Sports Media: Skip Bayliss Leaving ESPN for FOX $6 Mil/yr UPDATE: UNDISPUTED OVER!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No I wouldn't and I don't watch Skip's show either.

Irvin's entertaining at times but I don't necessarily want to hear any of their sports takes in general.

Some football takes maybe. But they're three ex-football players so what are they gonna tell me about basketball? :lol:

Just for football stuff.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Because Skip's the glue and the main attraction.

People wouldn't tune in to to watch the Irvin, Keyshawn and Richard show.
The main attraction for White people. If they aren't included, they don't care. That's why Keyshawn, J-will and whomever didn't work. There wasn't enough White people tuning in


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
You're right about a white person needed for them to tune in.

Again, Skip's the attraction and not the others.
That's the difference between us and them. We can tune in to a show with no Black people and enjoy it, but if they don't see their representation they don't fuck with it at all, regardless of how good it is


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The main attraction for White people. If they aren't included, they don't care. That's why Keyshawn, J-will and whomever didn't work. There wasn't enough White people tuning in
If EJ was switched out for an equally good Black host do you think Cacs won’t tune in to “Inside the NBA”?


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Skip has to regret this
You would think so, but that arrogant motherfucker is still happening somebody is willing to pay him to talk still. But if he has any sense he know he fucked up the bag. I can see them canceling that shit after the Super Bowl or at best after the finals


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
If EJ was switched out for an equally good Black host do you think Cacs won’t tune in to “Inside the NBA”?
I'm saying that if EJ wasn't there at all and it was just charles, Shaq, Kenny and maybe one other person that's black, the ratings will go down. Trust me that's how white people are

Remember they changed the rules in basketball just so there's a white person on every team because fans weren't showing up, white fans that is


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I watched the 1st three days and it was very entertaining especially when I fast forward all the Dallas Cowboys talk. 1st take is much more informative and diverse cause they do all sports but Skip picked 3 men that know sports and are also very smart.