Question for iPhone users. Anyone had problems with SMS since the MMS update?


Support BGOL
Ever since the update that allowed MMS, I've had problems with receiving regular text messages. I've done searches to see if anyone else is having this problem, and I haven't seen any results. Anyway, I'm running the 3.01 OS - jailbroken. I updated the carrier file at the time of the MMS update so I could send/receive MMS. Here's what's been going on since that time:

You know those notifications that come up when you get a text message? For one, I had those notifications disabled by downloading the iBlacklist app. It was working fine until I updated the carrier file. Now, the app still says it's disabled, but the notifications come up anyway. The notifications accurately show the text message being received.

Second, you know the first screen that comes up under "messages"? It has a list of all the people you have sent/received messages from, and when you click on the name, you can see the conversation thread with that person. That screen is fine, no problem. It gives a preview of the latest message received/sent, and that preview is also accurate.

Here's where the problem comes in: When I actually click on the name and go to actually read/reply to a message ... the message won't be there. The space will either be completely blank, OR it will be an old random MMS message I sent or received. The MMS won't even be one that I sent to that person - it'll just be a random pic, or there will be an empty space where a random pic would be at. This happens about 60% of the time on all SMS messages I receive. Anyone else have this problem or have a clue how I can fix it?

I'm assuming it's MMS related since I didn't have the problem before the update and that I'll see random pics or vids when I go to read the message. Keep in mind that any other screen shows the message accurately though (the pop up, or the messages screen).


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Hmm.... sound like it's the MMS update that may be giving you problems, although I wouldn't know how to correct this issue.

I've been having a similiar problem since the update, but mine is sound related. The "Tri Ring Tone" that is set for SMS messages has since been inoperable. I don't know what it is, but ever since then, it just stopped working.

I can go into Settings/Sounds/Messages, and play it, and it plays just fine in there, but when a text comes in, it's silent.

I'm wondering if this is a side effect to the MMS as well.

Nemesis Prime

Support BGOL
I would remove the iblacklist first. Run without that for awhile. I have a jailbroken phone and haven't had any problems.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No problems here

I wonder why my phone is taking so long to back up when I sync it tho



Support BGOL
Although getting rid of iBlacklist has substantially improved my situation, it's still happening. The only texts I've missed, surprisingly, have been during a thread of IM's in which a picture was included. I'd say the instances of vanishing texts replaced with random pics has decreased to about 20%.


Support BGOL
I even contacted AT&T and they told me to do "reset all settings." That seemed to work for a minute, but ultimately didn't work either. What the fuck?