Ok but he is hanging around with Diddy Kells and Kanye
Two sexual predators and a weirdo closeted gay guy
Sorry man but if its a cesspool he can't just hang for 20.plus years and not have indulged...
Common sense should kick you in the head ...he is just as fucked up as them...maybe even morso
Waiting for that publicity statement about how the Carters have been living separate lives for a while and Beyonce would like for people to.respect her family privacy in this time of turbulence....
EVERYONE was hanging with EVERYONE
So by that logic EVERYONE is guilty including staff security and chefs and agents and managers and promoters etc etc.
This isn't a Jay z thing
Its an INDUSTRY thing.
You can't start singling out cats you don't like.
Chappelle Jennifer Lopez DiCaprio Jaime Foxx were around too.
Common sense should kick in your had that they ALL bad
And you have NO IDEA who is worse or better.
Because just a few months ago the the same dudes in this thread were calling Cassie a f**king lying b*tch - remember?
Your personal bias is fine
But I hope that Jay (is innocent) and Beyonce and their kids have a great life.
I hope Puff kids have great lives.
What Puff did to Cassie and then publicly lying about it? He lost the benefit of the doubt with me.
And IF Jay is guilty? He should spend the rest of his life in prison treated like a child predator.
I don't trust any of these dudes - I don't KNOW them
But I don't trust bgol dudes for the most part either.