SideHustle: How to Start a Coin-Operated Laundry


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The coin-operated laundry industry has undergone a revolution. No longer dingy, unsafe, boring places that customers must endure on a weekly basis, laundromats are becoming fun and attractive multiservice centers that customers may even enjoy visiting.

Owners have realized that they can maximize their profits by providing customers with access to multiple services. Since they're paying a set amount of rent on their commercial space, they might as well use that space to its fullest potential. Many owners around the country are opening a snack bar, minimart, serving food, renting mailboxes, copy & notary services, gaming stations and free internet access.

Because newer laundries are bigger than in the past -- often 3,000 or 4,000 square feet -- overhead is higher, and owners are looking for ways to cover the cost. These additional services demand little increase in overhead because the rent is already paid for. Customers benefit by being able to use several services all in one convenient location.

Another trend laundry owners have recognized is that customers prefer to visit laundromats with a more pleasant atmosphere. Many laundry owners are building kids' centers, holding music concerts, giving away coffee and hiring attendants who are friendly and helpful.

As the population of the United States grows, the number of renters -- your main market -- is likely to grow, too. Other social phenomena, like the prevalence of two-income families, suggest that convenient services such as wash-and-fold will continue to grow in popularity as working parents have less time to attend to household chores like laundry.

According to a survey from the Coin Laundry Association, more than half of coin laundries offer wash-and-fold. "It's by far the number-one extra service for laundries,"

The industry is what experts describe as a "mature market." Save for areas that are seeing high population growth, pretty much every neighborhood that needs a laundry has one -- or two or three -- that are competing vigorously. In some areas of the country, there are too many laundromats already.

If you're planning on operating just one or two stores, you'll be in good company. Three-quarters of laundry owners own only one store, and very few have more than two. While there are no national laundry chains, a few local chains are starting to grow in various parts of the country. These chains are still quite localized, though, and only a few consist of more than a few dozen.

For a little more than half of laundry owners, operating the store(s) is their full-time job. Others take the moonlighting approach-they manage other businesses or work a day job. But more laundry owners are starting to own larger stores and more than one store. These people are able to survive on the income larger stores or multiple stores generate

The amount of money you can make from a laundry varies tremendously. According to the Coin Laundry Association's Brian Wallace, the annual gross income from one store can range from $30,000 to $1 million. The expenses incurred while running a store range between 65 and 115 percent of the gross income. That means that for a store grossing $30,000 per year, at best it nets $10,500 and at worst it loses $4,500. For a store grossing $1 million per year, the profit could be as high as $350,000, or there could be a loss of up to $150,000, depending on expenses.

Wallace says these profit margins have less to do with the size of the store than with its owner. An owner who runs his or her store well-who keeps it clean, repairs its equipment quickly, uses energy-efficient systems and offers good customer service-will see profit margins of about 35 percent.

The steady income that a laundry generates is a plus for many people. If you're looking for a business that will keep the cash flowing no matter what the rest of the economy is doing, you've found it in laundries. Clean clothes are a necessity, not a luxury, so people are going to use laundromats no matter how the stock market is performing. The business is also fairly steady month in, month out. So unless you draw on vacationers' dollars in a place with seasonal tourism, you'll find that you can count on a fairly steady income throughout the year.

While no particular experience is necessary, a business background is always important. In addition, a background in machine repair or a knack for fixing machines helps. Owners who have experience with laundry equipment are able to cut down on the cost of repairs. But others have found that they can learn about the machines and make some repairs themselves, or hire a repairperson and avoid the headache altogether. The self-service laundry business is an open club. With enough enthusiasm, interest and business-savvy, you can join the club and succeed in the industry.

If you're friendly, your customers will want to use your store. By taking the time to talk to them, you will also be able to learn about their laundry needs and their preferences for services. Ultimately, this kind of information will help you improve the quality of your business so that you can attract even more customers.

If you have an unattended laundry that you visit twice a day to clean and collect quarters, you still need to greet your customers with a smile on your face and an attitude that's ready to help. So if small talk with strangers leaves you cold, and you can't stand the thought of answering customers' questions (often the same ones over and over), the laundry business may not be the one for you.

So what's it really like to own a laundry business? Whether you do all the work yourself or hire an attendant or a janitor, there are tasks you will need to take care of on a daily basis. You will need to open and close your store promptly each day, clean it, collect money, and fill vending and change machines. You will also need to keep track of which machines are being used and how often.

Those laundry owners who have employees will have other duties, too. They'll be hiring and supervising those employees and overseeing additional services such as wash-and-fold.

The Hours You Shall Keep
Laundries are generally open between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. seven days per week. Because weekends are usually the busiest days for laundries, you should definitely keep your doors open on Saturdays and Sundays. In some instances, you may want to adopt alternate hours, especially if the market you serve or the location of your store lends itself to having open doors at other times of the day.

Your first duty of the day is to open your store, and you must be on time because your customers may plan their day around getting their laundry done at a certain time. You can avoid having to be at your store early in the morning and late at night by installing an automatic lock system on a timer. A typical system like this will cost you between $1,000 and $1,500.

At night, of course, you must close down and lock up. If you want all the customers to be gone by 10 p.m., you should consider locking the door at 8:30 p.m., leaving enough time for the last loads of laundry to be finished. You can either let customers out yourself or install a lock system that allows them to leave but prevents others from coming inside.

The first order of business for you or an employee you hire is to clean your store thoroughly, at least once a day. This will take about two to three hours. You or your employee will need to do the following:
  • Mop the floors
  • Wipe down the machines
  • Clean the soap dispensers in your front-load washers
  • Wash off the folding tables
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Empty the trash
  • Wash the windows
  • Clean the vending machines, change machines and video game screens
The best time to clean is after customers have gone-that way you or your employees can clean more efficiently. You'll also avoid the risk of customers slipping on wet floors or tripping over cleaning equipment. If you have a large or busy store, however, you may find that it requires cleaning twice a day. You can wipe down the machines and folding tables easily while customers are in the store, but save the floor for after they've left or for a slow period of the day.

One chore you're not likely to delegate to an employee is collecting money from the machines. If you have a card system, your job is much easier. All you'll have to do is empty the card machine of the bills, count them and deposit them in the bank.

But if you have a coin laundry, you'll need to empty each machine, preferably daily. You'll want to pull (take out the coins) from one type of machine at a time so you can determine how often your customers are using each type of machine. Put a bag in one of your laundry baskets and roll it from machine to machine, starting with the top-loaders. Count these coins and record how much money you made on this type of machine, then follow the same procedure with the front-loaders and the dryers.

For recording purposes, you should draw up a chart with seven rows, one for each day of the week, and columns for each type and size of equipment: top-loaders, front-loaders, dryers and vending machines. Then record in your chart how much money you withdraw every day.

You should refill the change machine in your store on a daily basis, too. When it's empty, your customers can't do their laundry, and they'll go elsewhere. If it's empty more than a few times, they may never return. No one wants to lug several loads of laundry to a laundromat, only to find they can't get change. De Coster says if his change machine runs out, "that's like shooting myself in the foot. I check the change machine at least once a day."

The last bit of daily business in your store is restocking the vending machines. If you own your own soda and snack machines, you will need to make sure they're full every day. If you contract with a vending company, they'll worry about filling them.

The most important vending machine in your store will likely be the soap vending machine, and since these machines are relatively inexpensive and rarely break, you should buy your own. Make sure it is properly stocked every day. Many customers will bring their own soap, but those who don't will expect to find soap available. An empty soap machine is almost as bad as an empty change machine-it will cause you to lose business.

When you're done with the daily in-store duties, you'll need to take care of some additional office work. Many laundry owners do this at home, though some may find it easier to work in a rented office or at the laundromat if they have space.

At your office, you'll need to take care of your accounting and track equipment usage by customers in your store. It's important to record how often each type of machine is used so that you can determine if you've got the right mix of equipment.

You can expect to encounter a number of basic startup costs to get into the laundry business. Depending on whether you build a new laundry in a leased space or buy an existing one, your costs may include:

Market research (literature/subscriptions/association fees)
The cost of an existing laundry business
  • Construction or remodeling (if you are building a new laundromat)
  • Washer hook-up fees (sewer connection)
  • Licenses/permits
  • Equipment
Keep in mind that if you buy a laundry, you don't pay for licenses or sewer connection fees (unless you decide to have additional washers installed). But you will have to pay for renovation and any new equipment you decide to install if you want to update the laundry.

In addition to these basic startup costs, you may also have a number of ongoing expenses. These include:
  • Lease/rental costs
  • Utilities (gas, sewer, water and electric)
  • Insurance (fire, theft and liability)
  • Employee payroll/benefits
  • Miscellaneous supplies (cleaning supplies, soap, invoices for wash-and-fold, bathroom supplies, etc.)
Once you've completed your initial research on the laundry business, you will need to figure out how much it will cost to build your store-to remodel a space and fill it with laundry equipment-or to buy an existing laundry. Whether you decide to buy or build, you can expect to pay between $200,000 and $500,000 for an average-size laundromat (about 2,000 square feet).

If you're buying an existing laundry, figuring out your major startup costs is simple-just determine the value of the business. If you plan to renovate the existing store by painting the interior or putting in new flooring, be sure to add these costs to your startup expenses.

Figuring out your startup costs involves a little more work if you decide to build. Since you'll be leasing a space that was something other than a laundry in a previous life, the cost of the construction is going to depend on how much remodeling you have to do. If the space you've chosen was formerly a beauty salon, for example, you're going to have to add enough water, sewer and gas pipes for the conversion to a laundry. You'll also have to provide enough electrical outlets, possibly move a few walls, and completely redecorate before it will look like a laundromat. You should hire a contractor to help you do all this remodeling.

In general, you can expect to pay about $200,000 for the construction costs to remodel an average-size space (2,000 square feet). This includes the cost of installing your equipment and putting in folding tables and seating. The remainder of your major startup costs will be buying the equipment itself.

Licenses and Hidden Fees
The licenses and permits you will need depend entirely on your location. Check with your municipality regarding:
  • Business license
  • Health department license (if you are serving food)
  • Fire department permit
  • Air and water pollution control permit
  • Sign permit
  • Public improvement fees
  • Impact fees
You should also be aware of a few lesser-known fees that will affect you as a laundry owner. In many areas around the country, municipal water districts charge sewer connection fees. These can cost you anywhere from $200 to $8,000 per washer. If the fees are $8,000 per washer, the owner of a laundry with 30 washers must pay $240,000 in hook-up fees-almost what he'll pay for construction!

The Coin Laundry Association tells us that high hook-up fees are one of the biggest problems facing the coin laundry industry today. "Before you get too far down the road, make sure you understand what if any impact fees, tap-on fees, wastewater fees-they call them lots of things.

These fees are a major challenge to laundry developers. And in areas where operators are forced to pay these fees, the price of laundromats has also risen dramatically. If the fees are high in your chosen area, you may need to reconsider your entire plan.

In addition to sewer connection fees, you may find that you have to pay sewer and waste water fees, too-check with the local municipality. Don't neglect to check on these charges when you're researching a laundry business. After all, you will be using these utilities heavily, so you'll want to know if the monthly charges will be manageable from the get-go.

If you decide to buy a laundry, you will already have a full complement of equipment-unless you want to replace a few of the older machines or add a few more machines to meet customer demand. However, if you decide to build a laundry, buying equipment will eat up virtually all the rest of your startup costs. You can expect to pay between $150,000 and $300,000 to fill an average-size laundromat with washers and dryers.

Top-load washers cost between $500 and $700 each, and front-load washers cost between $3,500 and $20,000 each, depending on their size. One stacked dryer (which means two dryers arranged one on top of the other in a joined cabinet casing) costs between $5,000 and $6,000.

If you want to add a card system, it will cost you in the neighborhood of $40,000 to $80,000, including readers on the machines, a card dispenser and cards, and the software to compute equipment usage and let you change prices. It's pricey, but take heart: With a card system, you don't have to buy a change machine, which runs in the ballpark of $1,000 to $3,000.

A water heating system will run you between $15,000 and $40,000, and a soap vending machine will cost between $500 and $1,500. Those laundry carts that let customers transport their clothes from washer to dryer cost $50 to $75 each. Supplies such as soap, cleaning equipment, signs, clocks, and trash cans should run another $750 to $1,000.

Consider giving your store a theme or a gimmick. For example, one store in San Francisco plays classic black-and-white movies on their TV, and the walls are covered with photographs of movie stars from the 1920s and 1930s. Another store in Texas displays the owner's collection of antique laundry equipment.

A theme gives your store more personality; customers will remember it, and they'll find your laundry a more interesting place to come to. A clever gimmick may also get you some free publicity from the local press. If you want to create a gimmick for your laundromat, think about who your customers are and what sort of theme they will appreciate. One owner in Southern California, with customers from all over Latin America, hung his laundry with flags from several of his customers' native homelands and started serving traditional Latin American food.

For the Little Kids
Many laundry owners are realizing that they can increase business by providing a play area for children. Often, customers need to bring their children to the laundromat, so giving little ones something to do makes the laundry chore much easier on parents. Having an area set aside for children can also help keep them from running around and possibly getting hurt or damaging equipment.

If you want to put in an area specifically for children, check with your insurance agent and your city or county officials regarding liability issues. These professionals should be able to tell you how to design the area to maximize safety and make sure you won't be responsible in case a child gets hurt. In fact, you may need to place signs saying you're not responsible for children's safety.

For the Big Kids
Even adults will get bored at a laundromat. After all, mostly what they are doing is waiting around for clothes to wash and dry. Many laundries these days have one or more TVs mounted to the wall. Some laundries keep the TVs tuned to one channel, some play videos, and others let customers change the channels themselves.

If your laundry is unattended and you want to let customers change the channel, mount the TV low enough on the wall so they can reach the channel and volume buttons. Customers are likely to walk off with a remote control, even if it's tacked to a table.

Many laundry owners also have pinball and video games for their customers. Clarkson says a video game vendor approached her about having a videogame console in her store. He put a machine in at no cost to her, and they split the profits 50-50. "We've seen as much as $300 a month off the video game," Clarkson says. They change the game every so often to keep customers from getting bored.

Snack Time
It's likely that your customers will get hungry and thirsty while they're waiting for their laundry to finish. Even if your store is near a shopping area, many customers wisely don't want to leave their clothes. So vending machines with sodas, chips and candy fit the bill. You can buy a vending machine, fill it yourself and take all the profits. Or you can contract with a vendor who will provide the machine and snacks and split the profits with you. Ask your distributor about vending companies in your area.

Magazines and Newsletters
  • American Coin-Op
  • The Journal
  • Coin Laundry News
  • California Coin Laundry Association Owner's Manual
  • California Coin Laundry Association Reference Manual
  • Coin Laundry Association bulletin board
  • (a bulletin board for laundry owners and marketplace of laundries for sale)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Typically, start-up costs for a laundromat can run from about $200,000 to over $1,000,000. After assessing your start-up costs, your budget should include allowances for regular future expenses, such as loan financing payments, rent and maintenance.

Identify Business Entity Fees
Check the cost of creating your business entity. If you incorporate, you will have to file articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State or Corporations Commissioner in your state. The state you file in and the business structure you choose – such as limited liability company or C-corporation – will determine the fees that you must pay. Typical start-up paperwork costs run about $200 to $1,000.

Choose to Buy or Build
Decide whether to buy or to build. If you buy an existing laundromat, your start-up cost is primarily the amount you pay for the business, as it will already be stocked with the necessary equipment and hook-ups. If the sale doesn't include the land, you'll need to factor that cost in as well, which is dependent upon your specific location. If you choose to build your own laundromat, a 2,000 square-foot space will typically cost between $200,000 and $500,000.

Price Out Municipal Fees
Cities charge laundromats fees to hook up water and sewage lines under a variety of names, including impact fees, tap-on fees and wastewater fees. These fees can range from $200 to $8,000 per washer. Contact your local water authority to determine which fees would apply to your start-up laundromat.

Estimate the Cost of Machines
Multiply the number of laundry machines you need by the unit cost. Estimate that top-load washing machines cost about $500 to $700 each, while front-loaders run between $3,500 and $20,000 each, depending on size. Stacked dryers generally cost between $5,000 and $6,000. For an average laundry, it may cost you between $150,000 and $400,000 to fully stock it with machines.

Add in Card-Reader Costs
If you choose to add a card reader system to your laundry machines, those typically price out at between $40,000 and $80,000. With a card reader system, you issue prepaid laundry cards to your customers that are something akin to credit cards. Rather than having to carry bags of change to use your laundromat, a customer can simply swipe the card. This can be a huge convenience and may help retain customers. A card reader system also tracks usage, which can help you focus your budget, and allows you to get paid in advance.

Include Water Heater Costs
Include the cost of a water heating system. If you intend to offer hot-water washers, a water heating system cost of $15,000 to $40,000 is likely.

Factor in Supplies
Laundry carts for customers generally run between $50 and $75 each, while cleaning equipment, soap, signs, trash cans and clocks may add another $750 to $1,000.

Choose Your Accessories
Optional items you might want to include in your start-up laundromat include a soda vending machine for between $3,000 and $4,000, a security system typically running between $6,000 and $10,000, a television set for between $200 and $500, or a wi-fi connection for about $40 to start.

Estimate Your Down Payment
Although you may be in the position to pay your start-up costs in cash, most likely you will have to finance your new venture. As a start-up business, a bank or other finance company will probably ask for a sizeable down payment before extending you a loan. Once you have calculated your start-up costs and determined the size of the loan you will need, estimate your down payment at 20 to 30 percent of the loan amount.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Understanding the World of the Laundromat Business
Key Laundromat Business and Background Data and Statistics
The size and success of laundromat businesses might surprise you:

Revenue of laundromats in the U.S. in 2016
Revenue is expected to grow by 2020
Total wages in the industry in 2016
People are employed by Laundromats
The major segments of the population
using laundromats are:


  • Renters using offsite
    laundry facilities: 39%
  • Renters using onsite
    laundry facilities: 22%
  • Commercial, industrial &
    service industries: 17%
  • Colleges & universities: 13%
  • Homeowners: 9%
Products and services creating revenue
for laundromats include:


  • Washer receipts: 58%
  • Dryer receipts: 34%
  • Self-service dry cleaning
    receipts: 4%
  • Commercial laundry
    services: 1.4%
  • Maintenance & repair
    services: 1.4%
  • Other services: 1%
  • There are nearly 30,000 coin laundries in the U.S.
  • The market value of an established coin laundry can vary between $50,000 and $1 million
  • Annual growth in the overall market is expected to be between 1 and 1.5 percent
  • A typical coin-operated laundry will generate yearly revenues of between $15,000 and $300,000 depending on size, location, usage and services
  • Laundromats are normally sized between 1,000 to 5,000 square feet with an average of nearly 2,200 square feet
  • Laundromats have been used for over
    70 years
This all points to the laundromat industry being ripe with new opportunities for focused entrepreneurs, so now might be the perfect time to dive into starting your laundromat business. Incfile is here to help you form your laundromat business and understand the ins and outs of owning a laundromat company.
What Your Laundromat Customers Are Looking for
A laundromat is a simple concept: you provide reliable, efficient, commercial washers and dryers in a retail space and request payment for the usage of the machines. Most laundromats are self-service, simply requiring that the customer purchase a certain amount of time using a washer or dryer.

Your customers want simple, easy-to-use machines that provide fast, effective washing and drying of clothes at a reasonable price. Ideally, you will want your laundromat business to be well-located, so placing your business in densely-populated, renter-occupied areas is a very good idea.

Access to and from your site needs to be straightforward, and you should have adequate parking for all your customers. Coin-operated machines are the standard in the industry, but card operated machines are also available — you can even combine these with membership schemes and incentives to keep customers loyal.

There are two main types of laundromat businesses: standard independent retail laundromats, and laundromats that are located inside apartment buildings to serve the residents. This second type of laundry business is known as the multi-housing laundry business.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Knew of an African cat that owned several laundromats in nyc.. He's a quiet millionaire... 24 hr laundrys and even 16 hr laundry mat been big bizz in need clean clothes especially if you got kids.. Atm machines, vending machines, arcades, detergent dispensers.... Laundromat and dry cleaning big bizz


Platinum Member
Bro thanks for this info

The coin-operated laundry industry has undergone a revolution. No longer dingy, unsafe, boring places that customers must endure on a weekly basis, laundromats are becoming fun and attractive multiservice centers that customers may even enjoy visiting.

Owners have realized that they can maximize their profits by providing customers with access to multiple services. Since they're paying a set amount of rent on their commercial space, they might as well use that space to its fullest potential. Many owners around the country are opening a snack bar, minimart, serving food, renting mailboxes, copy & notary services, gaming stations and free internet access.

Because newer laundries are bigger than in the past -- often 3,000 or 4,000 square feet -- overhead is higher, and owners are looking for ways to cover the cost. These additional services demand little increase in overhead because the rent is already paid for. Customers benefit by being able to use several services all in one convenient location.

Another trend laundry owners have recognized is that customers prefer to visit laundromats with a more pleasant atmosphere. Many laundry owners are building kids' centers, holding music concerts, giving away coffee and hiring attendants who are friendly and helpful.

As the population of the United States grows, the number of renters -- your main market -- is likely to grow, too. Other social phenomena, like the prevalence of two-income families, suggest that convenient services such as wash-and-fold will continue to grow in popularity as working parents have less time to attend to household chores like laundry.

According to a survey from the Coin Laundry Association, more than half of coin laundries offer wash-and-fold. "It's by far the number-one extra service for laundries,"

The industry is what experts describe as a "mature market." Save for areas that are seeing high population growth, pretty much every neighborhood that needs a laundry has one -- or two or three -- that are competing vigorously. In some areas of the country, there are too many laundromats already.

If you're planning on operating just one or two stores, you'll be in good company. Three-quarters of laundry owners own only one store, and very few have more than two. While there are no national laundry chains, a few local chains are starting to grow in various parts of the country. These chains are still quite localized, though, and only a few consist of more than a few dozen.

For a little more than half of laundry owners, operating the store(s) is their full-time job. Others take the moonlighting approach-they manage other businesses or work a day job. But more laundry owners are starting to own larger stores and more than one store. These people are able to survive on the income larger stores or multiple stores generate

The amount of money you can make from a laundry varies tremendously. According to the Coin Laundry Association's Brian Wallace, the annual gross income from one store can range from $30,000 to $1 million. The expenses incurred while running a store range between 65 and 115 percent of the gross income. That means that for a store grossing $30,000 per year, at best it nets $10,500 and at worst it loses $4,500. For a store grossing $1 million per year, the profit could be as high as $350,000, or there could be a loss of up to $150,000, depending on expenses.

Wallace says these profit margins have less to do with the size of the store than with its owner. An owner who runs his or her store well-who keeps it clean, repairs its equipment quickly, uses energy-efficient systems and offers good customer service-will see profit margins of about 35 percent.

The steady income that a laundry generates is a plus for many people. If you're looking for a business that will keep the cash flowing no matter what the rest of the economy is doing, you've found it in laundries. Clean clothes are a necessity, not a luxury, so people are going to use laundromats no matter how the stock market is performing. The business is also fairly steady month in, month out. So unless you draw on vacationers' dollars in a place with seasonal tourism, you'll find that you can count on a fairly steady income throughout the year.

While no particular experience is necessary, a business background is always important. In addition, a background in machine repair or a knack for fixing machines helps. Owners who have experience with laundry equipment are able to cut down on the cost of repairs. But others have found that they can learn about the machines and make some repairs themselves, or hire a repairperson and avoid the headache altogether. The self-service laundry business is an open club. With enough enthusiasm, interest and business-savvy, you can join the club and succeed in the industry.

If you're friendly, your customers will want to use your store. By taking the time to talk to them, you will also be able to learn about their laundry needs and their preferences for services. Ultimately, this kind of information will help you improve the quality of your business so that you can attract even more customers.

If you have an unattended laundry that you visit twice a day to clean and collect quarters, you still need to greet your customers with a smile on your face and an attitude that's ready to help. So if small talk with strangers leaves you cold, and you can't stand the thought of answering customers' questions (often the same ones over and over), the laundry business may not be the one for you.

So what's it really like to own a laundry business? Whether you do all the work yourself or hire an attendant or a janitor, there are tasks you will need to take care of on a daily basis. You will need to open and close your store promptly each day, clean it, collect money, and fill vending and change machines. You will also need to keep track of which machines are being used and how often.

Those laundry owners who have employees will have other duties, too. They'll be hiring and supervising those employees and overseeing additional services such as wash-and-fold.

The Hours You Shall Keep
Laundries are generally open between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. seven days per week. Because weekends are usually the busiest days for laundries, you should definitely keep your doors open on Saturdays and Sundays. In some instances, you may want to adopt alternate hours, especially if the market you serve or the location of your store lends itself to having open doors at other times of the day.

Your first duty of the day is to open your store, and you must be on time because your customers may plan their day around getting their laundry done at a certain time. You can avoid having to be at your store early in the morning and late at night by installing an automatic lock system on a timer. A typical system like this will cost you between $1,000 and $1,500.

At night, of course, you must close down and lock up. If you want all the customers to be gone by 10 p.m., you should consider locking the door at 8:30 p.m., leaving enough time for the last loads of laundry to be finished. You can either let customers out yourself or install a lock system that allows them to leave but prevents others from coming inside.

The first order of business for you or an employee you hire is to clean your store thoroughly, at least once a day. This will take about two to three hours. You or your employee will need to do the following:
  • Mop the floors
  • Wipe down the machines
  • Clean the soap dispensers in your front-load washers
  • Wash off the folding tables
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Empty the trash
  • Wash the windows
  • Clean the vending machines, change machines and video game screens
The best time to clean is after customers have gone-that way you or your employees can clean more efficiently. You'll also avoid the risk of customers slipping on wet floors or tripping over cleaning equipment. If you have a large or busy store, however, you may find that it requires cleaning twice a day. You can wipe down the machines and folding tables easily while customers are in the store, but save the floor for after they've left or for a slow period of the day.

One chore you're not likely to delegate to an employee is collecting money from the machines. If you have a card system, your job is much easier. All you'll have to do is empty the card machine of the bills, count them and deposit them in the bank.

But if you have a coin laundry, you'll need to empty each machine, preferably daily. You'll want to pull (take out the coins) from one type of machine at a time so you can determine how often your customers are using each type of machine. Put a bag in one of your laundry baskets and roll it from machine to machine, starting with the top-loaders. Count these coins and record how much money you made on this type of machine, then follow the same procedure with the front-loaders and the dryers.

For recording purposes, you should draw up a chart with seven rows, one for each day of the week, and columns for each type and size of equipment: top-loaders, front-loaders, dryers and vending machines. Then record in your chart how much money you withdraw every day.

You should refill the change machine in your store on a daily basis, too. When it's empty, your customers can't do their laundry, and they'll go elsewhere. If it's empty more than a few times, they may never return. No one wants to lug several loads of laundry to a laundromat, only to find they can't get change. De Coster says if his change machine runs out, "that's like shooting myself in the foot. I check the change machine at least once a day."

The last bit of daily business in your store is restocking the vending machines. If you own your own soda and snack machines, you will need to make sure they're full every day. If you contract with a vending company, they'll worry about filling them.

The most important vending machine in your store will likely be the soap vending machine, and since these machines are relatively inexpensive and rarely break, you should buy your own. Make sure it is properly stocked every day. Many customers will bring their own soap, but those who don't will expect to find soap available. An empty soap machine is almost as bad as an empty change machine-it will cause you to lose business.

When you're done with the daily in-store duties, you'll need to take care of some additional office work. Many laundry owners do this at home, though some may find it easier to work in a rented office or at the laundromat if they have space.

At your office, you'll need to take care of your accounting and track equipment usage by customers in your store. It's important to record how often each type of machine is used so that you can determine if you've got the right mix of equipment.

You can expect to encounter a number of basic startup costs to get into the laundry business. Depending on whether you build a new laundry in a leased space or buy an existing one, your costs may include:

Market research (literature/subscriptions/association fees)
The cost of an existing laundry business
  • Construction or remodeling (if you are building a new laundromat)
  • Washer hook-up fees (sewer connection)
  • Licenses/permits
  • Equipment
Keep in mind that if you buy a laundry, you don't pay for licenses or sewer connection fees (unless you decide to have additional washers installed). But you will have to pay for renovation and any new equipment you decide to install if you want to update the laundry.

In addition to these basic startup costs, you may also have a number of ongoing expenses. These include:
  • Lease/rental costs
  • Utilities (gas, sewer, water and electric)
  • Insurance (fire, theft and liability)
  • Employee payroll/benefits
  • Miscellaneous supplies (cleaning supplies, soap, invoices for wash-and-fold, bathroom supplies, etc.)
Once you've completed your initial research on the laundry business, you will need to figure out how much it will cost to build your store-to remodel a space and fill it with laundry equipment-or to buy an existing laundry. Whether you decide to buy or build, you can expect to pay between $200,000 and $500,000 for an average-size laundromat (about 2,000 square feet).

If you're buying an existing laundry, figuring out your major startup costs is simple-just determine the value of the business. If you plan to renovate the existing store by painting the interior or putting in new flooring, be sure to add these costs to your startup expenses.

Figuring out your startup costs involves a little more work if you decide to build. Since you'll be leasing a space that was something other than a laundry in a previous life, the cost of the construction is going to depend on how much remodeling you have to do. If the space you've chosen was formerly a beauty salon, for example, you're going to have to add enough water, sewer and gas pipes for the conversion to a laundry. You'll also have to provide enough electrical outlets, possibly move a few walls, and completely redecorate before it will look like a laundromat. You should hire a contractor to help you do all this remodeling.

In general, you can expect to pay about $200,000 for the construction costs to remodel an average-size space (2,000 square feet). This includes the cost of installing your equipment and putting in folding tables and seating. The remainder of your major startup costs will be buying the equipment itself.

Licenses and Hidden Fees
The licenses and permits you will need depend entirely on your location. Check with your municipality regarding:
  • Business license
  • Health department license (if you are serving food)
  • Fire department permit
  • Air and water pollution control permit
  • Sign permit
  • Public improvement fees
  • Impact fees
You should also be aware of a few lesser-known fees that will affect you as a laundry owner. In many areas around the country, municipal water districts charge sewer connection fees. These can cost you anywhere from $200 to $8,000 per washer. If the fees are $8,000 per washer, the owner of a laundry with 30 washers must pay $240,000 in hook-up fees-almost what he'll pay for construction!

The Coin Laundry Association tells us that high hook-up fees are one of the biggest problems facing the coin laundry industry today. "Before you get too far down the road, make sure you understand what if any impact fees, tap-on fees, wastewater fees-they call them lots of things.

These fees are a major challenge to laundry developers. And in areas where operators are forced to pay these fees, the price of laundromats has also risen dramatically. If the fees are high in your chosen area, you may need to reconsider your entire plan.

In addition to sewer connection fees, you may find that you have to pay sewer and waste water fees, too-check with the local municipality. Don't neglect to check on these charges when you're researching a laundry business. After all, you will be using these utilities heavily, so you'll want to know if the monthly charges will be manageable from the get-go.

If you decide to buy a laundry, you will already have a full complement of equipment-unless you want to replace a few of the older machines or add a few more machines to meet customer demand. However, if you decide to build a laundry, buying equipment will eat up virtually all the rest of your startup costs. You can expect to pay between $150,000 and $300,000 to fill an average-size laundromat with washers and dryers.

Top-load washers cost between $500 and $700 each, and front-load washers cost between $3,500 and $20,000 each, depending on their size. One stacked dryer (which means two dryers arranged one on top of the other in a joined cabinet casing) costs between $5,000 and $6,000.

If you want to add a card system, it will cost you in the neighborhood of $40,000 to $80,000, including readers on the machines, a card dispenser and cards, and the software to compute equipment usage and let you change prices. It's pricey, but take heart: With a card system, you don't have to buy a change machine, which runs in the ballpark of $1,000 to $3,000.

A water heating system will run you between $15,000 and $40,000, and a soap vending machine will cost between $500 and $1,500. Those laundry carts that let customers transport their clothes from washer to dryer cost $50 to $75 each. Supplies such as soap, cleaning equipment, signs, clocks, and trash cans should run another $750 to $1,000.

Consider giving your store a theme or a gimmick. For example, one store in San Francisco plays classic black-and-white movies on their TV, and the walls are covered with photographs of movie stars from the 1920s and 1930s. Another store in Texas displays the owner's collection of antique laundry equipment.

A theme gives your store more personality; customers will remember it, and they'll find your laundry a more interesting place to come to. A clever gimmick may also get you some free publicity from the local press. If you want to create a gimmick for your laundromat, think about who your customers are and what sort of theme they will appreciate. One owner in Southern California, with customers from all over Latin America, hung his laundry with flags from several of his customers' native homelands and started serving traditional Latin American food.

For the Little Kids
Many laundry owners are realizing that they can increase business by providing a play area for children. Often, customers need to bring their children to the laundromat, so giving little ones something to do makes the laundry chore much easier on parents. Having an area set aside for children can also help keep them from running around and possibly getting hurt or damaging equipment.

If you want to put in an area specifically for children, check with your insurance agent and your city or county officials regarding liability issues. These professionals should be able to tell you how to design the area to maximize safety and make sure you won't be responsible in case a child gets hurt. In fact, you may need to place signs saying you're not responsible for children's safety.

For the Big Kids
Even adults will get bored at a laundromat. After all, mostly what they are doing is waiting around for clothes to wash and dry. Many laundries these days have one or more TVs mounted to the wall. Some laundries keep the TVs tuned to one channel, some play videos, and others let customers change the channels themselves.

If your laundry is unattended and you want to let customers change the channel, mount the TV low enough on the wall so they can reach the channel and volume buttons. Customers are likely to walk off with a remote control, even if it's tacked to a table.

Many laundry owners also have pinball and video games for their customers. Clarkson says a video game vendor approached her about having a videogame console in her store. He put a machine in at no cost to her, and they split the profits 50-50. "We've seen as much as $300 a month off the video game," Clarkson says. They change the game every so often to keep customers from getting bored.

Snack Time
It's likely that your customers will get hungry and thirsty while they're waiting for their laundry to finish. Even if your store is near a shopping area, many customers wisely don't want to leave their clothes. So vending machines with sodas, chips and candy fit the bill. You can buy a vending machine, fill it yourself and take all the profits. Or you can contract with a vendor who will provide the machine and snacks and split the profits with you. Ask your distributor about vending companies in your area.

Magazines and Newsletters
  • American Coin-Op
  • The Journal
  • Coin Laundry News
  • California Coin Laundry Association Owner's Manual
  • California Coin Laundry Association Reference Manual
  • Coin Laundry Association bulletin board
  • (a bulletin board for laundry owners and marketplace of laundries for sale)


The Big Brain
It's a brutal business. Those that are doing good make it look easy. Everyone else pays and works through the nose.

Excellent idea to share the details of starting various business. Thanks

Just had a friend sell his after ten years of operation.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You need Lead by example. Stop posting shit you have never done or ever will do. Other wise you are just another fraud runnin his mouf.
You sound stupid. My passion IS helping other people figure out what to do & how to do it. I provide INFORMATION minus all of the fluff. Its straight to the point.

Everything I post is An idea that sounds good to me & is something I would possibly do, but I cant do It all. Somebody has to be' the person that says this shit is a good look or this isnt a good look.

Ive been doing this all my Life. Now I can get paid for It. I help people rearrange the furniture in their head. I help them see the a gle they didnt know was there.

I now have 2 lanes here..... in 1 im a solid asshole, mega troll, & alleged faggot because I arch eyebrows & glue lashes on women for a living.

In The 2nd lane, Im 1 of the few who posts SOLID money making ideas & information sources on a variety of subject matter. The members here have given me the title of "educational information provider" so to speak. All my side hustle threads are SOLID & very helpful.

I balance out my existence here. Pretty much nobody comes into those threads with fuckery because they arent fuckery threads. You might have 1 or 2, but its always the certified bitch niggaahz, nobody else.

What have you ever contributes to this forum to effectively help someone come up in Life? Not none of that muhammad bullshit....m what tangibile threads have you created that can put a battery in someones back & inspire then with clear HOW TO directions?

The answer is NEVER you goofy ass fuck niggaah. Youve never done it.

You asking me if Ive done shit you havent done ya self. Fohwtbs.

Outside of loving to be' An asshole & a troll here... I love providing helpful info because I get so much if It here...

Stfu & hop off my dick you final call bean pie faggot for elijah Mohamed the pedophile underage girl impregnator.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
OP, thanks x 1000 for the info. I've had this in mind for a looong time but hadn't followed through on the research.

Knew of an African cat that owned several laundromats in nyc.. He's a quiet millionaire... 24 hr laundrys and even 16 hr laundry mat been big bizz in need clean clothes especially if you got kids.. Atm machines, vending machines, arcades, detergent dispensers.... Laundromat and dry cleaning big bizz

I believe it. Seems like it would be hard to enter the market here in NYC though, all the mats seem to be be entrenched. Off top of my head I have 5 laundromats within my crib and my walk to the train. Seems like the best bet would to try to buy in to one of them?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Knew of an African cat that owned several laundromats in nyc.. He's a quiet millionaire... 24 hr laundrys and even 16 hr laundry mat been big bizz in need clean clothes especially if you got kids.. Atm machines, vending machines, arcades, detergent dispensers.... Laundromat and dry cleaning big bizz
With the price of NYC rent most people can’t do that. Same with SF. A 2000 square foot laundry spot will rent for 15,000 a month. You’ll lose your ass unless you got in early.


Rising Star
I been seeing these new fancy laundromats in SF where they have a coffee bar area so these hipsters can get their fancy drinks and use the wifi chilling there while they wait for the laundry