R.I.P. R&B legend Randy Brown
Allister Rising Star BGOL Investor Today at 12:38 PM #6 Duece said: This is a horrible year. Click to expand... Agreed.
the artist Same shit, different day BGOL Investor Today at 12:50 PM #7 Back to fricken back. Rest well my brother
DragonXJC I joke and I know things BGOL Investor Today at 12:59 PM #10 RIP What is going on lately? I know people die everyday b but damn it's literally someone dying everyday b. The jab?
RIP What is going on lately? I know people die everyday b but damn it's literally someone dying everyday b. The jab?
Lexx Diamond Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™ Staff member Today at 1:06 PM #11 Rest in peace Mr. Randy Brown. He's born the same year as my mom.
blackbull1970 The Black Bastard Platinum Member Today at 1:46 PM #15 RIP. And the Orange Moron is still walking and breathing…
ansatsusha_gouki Land of the Heartless Platinum Member Today at 1:56 PM #16 Rest In Peace What the hell is going on this year?