Side Hustle Spin Off: the NEW street value of content sold via flash drive.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Ive been trying to figure out a price scale for selling cd's on micro flash cards. I think it makes sense to try o formulate a price scale or @ least get some feed back on what others think because chargeing $2 per cd on a 36gb 64bg, or 126gb micro sc card would be kinda exspensive to me but @ the same time Im not trying to sell my self, my product, access to it, & the exclusivity of the service short.

People STILL pay $5 per burned cd. $5 x the number of cd's you get on just a 16gb flashdrive can push the cost well over $50 with just 10 cd's / albums on it.

To be the most cost effective & offer the BEST value to the customer, especially the ones who actually BUY music from Apple & other outlest like it.

I was thinking about the possibility of charging a set price based on the amount of gbs the amount of cd's/ albums take up.

Ex: 8gb = $20 / 16gb = $40/ 32gb = $80

no matter how you slice it.... its a DEAL! (or maybe not) Value is a perception. Those of us who download music regularly just because we love to collect music, are sitting on a gold mind which requires no real work to produce a return on the investment of our time & effort. Our biggest cost will be the purchase of the micro sd cards. Customers want to be told what to buy & they want to spend their money on what they precieve to be the "BEST " sale.

My only real concern is what do you do about the cost of the sd card? How much do you charge for it? Do you factor that into the total cost of the sc card w/ the music on it? DO you wave the charge simply because you gettting them wholesale & you killing them already with the bulk rate only price point for the sd cards, or do you charge less than or 1/2 less than what they sell for in the store?

When I was selling movies on a 16gb otg flahdrive, I was charging $30 for 10 movies. I never included a fee for the drives cause I know ppl would be coming back with them for more movies, & I brought them wholesale... so it wasbasically cheaper (time/effort/ energy) to just load them on to the drives vs burning them onto dvd's & being stuck w/ movies I cant sell.

MP3 Song Capacity Calculator

MP3 Song Capacity Calculator
Player Memory Capacity:128 MB256 MB512 MB650 MB700 MB1 GB2 GB4 GB4.7 GB8 GB16 GB20 GB30 GB32 GB40 GB60 GB80 GB
Bit Rate of Songs:8 kbps16 kbps24 kbps32 kbps40 kbps48 kbps56 kbps64 kbps80 kbps96 kbps112 kbps128 kbps144 kbps160 kbps192 kbps224 kbps256 kbps320 kbps1,411 kbps (CD)
Hours of Music:
Typical No. Albums: 45 mins/album
Typical No. Songs: 3:30 mins/song

JavaScript for this and the following storage capacity calculator EMBED ASSIST PLEASE


The MP3 Song Capacity Calculator makes a few assumptions for its calculations. As such the quoted results are only approximations and may vary from actual results. The key assumptions are:

    • Average album length is 45 minutes
    • Average song length is 3 minutes 30 seconds
    • All MP3 track data is 100% audio
    • All of the MP3 player’s memory can be utilised

MP3 Storage Capacity Calculator

This simple little calculator estimates how much space will be required to store your CD collection on your flash drive or external hard drive based on a given bit rate:

MP3 Storage Capacity Calculator

No. Albums: at 45 mins/album
Bit Rate of Songs:8 kbps16 kbps24 kbps32 kbps40 kbps48 kbps56 kbps64 kbps80 kbps96 kbps112 kbps128 kbps144 kbps160 kbps192 kbps224 kbps256 kbps320 kbps1,411 kbps (CD)

Storage Required:

The HTML code for the two calculator EMBED ASSIST PLEASE

The above MP3 Storage Capacity Calculator makes a few assumptions for its calculations. As such the results are only approximations. The key assumptions are:
  • Average album length is 45 minutes
  • A single piece of album artwork is added to each album at 50kB

another music calculator.... probably the best one.... I cant embed it.. an assist would be appreciated.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
MP3 Song Capacity Calculator code...... can someone embed this please..... i have no clue on how to do so!
1: // Define average album/song length and artwork size[/B]
[B]2: var SECONDS_PER_ALBUM    = 2700;  // in seconds = 45 mins
3: var SECONDS_PER_SONG     = 210;   // in seconds = 3:30 mins
4: var ALBUM_COVER_STORAGE  = 51200; // in bytes = 50kB in bytes
7: // MP3 song space calculation
8: function CalcSongs()
9: {
10:     // Get key variables from HTML form
11:     intMemory  = document.getElementById("memory").value;
12:     intBitrate = document.getElementById("bitrate").value;
14:     // Calculate total time available in seconds for given memory and bitrate
15:     intTotalTime = (intMemory * 8) / intBitrate;
17:     // Convert total time in seconds to hours and minutes
18:     intHours = Math.floor(intTotalTime / 3600);
19:     intMins = Math.floor((intTotalTime - (intHours * 3600)) / 60);
21:     // Estimate how many songs and albums can be stored
22:     intAlbums = (intTotalTime / SECONDS_PER_ALBUM);
23:     intSongs = Math.floor(intTotalTime / SECONDS_PER_SONG);
25:     // Show results on web page in allocated fields
26:     document.getElementById("hours").value  = intHours + ':' + intMins;
27:     document.getElementById("albums").value = intAlbums.toFixed(1);
28:     document.getElementById("songs").value  = intSongs;
29: }
32: // MP3 storage space calculation
33: function CalcStorage()
34: {
35:     // Get key variables from HTML form
36:     intAlbums  = document.getElementById("albums2").value;
37:     intBitrate = document.getElementById("bitrate2").value;
39:     // Calculate total time for all albums
40:     intTotalTime = intAlbums * SECONDS_PER_ALBUM;
42:     // Estimate how much storage is required for audio in M
43:     intStorage = intTotalTime * (intBitrate / 8);
45:     // Estimate how much storage is required for one artwork per album
46:     intArtStorage = intAlbums * ALBUM_COVER_STORAGE;

MP3 Storage Capacity Calculator

1: <script type="text/javascript" src="song-calc.js"></script>
3: <form id="mp3calc" method="post">
4:     <fieldset>
5:         <legend>MP3 Song Capacity Calculator</legend>
7:         <table border="0" summary="JavaScript MP3 Song Capacity Calculator">
8:             <tbody>
10:                 <tr>
11:                     <td align="left"><label for="memory"><strong>Player Memory Capacity: </strong></label></td>
13:                     <td align="left">
14:                         <select id="memory" onchange="return CalcSongs();" name="memory">
15:                             <option value="134217728">128 MB</option>
16:                             <option value="268435456">256 MB</option>
17:                             <option value="536870912">512 MB</option>
18:                             <option value="1073741824">1 GB</option>
19:                             <option value="2147483648">2 GB</option>
20:                             <option value="4294967296">4 GB</option>
21:                             <option value="8589934592">8 GB</option>
22:                             <option value="17179869184">16 GB</option>
23:                             <option value="21474836480">20 GB</option>
24:                             <option value="32212254720">30 GB</option>
25:                             <option value="34359738368">32 GB</option>
26:                             <option value="42949672960">40 GB</option>
27:                             <option value="64424509440">60 GB</option>
28:                             <option value="85899345920">80 GB</option>
29:                         </select>
30:                     </td>
31:                 </tr>
33:                 <tr>
34:                     <td align="left"><label for="bitrate"><strong>Bit Rate of Songs: </strong></label></td>
35:                     <td align="left">
36:                         <select id="bitrate" name="bitrate" onchange="return CalcSongs();">
37:                             <option value="8000">8 kbps</option>
38:                             <option value="16000">16 kbps</option>
39:                             <option value="24000">24 kbps</option>
40:                             <option value="32000">32 kbps</option>
41:                             <option value="40000">40 kbps</option>
42:                             <option value="48000">48 kbps</option>
43:                             <option value="56000">56 kbps</option>
44:                             <option value="64000">64 kbps</option>
45:                             <option value="80000">80 kbps</option>
46:                             <option value="96000">96 kbps</option>
47:                             <option value="112000">112 kbps</option>
48:                             <option selected="selected" value="128000">128 kbps</option>
49:                             <option value="144000">144 kbps</option>
50:                             <option value="160000">160 kbps</option>
51:                             <option value="192000">192 kbps</option>
52:                             <option value="224000">224 kbps</option>
53:                             <option value="256000">256 kbps</option>
54:                             <option value="320000">320 kbps</option>
55:                         </select>
56:                     </td>
57:                 </tr>
59:                 <tr>
60:                     <td align="left"><label for="hours"><strong>Hours of Music: </strong></label></td>
61:                     <td align="left"><input id="hours" disabled="disabled" name="hours" size="8" type="text" value="2:19" /></td>
62:                 </tr>
64:                 <tr>
65:                   <td align="left"><label for="albums"><strong>Typical No. Albums: </strong></label></td>
66:                     <td align="left"><input id="albums" disabled="disabled" name="albums" size="8" type="text" value="3.1" /> 45 mins/album</td>
67:                 </tr>
69:                 <tr>
70:                     <td align="left"><label for="songs"><strong>Typical No. Songs: </strong></label></td>
71:                     <td align="left"><input id="songs" disabled="disabled" name="songs" size="8" type="text" value="39" /> 3:30 mins/song</td>
72:                 </tr>
74:             </tbody>
75:         </table>
76:     </fieldset>
77: </form>
79: <form id="mp3calc2" method="post">
80:     <fieldset>
81:         <legend>MP3 Storage Capacity Calculator</legend>
83:         <table border="0" summary="JavaScript MP3 Storage Capacity Calculator">
84:             <tbody>
86:                 <tr>
87:                     <td align="left"><label for="albums2"><strong>No. Albums: </strong></label></td>
88:                     <td align="left">
89:                         <input id="albums2" name="albums2" size="8" type="text" value="100" onchange="return CalcStorage();" /> at 45 mins/album
90:                     </td>
91:                 </tr>
93:                 <tr>
94:                     <td align="left"><label for="bitrate2"><strong>Bit Rate of Songs: </strong></label></td>
95:                     <td align="left">
96:                         <select id="bitrate2" name="bitrate2" onchange="return CalcStorage();">
97:                             <option value="8000">8 kbps</option>
98:                             <option value="16000">16 kbps</option>
99:                             <option value="24000">24 kbps</option>
100:                             <option value="32000">32 kbps</option>
101:                             <option value="40000">40 kbps</option>
102:                             <option value="48000">48 kbps</option>
103:                             <option value="56000">56 kbps</option>
104:                             <option value="64000">64 kbps</option>
105:                             <option value="80000">80 kbps</option>
106:                             <option value="96000">96 kbps</option>
107:                             <option value="112000">112 kbps</option>
108:                             <option selected="selected" value="128000">128 kbps</option>
109:                             <option value="144000">144 kbps</option>
110:                             <option value="160000">160 kbps</option>
111:                             <option value="192000">192 kbps</option>
112:                             <option value="224000">224 kbps</option>
113:                             <option value="256000">256 kbps</option>
114:                             <option value="320000">320 kbps</option>
115:                         </select>
116:                     </td>
117:                 </tr>
119:                 <tr>
120:                     <td align="left"><label for="storage"><strong>Storage Required: </strong></label></td>
121:                     <td align="left"><input id="storage" disabled="disabled" name="storage" size="8" type="text" value="4GB" /></td>
122:                 </tr>
124:             </tbody>
125:         </table>
126:     </fieldset>
127: </form>



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Appreciate the effort with the post
People still pay for content.... the trick now is to not allow the consumer to actually own it.
Cd's still get sold in stores, older people still buy cd's, ppl still have cd players in their car....

We are in the midst of another medium format change. New Cars dnt have cd players they have usb ports & flash drive ports....
Can't stop the Hustle.

Thank you.....
Anything is possible........


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You goofy for still selling CDs, now you want to sell CDs on a jump drive. Your mindset continues be to CDs. That's goofy.

you goofy & lack reading for comprehension skills.... nowhere in this thread did I state that I was currently selling cds....ppl still do it, I'm not 1 of them. Havent sold a cd in a few years.
However, Bestbuy, target, walmart STILL sell cd's & dvd's.

Tons of ppl still own cars w/ cd's players in them... myself included, mines happens to have a usb port on it.... been rocking out w/ that & making a killing selling flash drives w/ music on it. Micro SD cards w/ music/ movies/ books (audio or ebooks ) is even more convenient for a lot of folks....

You choosing to believe there is no market for the sale of content doesn't mean there is no market, it just means YOU dnt have a market nor see how you can create on.

Content is going to be sold...just cause goofy nigg@rs like you are content with leasing the music & videos you like to listen too or watch. ... better known as streaming.:roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3:

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you goofy & lack reading for comprehension skills.... nowhere in this thread did I state that I was currently selling cds....ppl still do it, I'm not 1 of them. Havent sold a cd in a few years.
However, Bestbuy, target, walmart STILL sell cd's & dvd's.

Tons of ppl still own cars w/ cd's players in them... myself included, mines happens to have a usb port on it.... been rocking out w/ that & making a killing selling flash drives w/ music on it. Micro SD cards w/ music/ movies/ books (audio or ebooks ) is even more convenient for a lot of folks....

You choosing to believe there is no market for the sale of content doesn't mean there is no market, it just means YOU dnt have a market nor see how you can create on.

Content is going to be sold...just cause goofy nigg@rs like you are content with leasing the music & videos you like to listen too or watch. ... better known as streaming.:roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3:

Awwwwww my bad, homie, keep doing what you do....



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Awwwwww my bad, homie, keep doing what you do....


:roflmao: when all else fails or when you know you gonna fail from the start...... start with shit that was never stated:roflmao3:
Where did I say I was sellioing cd's:dunno::smh: you gotta be related to the rest of the simple ass niggaahz who have noe choice but to make up facts so they can have a cool story.:lol:
On top of ALL of that.... you spend way too much time focusing on me:roflmao: you took thwe time to take a pic of the cd's you have & add txt to it to make it look like it belongs to me:roflmao:. Niggah what grade are you STILL in? :roflmao3: