Somebody's dog got snatched right the fuck up

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
We got coyotes and foxes around my crib. I’m don’t leave my small dogs outside, but my 120 malamute (rip) we would leave outside.

On the way home from a run, we had a stare off with a coyote. It was a mutual understanding that nobody was going to be as successful as we thought. He went his way and we went home.

Later that night, I heard him and his boys howling in the woods. I got the message.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Coyotes are getting larger too. They are a huge problem in a lot of cities, not just rural areas.

I went elk hunting a couple of years ago in Arizona, the forests rangers were like, "If you see a coyote, kill it. There's no repercussions for shooting them." some white folks love going out there just to kill them.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The muffled screams after the muzzled/snatch...then Fifi barkin for help.."they got Piper". Only big dogs get to play alone outside...


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I hope that's a lesson to dog the owner. Man up and get a Cane Corso, Boerboel, Pressa Canario or some dog that is not fucking around. Then maybe get one of these rat dogs to be an alarm for your big dogs. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against ratters. Albeit, if an eagle can fly away with your dog or a coyote can take it. That dog should not be outside unattended. That dog needs the supervision of an adult or a big dog.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn, had the coyote been hanging around before then?
There are plenty of coyotes that live on the golf course that my house sits on.
At night they are pretty loud with the yelping and howling.
Being that my house and the neighbor to the right, sits 15ft above the golf course....there is no way for them to jump up to our decks or even enter in from the street side to access the back of the house because of 6ft wooden fence.
However, the neighbor on the left of me has no fence to prohibit anything or anyone from accessing the back of the house that leads to their deck.
I think it made access from their side to lead around and over from their deck to mine to snatch my dog.
I will upload a few pics later so u can get an idea of how it is setup.


Rising Star
We got coyotes and foxes around my crib. I’m don’t leave my small dogs outside, but my 120 malamute (rip) we would leave outside.

On the way home from a run, we had a stare off with a coyote. It was a mutual understanding that nobody was going to be as successful as we thought. He went his way and we went home.

Later that night, I heard him and his boys howling in the woods. I got the message.
I thought coyotes fear humans though.

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
I catch coyotes on my security cameras all the time...they are chasing and eating the outside cats hanging around...:rolleyes:


Dirty Civilian
Platinum Member
Poor pup. Thats why I'd never get a dog that can't defend itself, too much wild shit around here. Hell there have been 2 black bear sightings here this month. Running through peoples yards and in alleys and shit.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
As long as they are killing rats it is alright. But to come around houses and people put them down or teach them a lesson about humans
Trust me, Bro... Coyotes know a lot about human behavior, that's why they are able to hang around us and mostly go unnoticed. Coyotes and rats are survivors.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Makes me think of something a co worker said years ago- essentially, you got the dog barking out here fighting for bragging rights- for belts.....and the coyote fighting for a meal- trying to survive. Two totally different mentalities.

I thought coyotes fear humans though.

Generally, they avoid humans and animals bigger than they are.... unless they get really hungry or if it's a smaller person or acting weak/sick or injured - if the coyote thinks it can take you, it might try you.

they will also line up/ambush bigger prey. I was walking my pup once and a little scraggly looking coyote was near the treeline. My pup TOOK OFF after it. Aside from likely bing torn apart and eaten for lunch by that one, there were probably others in wait. Thank goodness I only ever take my dog out on a leash. snatched his little dumb ass up and got the fukk out of there
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Man, I'm sorry. That meee mee meeeeeh at the end got the best of me. Shouldn't have been talking shit behind the gate like that.
(Aight cool, someone going to hell with me.)
Bro, I love animals, but that coyote grabbing by the face and turning him into a cat with all that meowing at the end had me laughing too.
Again…apologies to everyone and anyone who’s lost a pet this way.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
(Aight cool, someone going to hell with me.)
Bro, I love animals, but that coyote grabbing by the face and turning him into a cat with all that meowing at the end had me laughing too.
Again…apologies to everyone and anyone who’s lost a pet this way.
It was at that point that the dog realized shit wasn’t going the way he thought

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah you have to go out and watch the little dog but I only fucks with big dogs. My English Mastiff passed away almost a couple years ago. I really miss that big head mofo. Probably get a Cane Corso when I do get another one. Here's a pic of my boy... R. I. P

Mine passed in 2021. He was the homie. He went running and hiking with me all the time.

We used to do 13 mile hikes together. That’s why that coyote thought about it when he saw us. My dog was as big, if not bigger, than the coyote.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@Big Tex
so this is my deck......if i jump over the railing,...its a 15ft fall to the golf course below. so unless a mufucka can jump 15ft up,...aint no accessing my deck from directly below.
same goes for my neighbor's house next door in the first pic.....unless its a critter that can climb,....aint no gettin up there.

now here is where it gets neighbor on the opposite side, has a set of steps built right where that tree is located,
that can be used to access the golf course.

i think the coyote came up those steps to access her deck, then jumped up on the railing her side and walked along that railing to my side of the deck and got my dog and went back. Now normally, i dont see the coyotes at all in the daytime....but they are very active at night.
This happened between noon and 1pm,.....because i had a delivery around that time, and i could hear her barking on the Ring camera when something was being delivered.....(could've been barking at the coyote at that time, i dunno), but she wouldnt have been able to see anyone coming from the front to bark at them since i have a 6ft wooden fence built up on the side of the house to prevent any access to the back, unless u come through the house to access it. The area that i had her enclosed in on the side of the house had the 6ft fence on one side,...and a 3ft fence on the other side. She was a very small dog,...rat terrier mix,.....14 years old. Couldn't jump anymore and could barely run. Couldn't keep her in the house anymore because she had a very weak bladder,...even if i picked her up gently by her sides, it would be like popping a water balloon.....piss everywhere. But i think pure hunger made the coyote make that attempt during the broad daylight hours.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
@Big Tex
so this is my deck......if i jump over the railing,...its a 15ft fall to the golf course below. so unless a mufucka can jump 15ft up,...aint no accessing my deck from directly below.
same goes for my neighbor's house next door in the first pic.....unless its a critter that can climb,....aint no gettin up there.

now here is where it gets neighbor on the opposite side, has a set of steps built right where that tree is located,
that can be used to access the golf course.

i think the coyote came up those steps to access her deck, then jumped up on the railing her side and walked along that railing to my side of the deck and got my dog and went back. Now normally, i dont see the coyotes at all in the daytime....but they are very active at night.
This happened between noon and 1pm,.....because i had a delivery around that time, and i could hear her barking on the Ring camera when something was being delivered.....(could've been barking at the coyote at that time, i dunno), but she wouldnt have been able to see anyone coming from the front to bark at them since i have a 6ft wooden fence built up on the side of the house to prevent any access to the back, unless u come through the house to access it. The area that i had her enclosed in on the side of the house had the 6ft fence on one side,...and a 3ft fence on the other side. She was a very small dog,...rat terrier mix,.....14 years old. Couldn't jump anymore and could barely run. Couldn't keep her in the house anymore because she had a very weak bladder,...even if i picked her up gently by her sides, it would be like popping a water balloon.....piss everywhere. But i think pure hunger made the coyote make that attempt during the broad daylight hours.
Wow. Sorry about your pup.

You have a beautiful setup though