Ronnie Coleman reveals the Level of Pain he feels daily.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
dam right... but check this....get on a elliptical machine 5 days a week...and that shit improves dramatically....I hurt my back when I broke that giraffe neck... brah
I'll give it a shot. I've been going to a chiropractor and it's still hurting


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Steroids and overly lifting heavy will fuck up your joints and he had none between his vertebrae;look at his posture,shoulders,elbows and his legs,his knees are always bent.

He set out to be great,he did it but at a cost cause he could of lift just not as extreme as he did....he basically showed the bodybuilding world that you could go further and be better cause for a long time they were stuck on Arnold who did great things in those days but that was than.Now their all chasing Ronnie,Dexter,Roelly,Greene...ect where being huge is a must then defined which is the hard part along with balancing roids and the rest of that shit and a lot of them fail.
I also realize that that's the way they were taught to train in the gym cause that's what I remember seeing dudes do is lift heavy til they couldn't lift it but we now know better.


BGOL Legend
All that body building is terrible for your body . He did this to himself

Nah, it ain't the bodybuilding, I'll bet it's the steroids and abuse he put his body over the decades. You can literally rip the tendons off of your muscles from abusing steroids and your muscles. I think he took the shit too far. If you're in decent shape health wise, strength training is good for you. :cool: