Robots that Learn.......


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor

We’ve created a robotics system, trained entirely in simulation and deployed on a physical robot, which can learn a new task after seeing it done once.

Last month, we showed an earlier version of this robot where we’d trained its vision system using domain randomization, that is, by showing it simulated objects with a variety of color, backgrounds, and textures, without the use of any real images.

Now, we’ve developed and deployed a new algorithm, one-shot imitation learning, allowing a human to communicate how to do a new task by performing it in VR. Given a single demonstration, the robot is able to solve the same task from an arbitrary starting configuration.

General procedure

Caption: Our system can learn a behavior from a single demonstration delivered within a simulator, then reproduce that behavior in different setups in reality.

The system is powered by two neural networks: a vision network and an imitation network.

The vision network ingests an image from the robot’s camera and outputs state representing the positions of the objects. As before, the vision network is trained with hundreds of thousands of simulated images with different perturbations of lighting, textures, and objects. (The vision system is never trained on a real image.)

The imitation network observes a demonstration, processes it to infer the intent of the task, and then accomplishes the intent starting from another starting configuration. Thus, the imitation network must generalize the demonstration to a new setting. But how does the imitation network know how to generalize?

The network learns this from the distribution of training examples. It is trained on dozens of different tasks with thousands of demonstrations for each task. Each training example is a pair of demonstrations that perform the same task. The network is given the entirety of the first demonstration and a single observation from the second demonstration. We then use supervised learning to predict what action the demonstrator took at that observation. In order to predict the action effectively, the robot must learn how to infer the relevant portion of the task from the first demonstration.

Applied to block stacking, the training data consists of pairs of trajectories that stack blocks into a matching set of towers in the same order, but start from different start states. In this way, the imitation network learns to match the demonstrator’s ordering of blocks and size of towers without worrying about the relative location of the towers.

Block stacking
The task of creating color-coded stacks of blocks is simple enough that we were able to solve it with a scripted policy in simulation. We used the scripted policy to generate the training data for the imitation network. At test time, the imitation network was able to parse demonstrations produced by a human, even though it had never seen messy human data before.

The imitation network uses soft attention over the demonstration trajectory and the state vector which represents the locations of the blocks, allowing the system to work with demonstrations of variable length. It also performs attention over the locations of the different blocks, allowing it to imitate longer trajectories than it’s ever seen, and stack blocks into a configuration that has more blocks than any demonstration in its training data.

For the imitation network to learn a robust policy, we had to inject a modest amount of noise into the outputs of the scripted policy. This forced the scripted policy to demonstrate how to recover when things go wrong, which taught the imitation network to deal with the disturbances from an imperfect policy. Without injecting the noise, the policy learned by the imitation network would usually fail to complete the stacking task.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
It's going to be a wrap for humanity soon.......
:smh: Evolution is a cold-hearted bitch. These things won't even be on 1s and 0s as used now. It's either borg-type creatures or gone for people.

Shit is like a bad sci-fi movie. Arrogant folks who think they can control AI. General population naive as fuck and still believing in primitive religions. Just a bad mix.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
im not about to click play, but is that video from Battle Angel?
God damn that was depressing

I believe it is from the Animatrix, which is a movie composed of a series of vignettes that detail some of the events beginning with war between robots and humanity, their (our?) insertion into the matrix- and ending somewhere immediately prior to the events of the first Matrix movie.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe it is from the Animatrix, which is a movie composed of a series of vignettes that detail events beginning with the birth of A.I - through the subsequent war between robots and humanity- and ending somewhere immediately prior to the events of the Matrix movies.
I knew it looked familiar. I peeped that back in HS. The segment where the robots and humans were battling each other was kind of disturbing. Alot of anime is raw AF.
That Track and Field segment was pretty wild though.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I knew it looked familiar. I peeped that back in HS. The segment where the robots and humans were battling each other was kind of disturbing. Alot of anime is raw AF.
That Track and Field segment was pretty wild though.

That segment is my favorite- from a philosophy point of view. Just the thought of, say Jordan or Lebron or Serena Williams being "in the zone" where they can't miss a shot- or seeing play unfold on the field or court almost if as the athlete were seeing a few seconds ahead into the future- just thinking of that actually being a metaphysical

breakthrough and "seeing" the matrix and being able to manipulate it (on a subconscious level) to a limited degree- the thought of that had my mind blown back in the day. I know that isn't quite how the track and field episode ended, but I was shook after watching.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
Electrical engineers created robots... Programmers, or software
scientists are by products of electrical engineers and mathematics;
Electrical engineers write all the programs that that run all the


Rising Star
It's basically a photcopy machine. The robot can replicate a snapshot of distances. But it's not really thinking. The robot is just doing a basic copy + paste. What we need to do is teach robots how to interpret time and distance so that they can derive their own equations to solve a problem. If humans are the ones who have to put the equations inside these robots, then the robots are not thinking. Even if the robot gets faster at soliving these equations, its still not thinking.