Racist Emails Are Normal According to Fox News and Masterb...


Rising Star
Maddow Mocks Megyn Kelly for Suggesting Racist Emails Are Likely Common

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/soxGMYuL7Ls" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These white folks are simply telling us what they really do...:dunno:..why is this so shocking....

Rachel is the one who is off in this.....most of these white folks do share racist emails....



BGOL Investor
These white folks are simply telling us what they really do...:dunno:..why is this so shocking....

Rachel is the one who is off in this.....most of these white folks do share racist emails....


Believe it or not there are black people every day that this is news to. My Godson and my little cousin for example. They are teenagers and think racism is a thing of the past. Slowly they are waking up, they stay shocked when they see white people show their true selves.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
Believe it or not there are black people every day that this is news to. My Godson and my little cousin for example. They are teenagers and think racism is a thing of the past. Slowly they are waking up, they stay shocked when they see white people show their true selves.

There's far more confused or uninformed black people out here than just your Godson and little cousin. Just look at all the Becky chasers and black women seeking white men.

Black people should know, if we can't help make the whites better socially or financially they have no desire to be with us.

You would think by now we would've figured this one out.