Poor whites who vote GOP ARE NOT voting against their own interests

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh they are. They're just too stupid to realize that theyre house cats, but that lion in the mirror, is really the lion outside, and that mirror is a window... The lion represents the rich elites. The window is the gulf that separates them, and only the house cat thinks they're remotely similar beyond a basic DNA level.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Oh they are. They're just too stupid to realize that theyre house cats, but that lion in the mirror, is really the lion outside, and that mirror is a window... The lion represents the rich elites. The window is the gulf that separates them, and only the house cat thinks they're remotely similar beyond a basic DNA level.

You didn't read the full thread.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You didn't read the full thread.

I get the gist, which is why I made the lion and house cat comparison. Yeah they're both cats, like they're all white. But that lion doesn't see the house cat as its peer. It sees it as insignificant on a good day, and lunch on a bad one. The poor think they're lions because their white. So they will continue to vote for "cats." Even though the lion... Is taking everything, having all the fun and the house cat just gets to watch. They're OK with it, because voting for "cats" is better than voting with the dog, gerbal, and bird it shares more in common with, even the same environment...


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I get the gist, which is why I made the lion and house cat comparison. Yeah they're both cats, like they're all white. But that lion doesn't see the house cat as its peer. It sees it as insignificant on a good day, and lunch on a bad one. The poor think they're lions because their white. So they will continue to vote for "cats." Even though the lion... Is taking everything, having all the fun and the house cat just gets to watch. They're OK with it, because voting for "cats" is better than voting with the dog, gerbal, and bird it shares more in common with, even the same environment...

Voting for white supremacy isn't voting against your interest if your value structure starts there.


Rising Star
I get the gist, which is why I made the lion and house cat comparison. Yeah they're both cats, like they're all white. But that lion doesn't see the house cat as its peer. It sees it as insignificant on a good day, and lunch on a bad one. The poor think they're lions because their white. So they will continue to vote for "cats." Even though the lion... Is taking everything, having all the fun and the house cat just gets to watch. They're OK with it, because voting for "cats" is better than voting with the dog, gerbal, and bird it shares more in common with, even the same environment...


Voting for white supremacy isn't voting against your interest if your value structure starts there.

I get what you getting at pimp but they are voting against their best interest as a whole wishing that they get to benefit as an individual one day.

It's classic tournament rules....

Their playing the lottery on HOPES of winning the Powerball and getting the jackpot. Their ticket to play is BEING WHITE. So you have to be white to play- that's were the 'all in' ends.

Now as you know...

Tons of people PLAY the lottery and pay into it. Very little actual win and even fewer actual benefit from winning.

That's why IMHO,
poor whites are voting against their best interest as a group and to keep it One Hunny a lot of white folks aren't benefiting from being white they just ain't catching the ADDITIONAL hell if the weren't.

It's a false positive: 'Yo you're on fire! Look, since your white I'm not going to heap gasoline on your ass and make it worse. But you are on fire and that is your problem as it pertains to putting yourself out."

*two cents*
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Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
They are voting against their own interests - their own economic self-interest in exchange for the preservation of white supremacy.

That's why poor country hill billies like a Dylaan Roof will sacrifice his life to sustain white supremacy.

In white supremacy, it is not about individualism - the quality of my own life.

It's a "we're a team" mentality - even if I'm a fucking pee-on. I'm white and maybe one day I can be apart of the aristocracy.

They have a code of conduct. Black people don't.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor


I get what you getting at pimp but they are voting against their best interest as a whole wishing that they get to benefit as an individual one day.

It's classic tournament rules....

Their playing the lottery on HOPES of winning the Powerball and getting the jackpot. Their ticket to play is BEING WHITE. So you have to be white play- that's were the 'all in' ends.

Now as you know...

Tons of people PLAY the lottery and pay into it. Very little actual win and even fewer actual benefit from winning.

That's why IMHO,
poor whites are voting against their best interest as a group.

*two cents*

You should read the thread, bruh. It’s not simply a matter of semantics. Whites would rather be poor and destitute than to provide a foothold to non-white communities of people. If their highest value is white supremacy (and supremacy means nothing if someone isn’t beneath you) and everything else comes second, then how are they voting against their self-interests? They’re not. They’ve got what they wanted.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I get it. I don't think anyone thought any different after last year's election though.

Their playing the lottery on HOPES of winning the Powerball and getting the jackpot. Their ticket to play is BEING WHITE. So you have to be white play- that's were the 'all in' ends.

Yall didn't read the thread or didn't get it. They aren't hoping to hit a powerball. They just want to make sure you don't.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

You should read the thread, bruh. It’s not simply a matter of semantics. Whites would rather be poor and destitute than to provide a foothold to non-white communities of people. If their highest value is white supremacy (and supremacy means nothing if someone isn’t beneath you) and everything else comes second, then how are they voting against their self-interests? They’re not. They’ve got wanted they wanted.



Rising Star

You should read the thread, bruh. It’s not simply a matter of semantics. Whites would rather be poor and destitute than to provide a foothold to non-white communities of people. If their highest value is white supremacy (and supremacy means nothing if someone isn’t beneath you) and everything else comes second, then how are they voting against their self-interests? They’re not. They’ve got wanted they wanted.

I'll read it...

What you just describe is tournament rules- I'll settle for a shitty now if you give me the possibility, regardless of how improbable, of a better tomorrow.

So yeah, they're going to buy into BEING WHITE just like one is going to buy a lottery ticket.

*two cents*
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
this is common knowledge to everyone but them

You still aren't getting the thread or didn't read it. The very point of the thread is they are purposely doing it. They aren't being ignorant about it. That's the mistake everyone is making...thinking they aren't voting against their own financial interests out of "ignorance".
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Rising Star
Yall didn't read the thread or didn't get it. They aren't hoping to hit a powerball. They just want to make sure you don't.

Then they are not voting for their best interests.

If you're hellbent on keeping your foot on my neck NEITHER OF US CAN MOVE.

That's EXACTLY how the poor whites are being utilized and will continue to be utilized by the wealthy until they wake up.

Its a nicely cooked classism scallop wrapped in racism bacon. That's how they fucking both of us and it is wickedly brilliant.

I'll read the article pimp out of respect for you as a poster.:cool:

*two cents*

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

I'll read it...

What you just describe is tournament rules- I'll settle for a shitty now if you give me a possibility, regardless of how improbable, of a better tomorrow.

So yeah, they're going to by into BEING WHITE just like one is going to buy a lottery ticket.

*two cents*

They don’t care about a better tomorrow. That’s not why they voted for Trump. White Americans are like the Joker in The Dark Knight. They’d rather watch the world burn than to dismantle their privilege. You don’t put a dangerous, woefully inept demagogue like Trump in the White House if you want a better future.


BGOL Investor
These broke sick cacs don’t realize they aren’t apart of the supremacist club they are just merely pawns for the elite cac supremacist

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

You still aren't getting the thread or didn't read it. The very point of the thread is they are purposely doing it. They aren't being ignorant about it. That's the problem everyone is making...thinking they aren't voting against their own interest out of "ignorance".

It lets them off the hook and makes them pitiable, on some “Forgive them for they know not what they do” shit.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
These broke sick cacs don’t realize they aren’t apart of the supremacist club they are just merely pawns for the elite cac supremacist

They do. They just feel like as long as they are poor and WHITE and you are still poor too, they still win. They want whites to control all the resources even if it's just a small percent of them.. they're fine as long as the one percent is all WHITE. If the 1% was all black, they would vote DEM.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

It lets them off the hook and makes them pitiable, on some “Forgive them for they know not what they do” shit.
But the only ones making excuses and not calling it what it is......... Are whitefolks that think we cant see the hand up the puppets ass. So theyre only lying to themselves, to make themselves feel better about their flawed logic. Weve always had to push through their bullshit to get to our success.(whatever that meant to the individual) Now is no different.


Rising Star
If they value the preservation of white supremacy over individual financial progress, it's in their own "best" interests (no matter how stupid it may be)

Ok I get what you getting at.

That is so fucking obvious that I see that as a given over everything else.

Of course they are going to vote WHITE first.

It's the POOR part I'm like 'Dude the fuck?'.

I guess I need to work on my hate cause I don't hate enough to equally fuck myself over in fucking someone else up.:smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yall didn't read the thread or didn't get it. They aren't hoping to hit a powerball. They just want to make sure you don't.
I traveled to the Cayman islands a few weeks ago and was at a nice resort with a chick...Cayman islands is a spot where real wealthy cacs chill & hide their money in banks. The envious energy was strong especially when they realized we weren't locals. They truly have a sickness.