I told y'all in another post that I went in for the flu and got diagnosed with pneumonia.. Well they gave me antibiotics and sent me home... The next day I noticed that my urine was getting darker and darker.. I thought I was dehydrated... I soon had lots of pain in my muscles and could barely walk.. Short story I've been in pain tossing and turning so I went back to ER.. They now say that's I have diabetes and my CPk level is at 400k the norm is 80..... They say something is attacking my muscles which is causing it to release that fluid in my urine which looks like blood but isn't... They say that they have never seen something like this or cpk levels this high... They say my kidneys may fail so I may be in here for a while..... Man I'm to young for this plz pray for ya boy ..... I know I clown alot on here but I'm just stressed... From diabetes to this other mystery diagnosis WTF...... I thought all I had was the flu stay healthy brothas.... Pray 4 ya boy and keep the board cracking !! iPhone is still king