Sheila 'Semmie Desoura' Davis


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



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eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yall see whom she married to...?


no surprise there considering what she claims under her ethnicity below

Semmie de Suora (Savanna)


Real Name : Sheila Davis

Born: 30/09/1972 (48 yo)
Birth place: Chicago, Illinois (USA)

Citizenship : USA
Ethnicity : Black, Asian & Native American Ethnicity


Master Tittay Poster
Platinum Member

This's some almost real shit for me. I finished college at 21, which was the minimum age to be a teacher. I applied and was assigned to a "junior high school" to teach social studies to "special ed" kids. I was a history major, but hadn't really taken any education or teaching skills classes. But, there I was. The Master Teacher" at the school looked damn near like Semmie, maybe a little darker, but the body was close, and she volunteered to help me with skills and lesson plans, if I would drop by her crib . She was 10 years older and loved dick, but was a bit naive, but some of her girls had told her to hook up with a dude like me. BTW, I was recently married. She didn't want anything but a little intelligent company and a hard dick for 2-3 hours an evening, 2-3 times a week. I actually taught her about sucking dick and she'd talk to it while sloobing. Once, she was so horny at the end of the school day, that we wound up fucking in her office. I was only there for a year, but our little adventures went on for a few years afterwards. She went on to become a principal and retired. Married a jazz band leader and promotes him and a music school they formed. I send money to the school. Whenever I see her, she is quick to start the conversation in a completely opposite direction, because her hubby is apparently suspiciuos of anybody she knew from the past, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one.
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