Speaking of missing in action, Where TF is Leroy Soup Nuts?


BGOL Legend
Somebody started a thread about shadow22 missing but someone brought up a few days ago that @LSN hasn't been seen for a minute.

I haven't been logging on like I used to but did he post anything recently?

He usually post dozens of times a day!

I went to search his name and all I get is the BGOL Community Error.

I hope the brotha is ok.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Somebody started a thread about shadow22 missing but someone brought up a few days ago that @LSN hasn't been seen for a minute.

I haven't been logging on like I used to but did he post anything recently?

He usually post dozens of times a day!

I went to search his name and all I get is the BGOL Community Error.

I hope the brotha is ok.
Yeah I haven't seen him in a minute.......you get use to seeing certain members on here.....I just be they be good and had to take a break.....or their free trial ran out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man The Coli .....:smh:

Where no one shit talks and people make 30 posts in a thread begging for the name of chick.

But good point about LSN I haven’t seen dude in a minute.

yeah I remember bgol was having issues and folks were talkin about other options the coli came up a lot...

and dudes started registering with them.. it seems they got word tooo many bgolers were coming through so they closed registration...

there was a dude here hookin people up... so I send him a p.m and he never responded..
so I just went over the coli as a lurker to see what they were about..

and there were few sus threads and post... and it seemed like a bgol pg-13

and it was like going back to the time when you couldnt watch R movies..because you were too young

I couldnt do it....

there has to be a better option B tho if bgol is unreachable...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
*^^^* I visit other sites but I’ll never leave Bgol. I been on here since then Lady Garden Snake days. Shit like 99 I got on here. This butch done seen me through college and everything.
The coli keeps you young. The youth over there are so fucking dumb. It reminds me of my childhood.

And of course they are the home of #GMB and #HOH


Rising Star
Platinum Member
what the hell is the gmb and hoh..
Get married Breh and hard on hoes.

It was started by a black guy from Canada who hated relationships. He would catalog all marriages that ended with the man being screwed over. Ironically, he left the forum when he fell in love.

And hard on hoes worship at the feet of snoop doggy dog.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
yeah I remember bgol was having issues and folks were talkin about other options the coli came up a lot...

and dudes started registering with them.. it seems they got word tooo many bgolers were coming through so they closed registration...

there was a dude here hookin people up... so I send him a p.m and he never responded..
so I just went over the coli as a lurker to see what they were about..

and there were few sus threads and post... and it seemed like a bgol pg-13

and it was like going back to the time when you couldnt watch R movies..because you were too young

I couldnt do it....

there has to be a better option B tho if bgol is unreachable...
Isnt the Coli full of coons and anti black woman dudes?


BGOL Legend
He might have finally gotten himself a woman.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
which room is most like bgol...or attracive to BGOL'ers
That’s the thing. Every forum is exciting. The sports forum is a great place with knowledgeable fans. I fell in love with their hip hop forum, but since these kids are a different generation from me, I’m not in there anymore. The locker room is for general fuckery. And higher learning is for political postings. There are other forums but I can’t really get into all the stuff the kids are into. Their unfiltered forum stinks. They post wack, Asian chicks. Their movie forum is pretty good too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Get married Breh and hard on hoes.

It was started by a black guy from Canada who hated relationships. He would catalog all marriages that ended with the man being screwed over. Ironically, he left the forum when he fell in love.

And hard on hoes worship at the feet of snoop doggy dog.

thats funny but Im happy for bruh....

what is cool about that site is its more like a private club, bgol used to have that feel..

but now its WIIIIIIIDDDDE OPEN....

btw you wouldnt happen to be jets would you.. nothin wrong wit dat, just askin..

maybe I just peeped it on the wrong day....I may give it another shot if this site shuts down for a few days or more...

can you get dudes registered