Spouses divorcing over MAGA


BGOL Investor
From a black woman married to a white man:

So I joined Reddit for the group. I’ve been at my wits end trying to explain what happened to my marriage to my family. Their advice is that “there are just some things you don’t talk about in a marriage”. But what was going on absolutely needed to be addressed. I just need to get this off my chest. Anyway, I was happily married for five years. We were together for 13 years if you include the time we dated. In 2016 he started watching Alex Jones and following all of the various conspiracy theories. Over a four year period it escalated from casual “Did you hear that.....” to “You’ve been brain washed by....”. But that wasn’t even the most painful part. When the BLM protest were happening he said that people needed to verbally express their concerns and not be violent. I explained that people have expressed concerns for years but it has seemed as if no one is listening. So he ask me if I’ve ever experienced anything. For context I am a Black/African-American woman and he is caucasian. So I told him about the numerous times I have been discriminated against. One story in particular happened while I was in college in 2006. I was told that I was not allowed into a particular bar because they “didn’t want my kind” there. I told my husband that barring entry based on race is racist. He said “I hear what you’re saying, but where’s your proof that this was racist?” He then went on to say how he doesn’t believe racism exists and that it’s all just personal preference. I felt so betrayed and heart broken. I feel there is no coming back from a comment like that. So after nine years of marriage we are currently separated and going through a divorce.

*Not going to lie. I chuckled a little bit.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From a black woman married to a white man:

So I joined Reddit for the group. I’ve been at my wits end trying to explain what happened to my marriage to my family. Their advice is that “there are just some things you don’t talk about in a marriage”. But what was going on absolutely needed to be addressed. I just need to get this off my chest. Anyway, I was happily married for five years. We were together for 13 years if you include the time we dated. In 2016 he started watching Alex Jones and following all of the various conspiracy theories. Over a four year period it escalated from casual “Did you hear that.....” to “You’ve been brain washed by....”. But that wasn’t even the most painful part. When the BLM protest were happening he said that people needed to verbally express their concerns and not be violent. I explained that people have expressed concerns for years but it has seemed as if no one is listening. So he ask me if I’ve ever experienced anything. For context I am a Black/African-American woman and he is caucasian. So I told him about the numerous times I have been discriminated against. One story in particular happened while I was in college in 2006. I was told that I was not allowed into a particular bar because they “didn’t want my kind” there. I told my husband that barring entry based on race is racist. He said “I hear what you’re saying, but where’s your proof that this was racist?” He then went on to say how he doesn’t believe racism exists and that it’s all just personal preference. I felt so betrayed and heart broken. I feel there is no coming back from a comment like that. So after nine years of marriage we are currently separated and going through a divorce.

*Not going to lie. I chuckled a little bit.



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
There are some incredibly oblivious, naive, ignorant or uneducated black people out there who think racism is a thing of the past and everybody's equal now.

Those of us in the know can't tell them shit even though we see what's coming a mile away.

So unfortunately for them, they're gonna have to learn the hard way.



Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
From a black woman married to a white man:

So I joined Reddit for the group. I’ve been at my wits end trying to explain what happened to my marriage to my family. Their advice is that “there are just some things you don’t talk about in a marriage”. But what was going on absolutely needed to be addressed. I just need to get this off my chest. Anyway, I was happily married for five years. We were together for 13 years if you include the time we dated. In 2016 he started watching Alex Jones and following all of the various conspiracy theories. Over a four year period it escalated from casual “Did you hear that.....” to “You’ve been brain washed by....”. But that wasn’t even the most painful part. When the BLM protest were happening he said that people needed to verbally express their concerns and not be violent. I explained that people have expressed concerns for years but it has seemed as if no one is listening. So he ask me if I’ve ever experienced anything. For context I am a Black/African-American woman and he is caucasian. So I told him about the numerous times I have been discriminated against. One story in particular happened while I was in college in 2006. I was told that I was not allowed into a particular bar because they “didn’t want my kind” there. I told my husband that barring entry based on race is racist. He said “I hear what you’re saying, but where’s your proof that this was racist?” He then went on to say how he doesn’t believe racism exists and that it’s all just personal preference. I felt so betrayed and heart broken. I feel there is no coming back from a comment like that. So after nine years of marriage we are currently separated and going through a divorce.

*Not going to lie. I chuckled a little bit.

After a comment like he gave to her i feel there has been many things in their relationship that she fell to address! She overlooked many things because of her love for him..shit happens...


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Wasn't there another story of a black girl who's white dude started beating her and calling her the n-word and went all in for Trump a few years ago? I think someone posted that

I feel like that Tommy Lee Jones meme, I don't care. One of the reasons I refuse to even fuck white bitches is I know they won't understand me, black people, or our struggles. Racism isn't some mythical beast, some Boogeyman that only black people can see.

There are some white people who are cool. And of course life doesn't have an easy button. You can't just see a black person and know that they're good, no more than you can see a white person and know that they are evil. But you choose who you want to be in a relationship with and They start talking sideways, it's time to cut bait. You should have never hooked that fish in the first place


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

to make US FOLK THINK its because of COMPLEXION

cacs feel some type of way... WRONG..



but we dont know our history, we allowed the colonizers to TEACH OUR CHILDREN..

how da fuck did we allow that shit to happen....

well the result of that shit is the majority of us not realizing, we are being captives



but we dont know our history... but many cacs do, especially those scum suckers in

the upper echelons of THE VATICAN true head of all mafians, and the cocksuckers of british society

who OWN and CONTROL all lawyers in this country......

sheeeet they got us thinkin U.S stands for United States, as if there is anything United about

the states..

and dont even KNOW it stands for

UN SANCTUM... and that right there would tell you what its all about.

Im gonna leave it at that...



they rather we think its about something silly as skin color, because JUST KNOWING


like its starting to do...

NOT KNOWING saves the COLONIZERS from karma...



UNINDOCTRINATE yourself so you can do smart things like LEAVE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY

which is nothing but lawyers and ZIONIST with SATANIC agendas.. republikkklans are just greedy

muthafuckas.. but democrats are sneaky demonic lil fucks that think "black" people are easily BOUGHT and


and PIMP racism to get votes every year....

every election year, some big racist police story would come out,

and scare folks into voting for the demoncrats.. that shit been played out with me...

I remember the same thing around this time in 2015 right before the 2016 election

with the Death of Sandra Bland...

nobody sees a pattern here???


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If that was all that broke their marriage up, then they should have never been married in the first place. She was like counseling what?

To think, I know ppl who stayed together for far worse that.

Today marriage is treated like really really long dating.

No wonder marriage is such a joke today.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If that was all that broke their marriage up, then they should have never been married in the first place. She was like counseling what?

To think, I know ppl who stayed together for far worse that.

Today marriage is treated like really really long dating.

No wonder marriage is such a joke today.
Most women envision a wedding day, not a marriage bruh.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
It's doubtful if the Black lady's white husband's racism started in 2016. Oftentimes when people are "in love" -- they are blinded by their loved ones' faults because: 1) His/her faults don't outweigh their positives. And/or-- B) "I can change him/her." If this Black lady could be objective --no doubt she could recall telltale signs of his racism long before he decided to express it overtly. "Confucious say: "The ground cannot germinate a seed that is not planted!" Chuck's 'racism seed' was always there -- just needed the right conditions to germinate!


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Especially the interracial marriages, the black woman should have known this about their husband. They just was in a bubble until that bubble popped. Also, this is happening to a lot of white women who are liberal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Racism is a American as Baseball and Apple pie

It exist and most of us deal with it on a dialy basis and it's the small things they do that lets you know he or she is one of them;Like talking to a black female rather than you,placing a reciept on the counter rather than your hand,avoiding eye contact and a whole list of shit that goes on when it comes to just dealing with people in general and especially white people.

She married him and he felt that way all the time but she was just to smittened to notice all of that and he's not going to change cause he's benefited from being white his whole life.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Racism is a American as Baseball and Apple pie

It exist and most of us deal with it on a daily basis and it's the small things they do that lets you know he or she is one of them;Like talking to a black female rather than you,placing a receipt on the counter rather than your hand, avoiding eye contact and a whole list of shit that goes on when it comes to just dealing with people in general and especially white people.

She married him and he felt that way all the time but she was just to smittened to notice all of that and he's not going to change cause he's benefited from being white his whole life.
I notice a lot of times grocery store clerks will decide that its time to clean the counter when I'm next up. I work in highly secure areas and security is always checking for my badge. Sometimes they don't even see it right on my neck and still ask me for I.D.
I got one old ass cracka slob sent home for that shit once. He kept pestering me. I was wearing my badge and he still tried to question me. What made me get his ass sent home was when he said "I'll let you go this time..." :angry:

Not to mention, many times I've been mistaken for security in bars. More than a few times, I've been standing near the door in a bar and a white person walks up to me and hands me their I.D.
These CACs know exactly what they are doing when they do shit loike that. Its the small, subtle ways of trying to make you feel unwelcome in a place that they consider "their" spaces.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of shit to consider when marrying outside your race. White people vote Red no matter what! Even if it's a fucking Donald Trump!