Spencer Cornelia - 10 Year SCAM to Build a FAKE School


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Getting Christopher Columbus vibes...fuck this Spencer dude...but Dr. Umar been up to some slick shit for a long minute
Hating on anything black is the biggest grift and it pisses me off when other black people join in. Even if you happen to agree....you dont have to do it online. This shit is dangerous...especially if you have followers


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But Umar is scamming his brothers and sisters. Surely you think that’s despicable.

If someone wants to donate to that man, and they are comfortable with whatever reasons he has for not fullfilling his promises...THATS ON THEM!!!!

My point goes way beyond Umar. Honestly if this man has scammed any many people as everyone says , why hasnt he been taken down for it.

Serious question from someone who hasnt donated a cent and and barely knows the inner workings of the funds requests...

I mean, supposedly the man has stolen soooo much money , but he puts his face and location online everyday for folks to see.

Call the cops


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But Umar is scamming his brothers and sisters. Surely you think that’s despicable.
They don't think it's despicable.
They feel if it's alright to lie, scam and deceive Black people... just as long as it's a Black man who does it.
They'll look at both these men and swear that only one of them is a liar, a grifter and a coon.

- One is selling racist lies and bullshit to White people.
- The other is selling racial lies and bullshit to Black people.
But some fools folks here really believe Umar knows what's best for The Black Community just 'cuz he claims to be "pro-Black".


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If someone wants to donate to that man, and they are comfortable with whatever reasons he has for not fullfilling his promises...THATS ON THEM!!!!

My point goes way beyond Umar. Honestly if this man has scammed any many people as everyone says , why hasnt he been taken down for it.

Serious question from someone who hasnt donated a cent and and barely knows the inner workings of the funds requests...

I mean, supposedly the man has stolen soooo much money , but he puts his face and location online everyday for folks to see.

Call the cops
Imagine a religious institution and its workers. Imagine if those workers did deplorable things to children. Do you think the institution will stand with the victims or the workers who represent the institution?

Black people are incapable of policing against the Umars in the community.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I'm shocked people still believe Umar's bs. It's one thing to take over a DECADE to open a "school", but it also shows that he can't afford the overhead after the "school" is opened. Administration, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, security, and having a breakfast/lunch program for the children. Even for a small school, that's a lot of scratch for a man that can't seem to raise the necessary funds to even open the doors.

Some of us are suckas though. We wanna believe in people with big dreams. Even if we get hustled in the process.

Don't be mad at that white boy for pointing out what some of us have been saying for 10 years. When you're a bullshitter, you open yourself up for criticism like this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I'm shocked people still believe Umar's bs. It's one thing to take over a DECADE to open a "school", but it also shows that he can't afford the overhead after the "school" is opened. Administration, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, security, and having a breakfast/lunch program for the children. Even for a small school, that's a lot of scratch for a man that can't seem to raise the necessary funds to even open the doors.

Some of us are suckas though. We wanna believe in people with big dreams. Even if we get hustled in the process.

Don't be mad at that white boy for pointing out what some of us have been saying for 10 years. When you're a bullshitter, you open yourself up for criticism like this.

I dont see one post in this thread that capes or even siding wit Umar. Mostly just people saying fuck the CAC. . You projecting a little bit

...so this goes back to my earlier question...if yall been "sayin this for 10 years" and NOTHING is ever done........is the law even being broken here?

this dude aint even on Diddy level. If he was breaking the law, scamming folks, stealing like yall sayin.....then surely the authorities would be on it. He black....they wont save him.

What gives here?