Proof We're Living In The Dumbest Possible Timline: Russ Spy Sings "Beauty & The Beast" w NRA Dweeb


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
This can't be real life man wtf :smh:

Bonus Retardedness

These NRA/GOP tools knew she was a Russian spy and they thought they were getting the better of her (email Erickson sent to then NRA president):

“Dear International Man of Mystery or should we just start calling you “Austin Powers” to your face??” he wrote, with a smiley face.

“Miss Butina has (apparently) moved heaven and earth and manipulated the Russian FSB (the current incarnation of the old KGB) and gotten you cleared for a tour of one (1) Russian arms factory the day before the NRA delegation arrives in Moscow,” he continued. “She found a way to shrink a normally 3-week process into about 3-days (probably because most of the FSB agents ‘assigned’ to her want to marry her).”



Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Dude was all the way in love with this broad... this shit is fucking crazy :lol: