So, Marlon Wayans got a son now?...

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I saw the this thread being bumped for the longest & I thought it was about some other chick secretly having a child for Marlon. Only to see what is really going on in here. :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I know that was a part of it. However, I can only imagine how the rest of that family feels about that and how it will affect him, since they seem like a tight knit family.
To be honest with you. If my son were gay, bi or whatever this generation refers to themselves as, I would love him the same. Yeah it would be extremely hard to accept at first, but there's shit about me that people take a blind eye to because they know I'm weird.

I can love you and still not agree with your beliefs or practices. As far as wearing and sportin their colors and chilin with their flag,


But we all love in different ways, so I'm not knockin the brother for how he chooses to love his son. My bad, child. I cant remember if the kid was male or female.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
