Post your favorite funny moments from movies sitcoms and skits


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Still low key 1 of my fave black actors in movies cause this nig stay having me laugh no matter how small his segments are.. he killed it in men at work, dead presidents, something about marry, requiem for a dream, they live, the thing.. Keith David stay having me crack up



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Till this day I be like no fair no fair no fair… the way he fell back and bust his ass always cracks me up..that had to be a blooper they kept in


deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
I saw this on the NBC SNL Xmas special last week.
I laughed; forgot these fools did this, then ran off a couple sequels.

D*** in a Box​


3-Way (The Golden Rule)​

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