want to see Kamala Harris as the
next president?

We discussed this before.
peep game... i keep saying it, thats just the truth the way i see it, i hope im wring but reading the tea leaves this is my conclusion, what i wish for and what i want are totally different from what in my observation is realistic

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Kamala is the top choice right now, I don't necessarily have a problem with her but I understand why some do. For me it's all about getting Trump out, that's all that matters.
Yup. Agreed.



American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
He has succeeded in splitting the country among racial lines, of course, he would like a Black veep candidate. The whole republikkklan platform is fear-mongering. "The n****** are taking over and coming to kill you and rape your saintly white women." Read between the lines and every thing they do boils down to that.
They count on voters not being educated enough to see what they're doing. And guess what? In many places, it works. In the places it doesn't, they rig the vote. That they continue to cut the education budget might have something to do with it.
I mean, this shit is plain as day. The tragedy is that people can't see it. They focus so much on ancillary shit the larger picture eludes them. Then they get 4 years of this shitshow and wonder where it all went wrong.

deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
it's crazy how vastly different the V.P. pick is viewed:
- I heard a respected talking head repeatedly say the V.P. pick makes no difference, but...
- Comments above backing Harris are ignoring her pride in putting so many people in prison when that was in vogue
- Biden committing to a Black female removes my 1st pick. Warren is best to serve as V.P. to focus on domestic issues
- Mentioned above; Demings brings FL votes, in a crass/basic political way - MAYBE? She's Black so don't count the CAC approval just yet....

If Biden picks Harris don't be suprised if Trump gets Nikki Haley to replace Pence. Then it will be Kamala Harris (1/2 Indian) against an Indian opponent.
No matter what, you can count on the media, ALL MEDIA, to fuck up the story as they spin while trying to look like they're not spinning narratives.


Rising Star
A black person who was in law enforcement or military actually has the best chance to help a Democratic ticket. Whites would rather someone who either locked up or killed non-whites.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
Trump not going after her is not a good reason to up her chances on the ticket. There is a reason he hasn't gone after her and it's probably because it's who his handlers want the Biden to choose...



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
it's crazy how vastly different the V.P. pick is viewed:
- I heard a respected talking head repeatedly say the V.P. pick makes no difference, but...
- Comments above backing Harris are ignoring her pride in putting so many people in prison when that was in vogue
- Biden committing to a Black female removes my 1st pick. Warren is best to serve as V.P. to focus on domestic issues
- Mentioned above; Demings brings FL votes, in a crass/basic political way - MAYBE? She's Black so don't count the CAC approval just yet....

If Biden picks Harris don't be suprised if Trump gets Nikki Haley to replace Pence. Then it will be Kamala Harris (1/2 Indian) against an Indian opponent.
No matter what, you can count on the media, ALL MEDIA, to fuck up the story as they spin while trying to look like they're not spinning narratives.

I wanted Warren too


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I wanted Warren too
Warren is too old. And honestly she’s better suited for the senate. We need honest, smart people in play to replenish our political discourse.

And for the people who lament picking Kamala because people in the suburbs are fearful of black people: shut up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've been saying this for some time: Make all their fuckin heads explode and pick President Barack Obama.


He can't. 22nd Amendment prohibits that.

Could a former president, who has already served two terms, be named as Vice-President? For example, could President Barack Obama be named as Joe Biden's vice president?

No. The 22nd Amendment restricts a candidate from being elected to the presidency for more than two terms. The 12th Amendment dictates that a vice president can not be selected if they are not eligible for president.


Horace C. Jones II
Could a former president, who has already served two terms, be named as Vice-President? For example, could President Barack Obama be named as Joe Biden's vice president?

No. The 22nd Amendment restricts a candidate from being elected to the presidency for more than two terms. The 12th Amendment dictates that a vice president can not be selected if they are not eligible for president.

Fuck it. Pull a trump and do whatever you want anyway. Works for him. Constitution be damned.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
dont really give a fuck what Trump thinks.
I think Bass is a better pick imho.
Kamala is better off left in the Senate.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Kamala would be a blunder. Trump knows that picking a non-white woman
would put the suburbs in play. Joe Biden will be a dummy if he does that,
that is why Trump is endorsing such a choice. Kamala does nothing for him. She
does not bring him a contested state, and even if she brings him more black
American female voters, they will not win him a state he is already sure of
winning. Who here believes white women want to see Kamala Harris as the
next president?

We discussed this before.
Didn't you tell American's to stay our of African politics a while back?


Rising Star
He has succeeded in splitting the country among racial lines, of course, he would like a Black veep candidate. The whole republikkklan platform is fear-mongering. "The n****** are taking over and coming to kill you and rape your saintly white women." Read between the lines and every thing they do boils down to that.
They count on voters not being educated enough to see what they're doing. And guess what? In many places, it works. In the places it doesn't, they rig the vote. That they continue to cut the education budget might have something to do with it.
I mean, this shit is plain as day. The tragedy is that people can't see it. They focus so much on ancillary shit the larger picture eludes them. Then they get 4 years of this shitshow and wonder where it all went wrong.

That is true 100% Trump's game and Kamala will make that even easier, an upper-educated black woman who came down hard of poor people of color and made jokes about it at a conference...

Trump doesn't have to do much, Kamala has already been dragged through the mud by the media who is primarily young, white and liberal.

These independent bloggers and them dudes at Vox, Slate and all them will have a field day with her.

Trump knows Kamala gets a good amount of hate already from black folks, he can easily expand on that.

Remember they tried hard to paint Obama as uppity for wanting to put mustard on a hot dog and not ketchup, what do you think they'll have for a prosecutor who has a history of being hard on low-income minorities?