a prog that when you right click and copy you can do it in multiples instead of pasting before you can copy again.
a prog that when you right click and copy you can do it in multiples instead of pasting before you can copy again.
write a program that will wire a couple thousand dollars to my bank account.
seriously, let me think on this, i had a few ideas for programs. just can't remember.
Damn Right.How bout a calendar program? I know it's been done to death but here's a few features:
SMS text / email reminders.
Task entries are automatically scheduled.
Support for yearly weekly occurences.
Support for "oddball" occurences, i.e. an event that happens on the first and 15th of every month
Runs in the background so that messages can pop up like post-its and "stuck" on screen till dismissed (location of pop up can be customized: bottom right, center, left etc..)
I get alot of ideas for programs, just never act on them cuz my specialty is network administration
And if you steal a couple thousand, they won't notice.....will they? either way, if you get caught: i don't know you.
Now, damn it I ain't adobe, you gonna have give me a minute to work this...
My bad what kinda programs are you thinking about?
Aw, naw, cutty, you taking that the wrong way...
I just mean give me a grace period to do my research and coding...
That's all, my dude...