Science: Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan is split in half between fresh and salty water:


Rising Star
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Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan is split in half between fresh and salty water:
  • Western side
    The water is almost fresh, with a total dissolved solids content of about 0.74 g/L. It's suitable for drinking and industrial use. The water is also murkier, with visibility of about 1 meter.

  • Eastern side
    The water is brackish to salty, with a concentration of 3.5–6 g/L. It resembles oceanic sea water in salinity. The water is also clearer, with visibility of more than 5 meters.

The lake's unique hydrological system is due to the Sarymsek Peninsula, which splits the lake in two. The western and eastern parts have almost equal areas, creating a continuous flow of water from west to east.

Lake Balkhash is the second largest lake in Kazakhstan and the 13th largest in the world. It's located in Central Asia and is shared by Kazakhstan, China, and a small portion of Kyrgyzstan.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Earth is constantly changing some parts. Earth is changing more quickly than other parts of earth. That is a beautiful site though especially how the animals react to the mixing of those two water bodies.