Scary Tech - College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Google has been able to do this for over a decade. The didn’t have it as a feature of google glass because they rightfully felt it would creep people out.

Clearview AI has been offering it as a service to law enforcement for a minute

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I've honestly thought they've been able to do this for at least a decade. I guess the technology is finally trickling down to the masses.

Nothing good can come from this!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Oh wow, it pulls up all your information thats already on the Internet. Say goodbye to privacy :hmm:
You’re looking at it wrong.. I remember hearing a law enforcement agent speaking about why things like this is scary ten yrs ago.. “children” people are quick to share photos on social media of their kids, social outings they attended, their bday, kids bday, graduation, etc… imagine a total stranger walking up to a naive kid going hey I know you “you’re too-trilla( real government name) kid, i know your mother we work together, in fact I was at a few of your bday parties when you was young, the one you did a such a such park, etc I even bumped into ya when ya went to Disney world last yr, you don’t remember, pretty much they can view all your pics, outings , etc and make an elaborate story having your kid believe that the person they are talking is friends of the family or family and in fact they could be some pedo or some kidnapper that kills kids.. people scream stranger danger but if I just dropped a few paragraphs about various things you did, your parents name, certain places you been you create a comfort zone for the naive to get got


Transnational Member
I don't use social media and never would use my home address for anything not even a drivers license. I have learned a lot from doing this.

They have tried every trick in the book to get you to divulge, I have shut them down.

Laws need to be reformed there are too many crazy people running around.