1. They used to take clowns like this and use them to launch attacks against us which was ineffective. This was before Youtube, so this person had to be on MSM.
2. Than they would hire him, than have some fake disagreement because he was too radical, than that person would go on to Youtube to start his fake underground videos. Many of these people worth millions of dollars would down resolution their videos. They may also use smart phone 720 x 1280 cropping.
3. Now they are using fake black/white revolutionaries who will appear briefly on No.2 video. If any it shows their demented persistence.
I am constantly have beef with many of these clowns that validate the clownish antics of whites; This hierarchy is in general, I have not really had any issue with Stephen A, since they have abandoned these type of attacks on MSM.
If I can't get a deal without racial cannibalism, than I won't deal with them at all no matter how much money they are talking. It is repulsive, I almost see it as some Jeffrey Dahmer type sick shit.