Sean Hannity Shutdown Sell Out Jesse Lee Peterson In Defense Of Walter Scott


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Sean Hannity Shutdown Sell Out Jesse Lee Peterson In Defense Of Walter Scott
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A recent panel discussion about the Walter Scott killing lead to Sean Hannity pointing out Jesse Lee Peterson's silly logic. It must be a cold day in hell for Hannity to stand up for what's right.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aiight let me break all this bullshit down..

whenever some shit like this happens you better

believe they are trying to distract you from

something they want to go unnoticed..

when that whole Trayvon murder went down..

the Libor scandal case was going strong..

funny how everyone knows who Trayvon is,

but dont have a gotdam clue as to what Libor is..

and Libor scandal directly effects them....

in fact it effects Trayvon and zimmerman supporters the same..

some of us like life outside the box!!!